• Discussions taking place within this forum are intended for the purpose of assisting you in discussing options with your vet. Any other use of advice given here is done so at your risk, is solely your responsibility and not that of this forum or its owner. Before posting it is your responsibility you abide by this Statement

Gradual weight loss & ovarian cysts

Can you have a listen to your healthy piggy's belly for reference? You do not need a stethoscope to learn the difference between an overactive, a normal, a subdued or an eerily silent gut - but with a gut that has altogether stopped you also get instant lethargy. It is a useful exercise for any owner anyway.

The dehydration is not severe if the poos are just stringy but still moist. It's simply a still milder tummy upset as long as the poos are not much smaller and drier than they should be. Please don't get hung up over it. If your piggy is still drinking water on their own, then they are unlikely to be really dehydrated because the need to drink comes before the need to eat. ;)

Why not plan for a syringe feeding session in the vet's waiting room in the warmth so you do not have to stop either way unless you really want to and can before you set out and once you come home? Just see how much you get in one go and take it from there. Be flexible.

Anyway, all the best for your vet trip. As long as the poos are not getting any worse and the weight loss from day to day is not massive, you are OK. Especially if your piggies are still both drinking on their own.

Here are our travelling tips for longer journeys: Travelling with guinea pigs
Minnie has more of an appetite than Penelope for sure and she takes more critical care in one sitting which is helpful. Minnie just took 32ML after the vet and Penelope took 10 which is about what I can get into her with her loss of appetite. I do see Penelope in the hay a lot so she has interest but I know she’s not eating it. At least one pig is doing somewhat okay.

They both still have belly sounds. I’ve also been putting them down for floor time for a bit to get them active and moving about.

I did just comment a response saying everything that happened at the vets today. Unfortunately still left with no answers.

I have started syringing Penelope some water as her poos have been smaller and dry. Now they are soft but not super formed. I’ve been giving benebac probiotic everyday as well.
I also forgot to mention that he had also said something about giving them too much critical care, they won’t eat hay. Which isn’t true. They need the critical care until they feel good enough to eat hay again. 😞
I’m at the vets currently. Really not impressed. I didn’t get too much of an answer. She was just at the vet Friday and vet said her teeth look good. However the gagging motion is definitely weird.

This vet said he thinks her molars are all wonky. The bottom molars grow not directly straight but mostly straight and one of her molars was growing horizontally. He said the left molar was growing towards the tongue but I was confused when he said the molar was growing horizontally. He said the right molar has a slight tip on it.

The vet she was just at said her teeth looked fine but I got the impression he didn’t really seem too experienced. He said he could trim the molars but he doesn’t sedate, he only uses GA. He said he’s never heard of a vet just being able to sedate them to trim them. So I paid over 150 dollars for nothing to be done and to be basically be told nothing.

I got some metaclopromide and I’m trying meloxicam for her. He said he didn’t know if he wanted to try meloxicam in case she has kidney disease. I asked why he thought that and he just said that it’s pretty common in Guinea pigs. He said her mandible feels thickened but that could be just from not eating hay? She didn’t really have any signs or symptoms of it so I was just confused as to why he brought it up? He was trying to give her gabapentin instead but I opted for meloxicam.

Also said heard a slight heart murmur but that doesn’t seem to be of any concern. Doesn’t seem she has any heart issues and she had an X-ray at the other vet a week ago and it didn’t show an enlarged heart or anything.

I have no answers but Minnie took 32ML of cc after the vet appointment. Penelope is only taking 10 or so at the moment so at least I have one willing pig to eat critical care.

I also just want to say thank you for being a friend I desperately need right now. You’ve only been supportive and helpful and I can’t thank you enough. ❤️ I am definitely really tired especially getting up over night. I feel like I have to keep up with feeds since minnie is so low on weight.



