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Guinea pig infection and drooling


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 26, 2020
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Guys my Guinea pig (Mith) has been drooling since three days. I went to the vet and they are giving injections to her and maybe her infection is recovering but she is refusing to eat anything, and even if she wants to eat her mouth isn't opening. What do I do anyone please suggest I'm so stressed. She is a little active but she isn't eating she will become weak if she doesn't eat. What do I do! And also her eyes are teary.


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If she can’t eat for herself, then you must syringe feed her. The guides I have linked in below will explain how to do if. She will need to be syringe fed mushed up pellets (or critical care if you have it) every few hours to keep her system going.
Alongside that you will need to weigh her every day to check she is being syringe fed enough food.

What is the infection? Is it an abscess? What were the injections? Has she seen a cavy savvy vet and have her teeth been properly checked?

Not Eating, Weight Loss And The Importance Of Syringe Feeding Fibre
Complete Syringe Feeding Guide
Emergency, Crisis and Bridging Care until a Vet Appointment
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If she can’t eat for herself, then you must syringe feed her. The guides I have linked in below will explain how to do if. She will need to be syringe fed mushed up pellets (or critical care if you have it) every few hours to keep her system going.
Alongside that you will need to weigh her every day to check she is being syringe fed enough food.

What is the infection? Is it an abscess? What were the injections? Has she seen a cavy savvy vet and have her teeth been properly checked?

Not Eating, Weight Loss And The Importance Of Syringe Feeding Fibre
Complete Syringe Feeding Guide
Emergency, Crisis and Bridging Care until a Vet Appointment
Her teeth has been properly checked, they're fine. The infection is in her chin side. She drank a little water and glucose few minutes ago. Vet days her body is too weak for syringe so they we have to make her lick glucose to keep stamina in her body.
Is your vet a guinea pig specialist?
I’ve not heard of syringing glucose as an alternative - They need a lot of fibre going through the system to prevent gut stasis. @Wiebke
:agr: with the above. Glucose won't keep her guts going, which is a real necessity when it comes to guinea pigs. If you have any pellets for her then think about soaking them in warm water and syringe feeding them to her once cooled. I'd try and do that every 3 hours especially if she isn't eating for herself.

You also should weigh her at the same time every day, as Piggies&Buns suggested above. If she is losing weight you need to syringe feed more often.

What is the plan to deal with the infection?

Are you based in Asia - India, Pakistan?
:agr: with the above. Glucose won't keep her guts going, which is a real necessity when it comes to guinea pigs. If you have any pellets for her then think about soaking them in warm water and syringe feeding them to her once cooled. I'd try and do that every 3 hours especially if she isn't eating for herself.

You also should weigh her at the same time every day, as Piggies&Buns suggested above. If she is losing weight you need to syringe feed more often.

What is the plan to deal with the infection?

Are you based in Asia - India, Pakistan?

Yes I'm from India, We Don't have pallets here we get guinea pig food (cookies kind of) and there's no specific vet for guinea pig and that's the issue.
Not Eating, Weight Loss And The Importance Of Syringe Feeding Fibre
Complete Syringe Feeding Guide
Emergency, Crisis and Bridging Care until a Vet Appointment

Could you also add your location to your profile please as it can help us tailor our advice, and if you are in the uk, we may be able to suggest a cavy savvy vet
I'm from India, and here we don't have specific vet for guinea pig and that's the issue. They don't have much knowledge about them and that's why I'm stressing
Oh dear I see your dilemma. Could you post a photo of the packaging of the cookies? It may help to know whats in them. Otherwise I don't know if it's possible to get something like critical care from your vet. Hopefully @Wiebke may be able to give some suggestions. Otherwise it's a really difficult situation. Does she live alone?
Is your vet a guinea pig specialist?
I’ve not heard of syringing glucose as an alternative - They need a lot of fibre going through the system to prevent gut stasis. @Wiebke
No he's not a guinea pig specialist he's a vet. There are no specific vet in my city. 😣 That's why I've to follow up whatever they are saying.
She needs a hay based food to keep her system from shutting down. She will be getting week if she isn’t getting any food into her. She needs to be eating hay.
What are these cookies you feed them? Are they fibre rich/hay based?
What is the injection she was given? Has you been given any pain medication or antibiotics to give to her?
Oh dear I see your dilemma. Could you post a photo of the packaging of the cookies? It may help to know whats in them. Otherwise I don't know if it's possible to get something like critical care from your vet. Hopefully @Wiebke may be able to give some suggestions. Otherwise it's a really difficult situation. Does she live alone?
Yes she lives alone there were more 3 guinea pigs along with her and they all died 2 years back suspiciously.


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Unfortunately that contains lots of things that shouldn't be fed to guinea pigs. There is no grass in there at all in fact. That's not your fault, it's down to suppliers not knowing about the nutritional needs of guinea pigs. Is she eating hay at all?

@VickiA could you make any suggestions as to what can be done with this piggy?
:agr: The food isn’t suitable to be fed anyway

Can you order critical care online?

