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Guinea pig castration explained

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Wow, thanks for that, fascinating pictures!

My two were castrated a couple of months ago, but the vet made a single incision on the abdomen, about half an inch away from the penis, through which she removed the testicles. She said that siting the incision there made wound infections less likely. Has anyone else's boars been castrated the same way as mine were? They certainly sailed through the op, had no post op complications whatsoever and are now fully healed and happily living with a new lady friend each!

Amanda1801, I didn't know that about ferrets! Every day's a schoolday!

It will have been done in the same way. Just through one incision. Just the same way a dog is castrated. Its just a bit harder to push the balls out through one hole a bit further away.

I'm so sorry your lost your boy Piggylove after a castration. :0

I have to admit, i had a huge panic post op with my lad. I was doing a dogs aneathetic and someone rushed through with a piggy that had just died, i thought it was mine and had a huge panic. Turned out to be a very sick piggie who hadnt eaten in days. Poor pig. 8... For a sec i thought it was Oz. Ive never had such a panic.


i took little jack away from the girls and he is lonesome. how old does he have to be to be neutered?
additional post op pictures of ozzie

Hi Abi nurse, I don't suppose you have any more post op pictures of Ozzies neuter do you? Say, first day second, etc. Thanks so much for posting this thread! Lara and the gang
I'll try and get a picture of Rebel 6 weeks post op now that his abscess has cleared up.
Brillant post, really useful. I have two boars, which have now had to be separated as they began to fight pretty badly :( I've seen in a few places that it wouldn't change their behaviour if they're castrated?
I'm worried they'll be lonely, but I don't know if we have enough room/resources for four! they still lie next to one another either side of a divider...?
At the moment we have a two level cage, 2x3 C+C grids (they have one level each now, but we've been putting them on the floor next to eachother rather than stacked) I'm think about stacking them back up, with a third level in between which is divided down the middle, so they could stay on their exclusive level or see eachother through the bars...would this work? would this work and give extra room for a female each? ahhh! need opinions! :{
Really interesting, and useful. I wish i had seen this before i had Harvey done, i think there would have been far less panic on my end if i knew what was being done to him!
Brillant post, really useful. I have two boars, which have now had to be separated as they began to fight pretty badly :( I've seen in a few places that it wouldn't change their behaviour if they're castrated?
I'm worried they'll be lonely, but I don't know if we have enough room/resources for four! they still lie next to one another either side of a divider...?
At the moment we have a two level cage, 2x3 C+C grids (they have one level each now, but we've been putting them on the floor next to eachother rather than stacked) I'm think about stacking them back up, with a third level in between which is divided down the middle, so they could stay on their exclusive level or see eachother through the bars...would this work? would this work and give extra room for a female each? ahhh! need opinions! :{

It wont change behaviour. Living side by side with girlfriends could work, but it really does depend on your pigs. Ive had neutered boars with ther respected sow or sows with them and they havent bothered. However i can imagine some winding each other up.

how old do they have to be to be done? I am thinking of doing this for Skittles so he can just be placed with his mum? X
hi there quick question i want my 4 and a half month old gizzie castrated as he will not leave his cage mate alone and he is now attacking myself and my mum. i have had others castrated but none this young he is now hurting himself in his private area as his penis is now red do * think this is a good idea i am taking him to the vets on tuesday as a check up to see if he is ready for the op
Nah... Ozzie's forgiven me already, hes already started scoffing his veg. I told him in 6 weeks he can hve his girls. He'll be one happy boy. :)


Why did you wait 6 weeks, is this what was advised? Havin Mr Mint done next week but hadn't even thought about how long before meeting the girls.....
Why did you wait 6 weeks, is this what was advised? Havin Mr Mint done next week but hadn't even thought about how long before meeting the girls.....

Yes a wait of 6 weeks post op in needed. We have heard of a 5 weeks post op boar still being fertile.

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