Guinea pig premolars and molars actually grow at an inwards facing angle; they do not grow vertically and they should not grow horizontally. The problem is that the teeth that are misaligned will grow spurs quite quickly, which can then restrict the jaw movement needed for chewing and it all escalates. But finding vets with cavy dental experience is like the search for gold dust everywhere around the world, unfortunately. :( :( :(
The four incisors at the front are self-sharpening against each other in a balanced dental system but if the edge is slanted, this is pointing towards a one-sided source of pain; if the edge is jagged, the jaw movement is uneven and restricted and if the incisors are pointing inwards, this means that the molars at the back have grown spurs are preventing the incisors at the front from meeting. Spurs usually grow inward and bridge the tongue; making swallowing difficult but oocasionally a spur can only grow ourward and burrow itself painfully into the flesh of the cheeks. The dental growth rate of guinea pigs and their cousins, the capybaras has evolved against the highly abrasive silica in grass and is one of the fastest of all rodents.
I hope that this helps to make a bit more sense of your vet's comments? I am however not an expert in this area so this explanation is by its nature somewhat basic.
Guinea Pig skull.jpg

Please stop Penelope's overnight feed and make sure that you have at least 6 hours of unbroken sleep. 10 cc/ml in one go means that she has not totally lost her appetite and you can get by with feeding six or more times during the day but ensure that you get your own sleep overnight to stay functioning.

Offer 0.3 cc/ml of water after every 2-3 syringefuls and let her drink from the syringe; that should sort any dehydration. Feed last before you go to bed and then again first thing in the morning.

PS: Making sure that you have your own sleep is not selfish but plain commonsense. The first rule when you are a carer is to look after yourself because who looks after your guinea pigs (or whoever) if you become too exhausted and ill? You are a crucial resource that needs be sustainable, especially when things are running into weeks instead of just a few days of crisis.

My thoughts are with you. I wish it was all so much easier with every vet able to get training in guinea pigs and especially in dentals. Misalignment (the teeth not growing out correctly) is genetically determined and not food related, so it is not something you are doing wrong.

You give as much feeding support as needed to keep the weight stable. Unlike predators, the feeding instinct in guinea pigs is very strong. They will not eat more hay because you stop feeding; they will simply lose weight... :(

You are a very caring piggy owner, but look after yourself, too.


Guinea pig premolars and molars actually grow at an inwards facing angle; they do not grow vertically and they should not grow horizontally. The problem is that the teeth that are misaligned will grow spurs quite quickly, which can then restrict the jaw movement needed for chewing and it all escalates. But finding vets with cavy dental experience is like the search for gold dust everywhere around the world, unfortunately. :( :( :(
The four incisors at the front are self-sharpening against each other in a balanced dental system but if the edge is slanted, this is pointing towards a one-sided source of pain; if the edge is jagged, the jaw movement is uneven and restricted and if the incisors are pointing inwards, this means that the molars at the back have grown spurs are preventing the incisors at the front from meeting. Spurs usually grow inward and bridge the tongue; making swallowing difficult but oocasionally a spur can only grow ourward and burrow itself painfully into the flesh of the cheeks. The dental growth rate of guinea pigs and their cousins, the capybaras has evolved against the highly abrasive silica in grass and is one of the fastest of all rodents.
I hope that this helps to make a bit more sense of your vet's comments? I am however not an expert in this area so this explanation is by its nature somewhat basic.
View attachment 237173

Please stop Penelope's overnight feed and make sure that you have at least 6 hours of unbroken sleep. 10 cc/ml in one go means that she has not totally lost her appetite and you can get by with feeding six or more times during the day but ensure that you get your own sleep overnight to stay functioning.

Offer 0.3 cc/ml of water after every 2-3 syringefuls and let her drink from the syringe; that should sort any dehydration. Feed last before you go to bed and then again first thing in the morning.

PS: Making sure that you have your own sleep is not selfish but plain commonsense. The first rule when you are a carer is to look after yourself because who looks after your guinea pigs (or whoever) if you become too exhausted and ill? You are a crucial resource that needs be sustainable, especially when things are running into weeks instead of just a few days of crisis.

