Guide to Cutting Guinea Pig Nails

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I trim my piggy's nails when I've got him nice and calm - after favourite food - and a cuddle! I cup him in my left hand, stroking his back all the while to keep him calm, and gently trim the nail tips. I always do the back ones first and then move onto the front ones. So far so good! Good luck with yours O0
just read all your advice about cutting nails thanks but the only problem is how long is long i have cut one nail that was twisted but only took the end off but not sure if all the others need doing they both will be 1 in may and have never had them cut if this is any help any advice would be great would rather try to do them ourselves as they probably trust us more than a vet
Basically I judge by when the nails are scratching me when I handle the piggies. You really don't want them getting too long as they can cause pain and discomfort and in extreme cases even deformities of the toes and feet. I just snip the tips of the nails off - probably about once a month in Winter and less frequently in Summer when the nails can be worn down more naturally outside.
i've done my boys's nails for the first time today and it went well...

Darce sat very still mweeping a bit cuz i was stroking him and Bing *once he realised it didnt hurt* was fine, but am lucky i've got piggies with clear nails.
xXShannonS2Xx said:

I knew hot to cut y guinea pigs nails as they were transparent, But thaks a real lot for helping me to try and see the vessel in my dark coloured nail guinea pig.
i just use nail clippers
I have yet to cut my GPs nails, I don't thik they need them doing yet, but I am not sure, they don't look really long, but they are a bit scratchy. I might try doing them next week and just take the very ends off, I'm really nervous though because Piggle is a proper wriggler! ::) How long should they be when you first do them?
Like I said above I usually leave them until they start scratching me and hurting! If any are curled over at all then they need doing and may need an eye keeping on them. I just snip the really pointy bit off.

When I need to trim a wriggly pig's nails I towel wrap them to make life easier for me and also the piggies usually calm down a bit too. Good luck O0
I get someone to hold them with their back against the person holdings body, this seems to work as i could never do it on my own. I have just brought a pair of gullitine clippers though and they make it a realy quick job compared to using nail scissors as i used to.
I did it, it was easy! ;D It took a while though with Piggle. Scared myself silly as well, she wriggled and squeeked just as I was doing one and I nearly dropped her because I thought I had got the vein! ::)I hadn't, she was just wanting to be away :-* I used some special guillatine style piggy clippers (shaped like a piggy too!) They were really simple to use. Thanks for the advice!
I've snipped both my piggy's nails now and it's surprisingly ok, I do make sure i talk to them and have some spinach or parsley nearby for afterwards :o)

For getting them into position they seem best sat up (like a begging pooch) but facing away from me, that way they are supported by my thumb round their back and I can hold the paw to be snipped in the same hand.

Ahhhh little piggies ! :smitten:
I dont attempt them anymore after a bad experience with a black nailed piggy. I felt so bloody guilty.
mines got black nail, which is why i dont wont to do them. he's all ready to go in a min. wish i could afford have my nails done lol.
I have 2 pigs with black nails, i find if you just take the tip off you avoid the quick and no bleeding or pain occurs.. i did once go too far and it bled a tiny little bit, i felt so bad but a piece of cucumber and a cuddle later she was my friend again lol

i normally get my mum to hold them upright, and then cut their nails as i have both hands free, one to hold the paw and the other to cut the nails with.
Still too scared to cut our girls nails so i take them both to the garden centre where we bought them and they do it for free! I'd love to do it myself but scared of hurting my babe's. might have a go now though with your advice, as Wen's nails are all black! where is it best to get clippers from? pets at home only seem to have dog nail cutters. :)
yeah I too am wondering where to get the nail clippers ooh toby get's so scared when he get's his done and even peed on the man who was cutting them before! Anyone know any way to calm them down about getting them done? I've checked local pet shops for clippers and can't find any!
I got a pressie of a nail clippers, same one vets use and it's great.
Also use a regular toe nail clippers you can get in most chemists, or nail clippers. The toe clippers is larger than the nail one and it is easy to that spelt right sounds French lol.

Or the baby nail clippers can be used as well, I find the toe nails one or the scissors shaped clippers from vets are the best for cutting tougher nails on older piggies.

So much easier to cut nails if someone holds the pig while you hold the pigs paw and have the clippers in the other hand.
My two are a bit older now and I find the toes tend to curl so now and then I will get the vets to do them as some are black and I don't want to be the baddy but most of the time I keep the black ones under control by just clipping the tips off them.
My guinea pigs hate having there nails clipped and wriggle around
i feel really bad and never finish it
me and my mum get nipped and were wondering if you have any ideas to either stop them bitting or protect us
we've tried gardening gloves but they find it easier to escape when we use them
any advice will be gratefully recieved

my new piggy is nearly 3 months and he's claws just scratch me all over and are really painful. Is it ok to clip him at such a young age? Did I say he's the wriggling grand champ?
is it better to use guinea pig nail clippers over normal clippers like what we would use?

i'm thinking yes..because peanut wont let me even cut the tip of his nail off it hurts. I'm not touching him again with my nail cutters until i know for sure.
I just had my first ever little accident cutting my boys' nails, poor wee Dexter went for a wriggle and got a bit of a nip!

I feel so guilty, but I cuddled him until he stopped sulking and gave him a little bit of baby corn to cheer him up!
Hi i have re homed 2 pigs from a woman who did not want them any more. The problem i have is that both there nails are curling under i can still trim them but can i get them to become shorter with out making the nail bleed ?

If you just snip a little bit off each time you cut your piggies nails, the quick (the bit inside the nail that bleeds) should receed, so you can gradually cut more and more each time.

As far as the nails being curled over in concerned, I don't know whether or not there is a faster way to do it without causing the piggies any discomfort. Maybe someone else knows a lot more than me!
i got a pair of round shaped clippers off ebay for only a couple of £s delivered the next day too
I'm too scared

My piggy has black nails and I would hate to hurt him. I think I'm going to the vet lol!
I dont think i could cut my piggys nails myself, i would hate to hurt them and i dont have a steady hand at all... how much will it cost at a vet?
George hates getting his nails cut!
I don't know how to cut his back nails!
He just keeps avoiding me!
I need help because I don't want them to grow any longer!
Please help!
I'm a novice but I've found an inventive way of cutting Voilet's 1 black foot nail. Unusually I put all my girls on the table (individually), face height and shine a torch onto the foot. Keep the torch away from the pig as the bright light can frighten them and the torch can warm their foot too much. The light shines through the nail you can you see the "quick" much better. I use proper pig nail clippers and check and take more pieces off each time. Never done their teeth though....I rely on the Vet to check them for me.
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