Guinea Lion Doesn't Seem To Want A Friend... What To Do?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 29, 2014
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I have a male Abyssinian Guinea Pig and I was looking for a little friend for him. He is about 2 and a half years old. I re homed him about 6 months ago from a pets at home store. I was told that he had personality issues, when I got him but after going back and pressing for info it turned out that he was living with his 2 brothers and had been bullied, I was told that he was afraid of guinea pigs and needed to live alone.
I am worried that he may be lonely when my wife and I are at work (6-10 hours).
He is the most spoilt Guinea in the world and has a 6x2 c&c cage with a 2x2 loft all to himself, he runs and hides, forages, he adores my wife and gives her kisses, purrs and popcorns all the time.
I spoke to an online rescue who gave me some advice about neutering him, but I really dont want to risk it, so they advised that we take him to a local rescue to try him with a buddy.
We did and Herbie was petrified of any of the other guineas. Especially the other Abyssinian male, of a similar age. Herbie was terrified of them all and just shook in the corner when put with a young male, the aby he went nuts squeaking at. The lady removed them as she said they would fight any minute.
I am wondering if there is any point in trying him again or if he will just be happier alone...

Ideally I would like to find a neutered female to keep him company but I know these are rare. I keep being told that he should not be alone and that even if they are in separate cages that guineas do better knowing that another is near by, I just dont know what to do.
Hi there. Welcome to the forum. Although Herbie did not take to the boar it is worth trying him with other boars. It may mean he needs a very laid back boar. Some guinea pigs do have a neighbour and interacting through the bars makes them happy. That is another option worth trying. It is lovely you care so much for Herbie.
Hi again, glad you managed to get onto the forum.

Am tagging in @Wiebke she is our expert in bonding. Can I ask you to add your location to your profile it helps us tailor any advice to your location.

It sounds like your piggy has an amazing home with you both by the way. Some piggies live alone absolutely fine we have had a lone piggy after her sister died and she flourished. Maybe worth trying another experienced rescue in piggy dating there are some very good ones around... Which rescue did you try?

Keep checking back on this thread as sundays tend to be busy with members online so you may get some good advice
I'm told herbie really didn't like the other lil fella, he was really cute too, they both started wheeking intensely at each other. Only other time herbie has done that was when he came across a mirror during floor time... He's a funny lil critter
Hello, you sound like a brilliant owner.
I think that you should seriously consider another boar for side by side living though you may find a friend that he likes - it takes some boars multiple "dates" to find a friend.
I'm so glad he is with you, someone who understands his needs both in terms of care and companionship.
It was tiny paws in Bicester that I tried, I used to live in Oxfordshire. In Worcs now.

He's spoilt by my wife, he has the run of the house but mainly the living room and dining room, he seems to prefer his cage tho lol
But how do I know if it's the right one to be his friend. I mean if I get one to live side and herbie doesn't like him? Then they will both be alone... I mean what makes good side by side companions... I also worry that herbie will huff... He has been known to purr when I pet him only when he's annoyed with my wife, he adores her normally.
I can understand that. You could try further dates and if that does not work he may just be happier on his own. I wonder if his bad experiences have made him scared of boars, poor thing.
Yeah they said he lived with his two brothers for almost 2 years then something happened and he was attacked so he was segregated. Pets at home said he could never live with another piggie, at that time I didn't know enough to question it.
Yeah they said he lived with his two brothers for almost 2 years then something happened and he was attacked so he was segregated. Pets at home said he could never live with another piggie, at that time I didn't know enough to question it.
Even if you questioned it they would not know as that places says that about all boars due to lack of knowledge. They sell boars in trios which is a nightmare as they almost always fall out. Two world best.
I personally don't mind trying other rescues but my wife is worried that the experience is too stressful for Herbert, I arrived late for the first bonding session (I was working! I'm not bitter) and still hear about the fact that I didn't see herbies reaction to the last attempt.
I personally don't mind trying other rescues but my wife is worried that the experience is too stressful for Herbert, I arrived late for the first bonding session (I was working! I'm not bitter) and still hear about the fact that I didn't see herbies reaction to the last attempt.
I can understand that. Your wife is worried about Herbie being upset. There are a few piggies that do live happily alone. Herbie may be one.
Hi and welcome!

it sounds like poor Herbie must have a very traumatic time as yet another victim to p@h's misplaced policy of promoting the sale of baby trios (which have a failure rate of around 90%) and too small cages and hutches. :(

Could you get as far as Northampton to the Cat&Rabbit Care Clinic? They are very experienced with neutering operations and haven't lost a boar in years. Several of my boars have been neutered there, too. Sadly, the only rescue with a sow spaying policy (who were using that clinic, by the way) has closed down at the beginning of this year, so your chances of finding a spayed sow are unfortunately rather slim.