What medication is she being given? Have you been given pain relief and antibiotics to give to her?
You say its an infection, but is it an abscess - potentially connected to a dental problem?
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Unfortunately that contains lots of things that shouldn't be fed to guinea pigs. There is no grass in there at all in fact. That's not your fault, it's down to suppliers not knowing about the nutritional needs of guinea pigs. Is she eating hay at all?

@VickiA could you make any suggestions as to what can be done with this piggy?
She it's grasses/coriander leaves/ spinach more often than these Cookies.
:agr: The food isn’t suitable to be fed anyway

Can you order critical care online?

What medication is she being given? Have you been given pain relief and antibiotics to give to her?
You say its an infection, but is it an abscess - potentially connected to a dental problem?
The vet said that there is no dental issue, it's an infection, should I prefer another vet?
You should speak to the vet and ask them what kind of infection it is. Ask if it is a cyst or abscess. And how it will be treated.
Also, cut down on the spinach. It should be one leaf a week only. It's high in calcium so not good to feed too much. When you say grass do you mean hay or grass from the garden? How much does she eat?
Have you been able to weigh her?
Hi and welcome

I am so sorry about your problems!

Drooling means that there is a blockage of some sort somewhere in the digestive system from the mouth to the anus. It is a sign that the saliva can no longer pass.
This is can happen from overgrown back teeth that trap the tongue or oral thrush (fungal mouth infection) but over the years I have also lost piggies of mine who could no longer swallow from neurological reasons (there should be a bad smell in the mouth and decaying food stuck in there), a bad swelling at the back of the mouth which didn't show on the outside, a throat infection that did swell the throat shut before the medication could kick in (in the days before we had weekend cover) and twice from blockages in the gut (one of them over Christmas day 2017 when she passed away while waiting to be seen by the overloaded emergency vet service). In all these cases I sadly had to make the heart-breaking decision to have these piggies euthanised as the kindest thing I could do for them. :(

Did you get only a one off injection or are you getting a course of them as a single injection (what actually was the injection?) won't solve anything?

You can try to soak the bits in your mix in warm/hot water and syringe feed (see the syringe feeding guide), but if the feed comes back out or your piggy really fights you because they can no longer process any food, then please be courageous and kind to let her go. sometimes this is sadly the only, but the most loving gift left that we can make a pet we would go to the ends of the world for.

Complete Syringe Feeding Guide (includes a video of how to syringe feed; please don't try to give more than a tiny bit, about 0.1 ml to a guinea pig that struggles to swallow and may no longer be able to get any food down).
A Practical and Sensitive Guide to Dying, Terminal Illness and Euthanasia in Guinea Pigs (including lists of symptoms that will help you make an informed decision whether it is worth fighting on or whether it is too late - we can't make that decision for you through the screen).

I wish I had better news. Be strong for your clearly beloved girl!
:agr: The food isn’t suitable to be fed anyway

Can you order critical care online?

What medication is she being given? Have you been given pain relief and antibiotics to give to her?
You say its an infection, but is it an abscess - potentially connected to a dental problem?
Antibiotics has been given with glucose and pain killers
You should speak to the vet and ask them what kind of infection it is. Ask if it is a cyst or abscess. And how it will be treated.
Also, cut down on the spinach. It should be one leaf a week only. It's high in calcium so not good to feed too much. When you say grass do you mean hay or grass from the garden? How much does she eat?
Have you been able to weigh her?
she doesn't like hay I've tried many times to feed her but she refuses. She loves grasses like handfull of grasses likely in 3-4 days. Tomatoes she eats rarely but kind of loves it, cucumber not really, spinach like 4-5 leaves in 1-2 days. She loves "Karmatta bhaaji" a kind of leaf in here. Carrots and ladyfinger she eats a lot.

her weight right now is 59.7 gms.
What antibiotics and what painkiller? Was there a lump on the chin?

Have a read of Wiebke's reply and see how to move forward. Sorry you're in such a tough position.
Hi and welcome

I am so sorry about your problems!

If she can't eat open her mouth and is drooling, then it is most likely that her teeth have badly overgrown and the ones at the back have started bridging and trapping the tongue. the drooling is a sign that your girl is struggling to swallow. Unfortunately, unless she can be seen by a vet who is able to deal with her teeth (and they are rare in any country), her teeth will continue to grow and give her a slow and agonising death. :(

As an emergency measure, can you soak the bit in the dry food mix that soften in some hot water and start feeding those?
Please also gently syringe water.

If you greatly struggle to get a syringe in her mouth (see the video in the syringe feeding guide about how to), then it may unfortunately be kinder to have her euthanised sooner rather than later. :(
Sure. Thankyou so much, I'm trying
What antibiotics and what painkiller? Was there a lump on the chin?