My thoughts are with you. I wish it was all so much easier with every vet able to get training in guinea pigs and especially in dentals. Misalignment (the teeth not growing out correctly) is genetically determined and not food related, so it is not something you are doing wrong.

You give as much feeding support as needed to keep the weight stable. Unlike predators, the feeding instinct in guinea pigs is very strong. They will not eat more hay because you stop feeding; they will simply lose weight... :(

You are a very caring piggy owner, but look after yourself, too.
Hi Wiebke,
So sorry for not being on the forum for a while. I have just been so focused on getting through each day.
I really am thankful for you & everyone in this group. Everyone is so caring and considerate while also helping each other out. I have started being able to get more sleep overnight than I was getting. It’s definitely still tough but it is wonderful to have support. Thank you for the advice ❤️

Wanted to post a quick update:

Minnie: she is still loving critical care. Will take it from the syringe willingly. Her weight has stabilized and even gained a little bit.
She is still however not eating hay. She still sometimes makes that gagging motion and occasionally coughs after taking a drink or a bite of something.

Penelope: she had her molar trim two weeks ago now. She is still not eating hay by herself. She is also not willingly taking critical care. It takes me a bit but I manage to get 10ml in her. She definitely doesn’t want it poor girl.

Last night I noticed her walking to her water bottle and she was walking slow and WOBBLY. Almost like a drunk person. She was walking very slowly and side to side. She lightly fell to her right side. I immediately noticed it & it was quite alarming. I’ve been calling vets and still haven’t been able to get in anywhere. Penelope has not been wobbly since. I’ve only seen her do that wobbly walk yesterday. she’s been a bit off balance it definitely isn’t all the time. Now that I am paying more attention, I have noticed her scratching her right ear. I can grab her ear, touch it, anything and it doesn’t seem to bother her. I suspect an inner ear infection.

I also had a random thought. Normally she needs a molar trim once a year and this time, 2 months after her last trim she needs another one. Her right ear seems to be bothering her and if she does have infection in it, that is also the same side her molars were a little more overgrown on. Both were overgrown but the right was a little worse than the left. If her right ear hurts, it might hurt to chew on that side hence why they got overgrown so quickly? I could be totally wrong but it seemed to kind of make sense in my head.

I managed to get in somewhere today. The vet was new but she said both of their teeth looks fine? Even though they have been syringe fed for going on two weeks now, that’s not what I would’ve thought. Obviously something is bothering Minnie’s mouth but at least she is still eating. I am worried about Penelope. I said I wanted an X-ray done to see if she had an inner ear infection as I know they can turn brutal fast. An X-ray with the exam fee was going to be pushing past 600 dollars. I can not do that. That’s also way too expensive for something as simple as that.

I paid over 200 dollars for them to tell me nothing and got sent home some medicine. I said I wanted her ear infection if she has one, treated. She sent me home with Bactrim, 240mg. It says Penelope gets 0.5 ml every 12 hours but Penelope now weighs around 620grams. Doesn’t that seem like an awful lot? They also prescribed gabapentin to try along side meloxicam for Penelope to see if that helps her.

I looked at the Guinea lynx website and I can not figure out the dosage math for bactrim for Penelope’s weight. I can’t tell if 0.5ml for a 620 gram twice a day is too much. It really seems a lot and worries me. I’m going to try gabapentin and see if it improves anything. :)
Her gabapentin dosage is 0.4 ever 8-12 hours and that also seems like a lot? She only weighs around the 620 gram mark like i said in my above message. Maybe I’m overthinking the dosages
I’m going to bump your post up and hopefully one of our more experienced members will see it.

I’m glad to hear you have been managing to get more sleep, it’s so important to take care of yourself in such a hard time.
Thinking of you, Minnie and Penelope ❤️
I’m going to bump your post up and hopefully one of our more experienced members will see it.