If you really can't face the risk with even one of the safest vets in the country, you could look into the option of keeping a couple of rescue sows next door to Herbie with interaction through the bars.
i have known a few boars that have been labelled as "must live alone" and all of them have found friends. But in Herbie's case he does sound terrified. Perhaps something really awful did happen to him. It sounds like he has a brilliant life with you anyway. He could have been adopted by someone who kept him alone outside in a hutch and that would have been miserable. You have tried your best, if you are worried about him being stressed by more introductions based on his extreme reaction when you took him dating then you are his owners and you know him better than anyone, trust your instincts.
Thanks for all the advice, this is why I asked for it... I just dont know...

I thought about getting a little friend that could live side by side until they got used to each other, then maybe introduce them on nuetral ground. But if they dont get along I worry that herbie will be put out with another piggie and that they both end up lonely...
A decent rescue would take back a guinea pig if a pairing did not work out, so you would have that safety net. Just explain the situation to them.
Stick at the boar dating just a bit longer. It wasn't too long ago that someone posted that their boy finally found a friend after 15 dates! Just dont do the dates too close together so he gets a chance to calm and destress. Also remember that he may pick a friend that you wouldn't. So try all kinds of lonely boars, not just one that you think is suitable, because who he picks may surprise you :D Good luck!
Thank you all for the advice, we have been to the vets today because herbie hasn't been himself the last week or so.
He seems uninterested by anything, apart from his food which he still loves. He doesn't want to roam around the living room he just patters back to his cage, to be fair it's big enough that he doesn't need to come out, but he would run all round the living room before.


The vet says he is in great health and has given me pain killers for him, for a few days, if he picks up then it means he's in pain and needs further examination, if there's no change then the vet thinks he's depressed and needs some company...

I really don't think he is in any pain but I'll try the meds and see, but I now need some suggestions as to where to get him a lil man friend...
I need some advice... again...

Herbie seems to have picked up a bit and has even been out wandering around the living room again of his own accord. Which is great...

However I'm not sure what the reason for this is, there could be four factors...
  • The pain killers the vet has given us for him
  • The fact that we have been home with him alot more the last few days and hes getting lots of cuddles from my wife.
  • The house has been warmer, as the heating is on longer
  • My wife has taken the loft off his house and changed it all round includding the bedding, going back to wood chips... which herbie loves for some reason.
I just dont know what to do, there is every chance I am over thinking this, we just want him to be happy and well.
It is great Herbie is doing better. All the reasons you listed could be the reason. Maybe you can see how he is once he is off the pain relief?
I'd suggest to continue trying him with boar dating. Go with older piggies that are past the hormonal age and ask for laid back boars only. They should be best for him. My boar Romano for example is a very, very laid back dominant piggie. He lets his submissive cage mate be a right little terror (kicking him if Romano gets in the way) and Romano just lets him. He's always been this way but is quick to let a piggie know he wants the dominant role if they try to be dominant with a lot of rumbling and higher head raising. This is the type that I think might be best for your little guy.

If not I'd suggest trying to find a vet that has vast experience with neutering. My boy Ryou went to a vet that was marvelous at neutering and when I took Ryou back the boy was popcorning around the cage as soon as I put him in it and creating chaos. I don't think he even realised he had lost the two boys. (I had to make the cage smaller just to stop him doing so much because I was worried about him opening the stitches).
My piggy Gilbert whos around 4 has never had a cage mate and hes my happiest pig, all my pigs live in the same room so Gilbert can hear the others but he lives alone and never comes in contact with my other pigs
Thats good to hear about Gilbert. Thank you for sharing that. All the gubbins online say they must be in pairs so its nice to know that the occasional loan boar can be happy,

Thanks also julesie. Good advice we shall see how herb is after his meds.
Herbie has a little friend.... we have rehomed a lil long haired boy called Sven... not sure it suits him tho
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