Guess The Song From The 1st Line 70's

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Ooh, that's Easy by . Either the Commodores or Lionel Ritchie on his own?
We thought it might be AC/DC but the title is money talks then we got Imagination stuck in our heads but that was 80s! No idea......:yikes:
Neil Diamond - Forever in Blue Jeans? If it's right this song is from the 80s? :nod:

Lisa & Ali..x
Correct but it was released in 1979 according to my well played CD

Oooppss we bow down to your superior knowledge on this one!

Try this one -

Hey girl, what you doin' down there?
Dancin' alone every night
While I live right above you

Lisa & Ali..x
Fleetwood Mac - Go your own way?

Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk
No sorry... think disco :)
Woo! :))

Here's mine: She came to me one morning, one lonely Sunday morning
Charles Dickens would be proud ..... of this " lady in black " :lol!:
Yay! I wasn't sure if anyone was a Uriah Heep fan :)) though out of everyone I thought it might be you! :))

We play a game together pick a subject like bands using the alphabet A to Z alternatively and the letterU is always Uriah Heep.. :D
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The next one on the list is..

Sittin' here eatin' my heart out waitin....

Lisa & Ali.. x
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