I’m glad to hear you have been managing to get more sleep, it’s so important to take care of yourself in such a hard time.
Thinking of you, Minnie and Penelope ❤️
Thank you ❤️
Well just another quick update:
Penelope & Minnie has a vet drop off appointment tomorrow. Pray we get some answers. Going to request head X-rays to rule out ear infection and see if anything comes up with their teeth.

However, I noticed my third Guinea pig Mocha is sitting in the corner puffed up. I weighed her and she’s lost 100 grams over the course of a week. Her stools are also soft. She doesn’t share a cage with Penelope & Minnie. She is right next to their cage though.

I can not catch a break. I physically can not force feed three Guinea pigs. It takes me an hour to feed Penelope and then Minnie right after. My boyfriend helps me but he also works. Mocha begs for food and still drinks water but she must not be taking in as much food if she’s losing. I checked her over for signs of a uri or something because why are all three of them sick… 😖 everybody looks clear and mocha has no discharge on eyes or nose or bad breathing.
Oh i’m so sorry to hear this.
It always seems to bunch together, we can never catch a break! I really hope you can get some proper answers tomorrow, finally find out what’s going on.

I wonder if you have anyone else who can help you with the feeds? Or perhaps if one of the girls would be able to have the critical care fed on a lettuce leaf, maybe a piece of cucumber or a spoon.
So finally got into our regular vet office with a different vet there.

Minnie had overgrown molars which were almost entrapping the tongue completely. Which explains why she would cough sometimes when drinking water as she couldn’t use her tongue properly. A bit frustrating when two other vets said both of their teeth look fine. She also had her incisors slightly burred down but everything else looks good on her. Let’s hope she’s on the road to recovery now.

Penelope had some small points on her lower right side of her molars. The front molar on that right side was a bit longer which may have been causing her the discomfort. She also had her teeth trimmed as well. Her incisors looked good. the vet said she had quite a bit of saliva built up in her cheeks, around her molars there.

Penelope also had an X-ray and the vet said structurally her ear looked good. She did say that she can still have an ear infection and the X-ray may not show everything. She is still being treated with the Bactrim in case of an ear infection. However, everything looked good in the X-ray. No signs of an abscess or elongated roots. She also doesn’t have a uri and her lungs are clear and everything. Her ear got cleaned while she was there.

Mocha is on Bactrim to try and rule out any infection she may have going on. Her poops have hardened up a bit and do look better than they did. Hopefully the Bactrim clears whatever she has going on. The probiotic should be helping her as well.

Penelope & Minnie are both trying to eat hay. Penelope is determined to eat it but she is still slightly struggling. She isn’t able to eat hay quite yet. I didn’t expect her to be able to eat immediately but she did gobble down some critical care pretty quickly after we got home. I do notice she’s chewing a lot faster and will now willingly eat the critical care. Hope she’s doing much better now and their mouths feel loads better.

I feel so relieved to finally feel like I was listened to and have someone know what they were doing. I will keep everyone updated on their progress. :)
Very glad to hear the girls finally got the treatment they deserve.

Fingers crossed it’s all up from here ❤️
Very glad to hear the girls finally got the treatment they deserve.

Fingers crossed it’s all up from here ❤️
Thank you!

The girls still show a lot of interest in hay. Penelope has continued to willingly eat the critical care so haven’t had to syringe feed her recently which has been great.

They’ve both maintained their weight. Really wish they’d gain weight :/

I have noticed Penelope’s mouth seems much more sore? She’s had dentals done before but it’s usually once a year. She had it done in September and then 3 weeks ago and then 4 days ago now. If she sleeps for a while and then wakes up, her mouth looks stiff. She barely wants to open it and it looks kind of obvious her mouth is in pain. At least that’s what I think. If I put a syringe in her mouth for medicine or something, she kind of has a hard time with it. I know their mouths can be sore afterwards but I wasn’t expecting this. She still isn’t eating hay but she did eat a tiny pieces of cilantro earlier. She had a difficult time but she did eat it!

