So pleased you got it sorted and are on the right track - Grace is a very lucky girl (despite the abscess).
I have nothing medical to contribute, but I wanted to say that I think you are doing a wonderful job @GPTV
Firstly you spotted a very small lump on a fluffy pig very quickly.
Then you got her to the vet, but also did your own research too.
Be kind to yourself.
It sounds like if it is an abscess you have caught it very early, and you have received some excellent advice on how to handle it.
Fingers crossed it is quickly resolved, but so far you have done everything possible for Grace.
So pleased you got it sorted and are on the right track - Grace is a very lucky girl (despite the abscess).
Awh bless her, hope all goes well on Monday! My piggie Clover had her op for an abscess in the same place last month, so I know exactly how you're feeling!
Don't be surprised if the teeth do fall out of line, I know with Clover her teeth were incredibly wonky but a week later they were out of place again as it'd misaligned her jaw. It's just a case of getting them back up to eating normally and increasing the time between dentals as much as possible.
I used a 5ml syringe with Clover and used 1 teaspoon of salt in 1/2 pint/1pint of water. I did it 1-2 times a day depending on how cooperative she was being. Debbie from TEAS did suggest to me using cotton pads which I found a god send. It's also much easier to do it when they're getting food at the same time! Clover ate the cotton wool pads as I was cleaning her wound......
It looks really shocking when it first gets done, but fingers crossed it sorts the problem out! Good luck x
Thanks @GPTV will keep you updated. I think its ringworm cos I was discussing it with PiggyOwner on the train back from Reading and she said that a little bit of a bald patch on the nose is how it starts. I noticed this morning it has a tiny red patch too.@Betsy good luck with Dennis's vet appt later. Healing vibes &hope its not the dreaded ringworm