Free Ranger
Forum Donator 2023/24
Yes, a few years ago when we had a stone surgery on a boy it was quoted as between £500 and £600.
Good luck with your preparations x
Good luck with your preparations x
Yes, a few years ago when we had a stone surgery on a boy it was quoted as between £500 and £600.
Good luck with your preparations x
That is a good idea, thanks, I'll see if they can accommodate that. I just hope they will be gentle and attentive with him (the brother) as he is more jumpy and well, a little neurotic, in the nicest possible way. It would be a long day for him though, involving trains and taxis.If they live together normally would your vet consider them both going in together? This is what I did with my girls when one was going in for a tooth operation. They both stay at the vet while the patient comes round and gets ready to come home. You could ask your vet whether this is normal practice for them. You obviously label very clearly which piggy is the patient - I had stickers with 'the brown one' all over my cat box!
ThanksWow that's great news!
Do you know how he did it? I thought once in the urethra it was very tricky for the boys. My little sow once had a huge one removed from hers with forceps (ouch!) and another was given an opioid painkiller (which stoned her out) and a huge fluid bolus under the skin and she managed to pee one out, but the girls urethras are more straight, and I think a bit bigger. Boys generally have a much harder time.
Thank you, that's so sweetThe stone was a huge spiky ninja death star. About 3-4 mm wide and longer in the other direction. All corners and rock hard. I should have taken a pic because I seriously couldn't believe it had come out of her or how she'd managed to pee round it. The vet had felt the lump straight away upon examination - I don't think they even x-rayed as I'd remember seeing that on a scan! She was normally a bold girl but she was pretty traumatised that day and nervy back at home for the next couple (presumably she thought she was going back to the vet again whenever I came over!) but she was physically back to normal and had avoided the GA so I was grateful.
I lost a big boar immediately following a stone surgery so I was really keeping everything crossed for you. He was an older rescue boy so we don't know his circumstances but I felt we barely got time to know him. His stone was large and painful though, so there wasn't any other option. I'm so glad you managed to avoid the op. Well done boys -we're all happy you're home again!
When you're really how about a piccy of them together?!
How lovely! And they snuggle! I've never really had snugglers unless one was poorly. I've never seen hair like that either - that's glamour
My little girl passed at about 5 (we never really know as they're all rescue) but I've been piggy keeping for about 10 years so they all have a special place in my heart whether we have them for a short or long time. We were lucky enough to have her for nearly 4 years.
It must be nice to wake up with a pedi. I went in for an op (abdominal) myself earlier this year and came back home the same day. It wasn't until that night I realised my pants were on inside out which was a bit unnerving. I would have been happier about having my toe nails trimmed!
AdorableLouise, George and Flora bringing up the rear...
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