She’s on .15 Meloxicam every 12 hours.

I’m About to go home for the holidays tomorrow for a few days & the girls will be coming with. It’s a 5 hour drive but I can’t leave them here while they’re sick & I also have no one to watch them. :/
Thank you!

The girls still show a lot of interest in hay. Penelope has continued to willingly eat the critical care so haven’t had to syringe feed her recently which has been great.

They’ve both maintained their weight. Really wish they’d gain weight :/

I have noticed Penelope’s mouth seems much more sore? She’s had dentals done before but it’s usually once a year. She had it done in September and then 3 weeks ago and then 4 days ago now. If she sleeps for a while and then wakes up, her mouth looks stiff. She barely wants to open it and it looks kind of obvious her mouth is in pain. At least that’s what I think. If I put a syringe in her mouth for medicine or something, she kind of has a hard time with it. I know their mouths can be sore afterwards but I wasn’t expecting this. She still isn’t eating hay but she did eat a tiny pieces of cilantro earlier. She had a difficult time but she did eat it!

She’s on .15 Meloxicam every 12 hours.

I’m About to go home for the holidays tomorrow for a few days & the girls will be coming with. It’s a 5 hour drive but I can’t leave them here while they’re sick & I also have no one to watch them. :/
Is that cat or dog meloxicam?

I cant comment on the dentals unfortunately, I know the teeth CAN be over-filed, but it depends on how fast the specific pigs teeth grow.

They should be okay on the drive, I know there are many people on this forum who have done drives like that.
Travelling with guinea pigs

I hope the girls continue to make progress over this festive season. I also hope you can have a good holiday season with your family, be able to relax a bit x
Is that cat or dog meloxicam?

I cant comment on the dentals unfortunately, I know the teeth CAN be over-filed, but it depends on how fast the specific pigs teeth grow.

They should be okay on the drive, I know there are many people on this forum who have done drives like that.
Travelling with guinea pigs

I hope the girls continue to make progress over this festive season. I also hope you can have a good holiday season with your family, be able to relax a bit x
It is dog meloxicam. She’s only on .15 every 12 hours and she’s having a hard time eating. I don’t think she’s drinking water from the bottles anymore either. We’re having to syringe water to her. I gave her .2ML of meloxicam this go around. She did start to eat the critical care willingly after that.

I called the vet and they said not to up it. I just feel like that isn’t very much and I have done research on the medications & I’ve seen you can up the amount. I am most definitely not a veterinarian but just confused!

I’m getting ready to give them a feed and I’m getting on the road to go home. Not excited for the trip but it will be nice to be home. :)

She isn’t doing the same motion she did before her molar trim. I’ve never seen her be in so much pain like that. She did have an X-ray and nothing showed up. It really makes me wonder if there’s an abscess or something we can’t see yet and it’s causing her a lot of pain. She should be starting to get better, not worse :/
We made it home with our guineas. Now setting them up, it sounds like Penelope is hooting. She doesn’t do it often and this is the first time I’ve heard her do it. I did try to give her some cilantro earlier so maybe that’s why? It worries me
I’m glad you all made it home safely.

Hooting can sometimes be a reaction to a minor irritant like hay or dust, so it should go away in a couple hours, if not she does unfortunately need to see a vet. Is she still hooting now?

I unfortunately don’t know enough about dentals or be able to comment on her issues. The forums dental expert @furryfriends (TEAS), may be able to help, but I know they are quite busy.

Continue with your medication, you really are doing so well for your girls, even if sometimes it doesn’t feel like it.

I wish you and your family a merry christmas and a happy new year x
I’m glad you all made it home safely.

Hooting can sometimes be a reaction to a minor irritant like hay or dust, so it should go away in a couple hours, if not she does unfortunately need to see a vet. Is she still hooting now?

I unfortunately don’t know enough about dentals or be able to comment on her issues. The forums dental expert @furryfriends (TEAS), may be able to help, but I know they are quite busy.