Have a read of Wiebke's reply and see how to move forward. Sorry you're in such a tough position.
Penicillin (antibiotics) and paracetamol
she doesn't like hay I've tried many times to feed her but she refuses. She loves grasses like handfull of grasses likely in 3-4 days. Tomatoes she eats rarely but kind of loves it, cucumber not really, spinach like 4-5 leaves in 1-2 days. She loves "Karmatta bhaaji" a kind of leaf in here. Carrots and ladyfinger she eats a lot.

her weight right now is 59.7 gms.
Are you sure about that weight? 59.7g or 597g?
If she doesn't eat hay and only eats a little grass then the teeth could definitely be a problem. Their teeth grow all the time so they need to eat hay and grass to wear them down. And it needs to be in constant supply rather than a handful over 3-4 days.

I'll leave you in peace to decide what you're going to do, especially if you struggle to syringe feed.
Penicillin (antibiotics) and paracetamol

To my knowledge, penicillin should never be given to guinea pigs as it is toxic to them.

Without hay in her diet then her teeth will overgrow, so I do suggest that this is a dental issue. Hay needs to be available to them for their main food constantly every single day and night.

If you mean 597 grams, then that is very small.
Please also consider all these aspects (sorry I am not quite well today and my brain is struggling a bit to get in gear):

Drooling means that there is a blockage of some sort somewhere in the digestive system from the mouth to the anus. It is a sign that the saliva can no longer pass.
This is can happen from overgrown back teeth that trap the tongue or oral thrush (fungal mouth infection) but over the years I have also lost piggies of mine who could no longer swallow from neurological reasons (there should be a bad smell in the mouth and decaying food stuck in there), a bad swelling at the back of the mouth which didn't show on the outside, a throat infection that did swell the throat shut before the medication could kick in (in the days before we had weekend cover) and twice from blockages in the gut (one of them over Christmas day 2017 when she passed away while waiting to be seen by the overloaded emergency vet service). In all these cases I sadly had to make the heart-breaking decision to have these piggies euthanised as the kindest thing I could do for them. :(

Complete Syringe Feeding Guide (includes a video of how to syringe feed; please don't try to give more than a tiny bit, about 0.1 ml to a guinea pig that struggles to swallow and may no longer be able to get any food down).
A Practical and Sensitive Guide to Dying, Terminal Illness and Euthanasia in Guinea Pigs (including lists of symptoms that will help you make an informed decision whether it is worth fighting on or whether it is too late - we can't make that decision for you through the screen).

I wish I had better news. Be strong for your clearly beloved girl!
To my knowledge, penicillin should never be given to guinea pigs as it is toxic to them.

Without hay in her diet then her teeth will overgrow, so I do suggest that this is a dental issue. Hay needs to be available to them for their main food constantly every single day and night.

If you mean 597 grams, then that is very small.
I've found her many a times eating dry grasses, or paper. i always used to made her stop eating those papers and then she used to go for hay. We don't find pallets in here so I used to provide her with hay . I don't understand where did I lag keeping her safe. It's so heartbreaking to see her like that she was always cheerful and happy, used to squeak all day but sudden since last three days she's so silent.
Please also consider all these aspects (sorry I am not quite well today and my brain is struggling a bit to get in gear):

Drooling means that there is a blockage of some sort somewhere in the digestive system from the mouth to the anus. It is a sign that the saliva can no longer pass.
This is can happen from overgrown back teeth that trap the tongue or oral thrush (fungal mouth infection) but over the years I have also lost piggies of mine who could no longer swallow from neurological reasons (there should be a bad smell in the mouth and decaying food stuck in there), a bad swelling at the back of the mouth which didn't show on the outside, a throat infection that did swell the throat shut before the medication could kick in (in the days before we had weekend cover) and twice from blockages in the gut (one of them over Christmas day 2017 when she passed away while waiting to be seen by the overloaded emergency vet service). In all these cases I sadly had to make the heart-breaking decision to have these piggies euthanised as the kindest thing I could do for them. :(

Complete Syringe Feeding Guide (includes a video of how to syringe feed; please don't try to give more than a tiny bit, about 0.1 ml to a guinea pig that struggles to swallow and may no longer be able to get any food down).
A Practical and Sensitive Guide to Dying, Terminal Illness and Euthanasia in Guinea Pigs (including lists of symptoms that will help you make an informed decision whether it is worth fighting on or whether it is too late - we can't make that decision for you through the screen).

I wish I had better news. Be strong for your clearly beloved girl!
Thankyou so much. Thankyou ❤️ and take care of yourself ☺️
She seems better than yesterday. Her infection is reducing, there's a little hair loss under her chin because of infection (fungus) but she's doing well. She has started eating herself, i offered her carrot juice and she it drank herself. No vet visit from tomorrow, the vet told that we have to visit them only if she totally refuses to eat. 8 drops of medicine is to be given in morning and in evening. I'm still syringe feeding her. @Wiebke @Piggies&buns @Siikibam special thanks to you guys❤
Thankyou so much for the suggestions everyone. 😌 And a huge thanks to this forum.
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