Continue with your medication, you really are doing so well for your girls, even if sometimes it doesn’t feel like it.

I wish you and your family a merry christmas and a happy new year x
She has stopped hooting now. Believe she had something stuck in her nose or something.

Thank you. It’s really nice to hear that. It gets really discouraging when you’re trying everything for weeks and things seem to keep getting worse and not better.

I wish you and your family a merry Christmas and happy new year as well! ❤️
Penelope has stopped eating cc from the spoon anymore. Back to syringe feeding her. She doesn’t deny the syringe, she’ll take it mostly willingly from the syringe sometimes.

I do think she stopped drinking water so having to syringe that as well too. She’s her mostly normal self. She is not just tucked away forever never coming out which is good she’s still active.

I’m starting to think a misaligned jaw or something? Possibly a brewing abscess? The X-ray showed nothing was wrong with her. She had her molars trimmed again on Monday which is almost a week ago now. She can chew and bite down cause sometimes she tugs on the syringe but she still is so weird with her mouth. Like her mouth is stiff and not wanting to open it. Which explains her not wanting to drink since she’d have to open her mouth on the nozzle.

@Wiebke @furryfriends (TEAS) if you guys have any experience or advice, I would really appreciate it. I know you guys are very busy. Maybe experience with an abscess and signs and a misaligned jaw. Her mouth looks fine and it isn’t obviously misaligned if it is at all.
Penelope’s incisors are both slanted now. She seems to have perked up these last few days by sometimes willingly taking the critical care on her own. I’m still syringe feeding her 15ml every 3 or so hours. She has lost weight but I’ve got it maintained now. I had her maintained at 630 for a few weeks and now she’s at 580 or so. She hasn’t lost anymore so I guess that’s good. It takes me anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour to feed her. Then I feed minnie after that and sometimes Minnie will eat and sometimes she won’t eat willingly.

Minnie has always been willingly taking the critical care and she’s always taken more than Penelope but she’s lost quite a bit of weight now. Now she’s weighing in the 670’s when she was in the 720-740grams. She had been maintained at that for weeks so I guess I started slacking? I don’t know anymore. Their feeds have been upped to maintain her weight. She coughs when drinking water again and makes a weird mouth motion a lot more when eating critical care. They just had molar trims almost 2 weeks ago now.

I can’t get into the vet until Wednesday. They told me to take them to an er clinic but I had previously taken them to two other vets when I couldn’t get in to my regular one and spent over 500 dollars for absolutely no answers and to be told their teeth is fine. I’m reluctant to take them to the er clinic.

I’ve lost so much confidence & hope during this entire process. I’ve tried to remain positive but it’s been over a month now of consistent feeds. Why are they not getting better? Now they’ve lost a bit more weight. I’m so frustrated and I feel like I can’t keep doing this. I can’t catch a break and I have no idea what to do. I’ve gotten some more sleep at night but that doesnt seem to be happening anytime soon I don’t want them to lose anymore weight. I love Guinea pigs & am so passionate about them but this is taking a large toll on me emotionally feeling helpless.
On top of this all, mocha has diarrhea. She was on antibiotics and I’m assuming it eas from that. She’s not on them anymore but she’s on benebac probiotic now as well.

She sits puffed up staring at the corner of her litter box. She’ll eat a bit of critical care out of the bowl herself. She’ll eat it from a syringe but it takes me 30mins to an hour to feed Penelope and then Minnie hasn’t been wanting to take the critical care that well. It would take me close to 2-3 hours to feed them all.

I’m starting to think I need to give mocha to someone who can take care of her or if there’s a way I can send her to a sanctuary for help and I pay for stuff. I just can’t do this.
Here’s a photo of Minnie’s incisors. I don’t have any of Penelope but hers also look slanted.


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I’m so sorry you’re struggling so much.

I’m afraid I still don’t have any advice to give but to wish you all the best. I hope the vets can give you some more answers.

Slanting of the teeth is usually a sign of some sort of dental discomfort. It’s strange that they are continuing to have dental issues even after your many vet trips.

If you can find someone who can take care of mocha, there is absolutely no shame in that. You are doing so well for your pigs and I know how much you love them, you just want the best for them.

Wishing you all the best, you are doing so amazing and I know how tiring it is. Sending you and your girls so much love x
I don’t know the forums rules on tagging people, so I apologise if it isn’t allowed but your thread is getting missed by the forums health and illness experts unfortunately, and it would be great if someone with more experience could give you some advice. They all do this in their own time and the forum gets loads of messages and questions all the time so it’s understandable that sometimes threads get missed.

@Wiebke @furryfriends (TEAS)

It looks like a bit of a one-sided stronger eating (usually due to pain) but it is still on the milder side. I am very sorry; there are often no easy decisions with ongoing dental problems. You are a very caring owner and really are doing your best and try to go beyond.

PS: Sorry, Christmas Day was absolutely manic for me and today is a family birthday, so alerts can easily disappear in a huge wodge of lots of alerts arriving at once.

It looks like a bit of a one-sided stronger eating (usually due to pain) but it is still on the milder side. I am very sorry; there are often no easy decisions with ongoing dental problems. You are a very caring owner and really are doing your best and try to go beyond.

PS: Sorry, Christmas Day was absolutely manic for me and today is a family birthday, so alerts can easily disappear in a huge wodge of lots of alerts arriving at once.
That’s okay. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. 🙂

It’s just weird since minnie has never had these issues in the last 4 years. Her tongue was almost completely entrapped last time we took her and Can’t get in to anyone until Wednesday which is 4 days away. They recommended me to an emergency vet but I called them and they said they don’t have an exotic specialist but they’ll see them. They also said they won’t do dentals there and if her tongue is entrapped, that’s what we need. She has started making that motion a lot more when eating and she has started coughing a lot more when drinking now.

Penelope’s incisors are also slanted but the top slants to the right and then the bottom slants to the left on hers.
That’s okay. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. 🙂

It’s just weird since minnie has never had these issues in the last 4 years. Her tongue was almost completely entrapped last time we took her and Can’t get in to anyone until Wednesday which is 4 days away. They recommended me to an emergency vet but I called them and they said they don’t have an exotic specialist but they’ll see them. They also said they won’t do dentals there and if her tongue is entrapped, that’s what we need. She has started making that motion a lot more when eating and she has started coughing a lot more when drinking now.

Penelope’s incisors are also slanted but the top slants to the right and then the bottom slants to the left on hers.

It could be dental overgrowth and the tongue getting trapped again; you are better at judging whether the symptoms resemble your previous experience. I am admittedly not a dentals specialist.

Unfortunately, the timing couldn't be worse in terms of vet access. :(

All you can do right now is to try to get as much feed and water into her in very small units (0.1 -0.3 ml) and with the appropriate wait to ensure that the previous lot has gone down well to help her getting things down and to hang on in there as much as possible. It is a very slow and time consuming process.
All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures

I am very sorry.
It could be dental overgrowth and the tongue getting trapped again; you are better at judging whether the symptoms resemble your previous experience. I am admittedly not a dentals specialist.

Unfortunately, the timing couldn't be worse in terms of vet access. :(

All you can do right now is to try to get as much feed and water into her in very small units (0.1 -0.3 ml) and with the appropriate wait to ensure that the previous lot has gone down well to help her getting things down and to hang on in there as much as possible. It is a very slow and time consuming process.
All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures

I am very sorry.
I believe you’re correct. She’s definitely started having a way worse time with eating and drinking again. She has always loved her critical care and she’s not even really wanting to take it anymore. Her bites have gotten a lot smaller as well. Tomorrow is Sunday so all I can do is keep trying with her.
I will keep looking for er vets I could take her to. I think there might be one 3 hours away but I’m going to look into it. I really need to get them in and I think Wednesday is too far out.
Monday there is a new years event going on with my boyfriends friends and I know It’s going to look so bad if I don’t show up but their health is my top priority. It really sucks that no one seems to understand caring about these little guys. Everyone thinks I’m silly for even having them. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter but just sucks people are so closed minded.

I will keep everyone updated about minnie. Right now she’s taken a bit of critical care but not much. Thank you for responding though 🙂
It sounds like she has quite poor jaw movement, which could be why she is not wanting to take the Critical Care. Dental issues aren't just about tongue entrapment and there can be so many other issues, often quite subtle and not obvious to a vet who isn't particularly experienced with dealing with guinea pig dental problems. We have had guinea pigs arrive with us, where the vet has said the teeth are perfect, despite the guinea pig being unable to eat and our vet has found a tiny spur that is cutting into the cheeks. As their mouth is very fleshy, it is incredibly easy for a small spur to be missed. Also a lot of vets seem to miss addressing overgrowth of the teeth at the very back of the mouth. Once those teeth are overgrown, it will stop the smooth side to side movement of the jaw and it becomes difficult for the piggy to manoeuvere food around their mouth, which is when they struggle with syringe food, as well as not being able to eat at all.

I would suggest making the syringe food more runny, so it is easier for her to manage. I also find offering vegetable only baby foods, as they are smooth and slip down easily. Little and often feeding is going to be best for now. You are doing an amazing job! xx
It sounds like she has quite poor jaw movement, which could be why she is not wanting to take the Critical Care. Dental issues aren't just about tongue entrapment and there can be so many other issues, often quite subtle and not obvious to a vet who isn't particularly experienced with dealing with guinea pig dental problems. We have had guinea pigs arrive with us, where the vet has said the teeth are perfect, despite the guinea pig being unable to eat and our vet has found a tiny spur that is cutting into the cheeks. As their mouth is very fleshy, it is incredibly easy for a small spur to be missed. Also a lot of vets seem to miss addressing overgrowth of the teeth at the very back of the mouth. Once those teeth are overgrown, it will stop the smooth side to side movement of the jaw and it becomes difficult for the piggy to manoeuvere food around their mouth, which is when they struggle with syringe food, as well as not being able to eat at all.

I would suggest making the syringe food more runny, so it is easier for her to manage. I also find offering vegetable only baby foods, as they are smooth and slip down easily. Little and often feeding is going to be best for now. You are doing an amazing job! xx
I have noticed tonight she seemed to be a bit gassy so I’ve been giving her some tummy rubs. I hope that helps if that’s what was bothering her.

She is still chewing fast and good but she is doing that mouth motion & tongue sticking out quite a bit more. It has been 2 weeks since their last molar trim. It makes me really hard since I’m syringing Penelope and now Minnie hasn’t been wanting food, I have to syringe her as well. I am worried about Minnie’s tongue possibly being entrapped as it was almost entrapped last time she had her molar trim and now it has been 2 weeks since the trim.

I think Penelope may have some jaw issues! I’m not 100% but she chews mostly okay, sometimes chewing bothers her with the critical care. She has trouble opening her mouth. Like it’s painful for her to do so. She hasn’t been drinking out of the water bottle because I think she doesn’t want to open her mouth that wide to drink from the nozzle. I caught her going to the water bottle and sniffing it and almost opening her mouth and then at the last minute she’d stop. She did that quite a few times so she had the interest but eventually gave up when she didn’t wanna open her mouth. Both of their incisors are slanted again🙁

I’ve felt all around their jaw and neck & mouth area and I feel no signs of an abscess.

Thank you! ❤️I have felt discouraged as
this has been happening for over a month now. I just really thought things would have been better by now
The problem is, when they’re not eating much, they start to get gassy. Just keep going with the little and often feeding. When I have piggies, who struggle to take much, or are eating slowly, I keep a tally chart of every 1 ml they take. You will then see just how much they are having, which is usually much more than you think. Is there another vet you could try after the new year holiday?