Goodbye Ruby 💫 🌈


New Born Pup
Feb 3, 2024
Reaction score
Manchester, UK
Hello everyone,

I’m so sad to write this. We lost our beautiful girl last night. She was the most sweet, loving gentle soul. Always looking out for the rest of the herd and providing her ‘spa treatments’ to the other two girls.

She was so vocal, she basically would chutt her way round our living room with every step. She would always wait patiently at her enclosure gate, prepared for a zoom around the front room. Then she would wait patiently outside the kitchen door for her veggies.

She hated a chin rub and would bat your hand away with her paw. She did love piggie kisses and a scratch behind the ear. She loved food, wasn’t a fussy eater in the slightest. She even enjoyed courgette and a bit of asparagus! Her favourite thing was a baby cucumber and mint.

She saw the world through her mouth, always licking someone or something.

She came into our lives full time about 15 months ago when we took over her care from a family member. But I’ve clipped her nails and known her since she was a baby pig.

We’ve had a turbulent few weeks with her in terms of her health and have rode the rollercoaster of seeing improvement and then deterioration, then rinse and repeat with multiple vet visits in between. She had a lovely day yesterday, but sadly died in my arms last night. However, this post isn’t about that. It’s about celebrating her.

She was the lead supervisor during cage cleaning, always coming to check if things were up to her standard. She loved exploring and would always end up finding something she could use as bed and end up asleep in something soft and cosy (usually the pile of washing from a cage cleaning) after she’d finished zooming around the front room.

She loved a snuggle on a blanket and watching TV (on her terms of course).

My smallest girl, but with the biggest amount of sass and the biggest heart.

She had a really happy time with us for the last 15 months. I miss her so much already.

I feel like I could have wrote so much more about her and her big personality. I hope I have done her justice, and you have had a little insight into what a beautiful soul she was.

Goodbye Ruby, my little Gingy pig. You were so loved and you are so missed. Thank you for being in our lives our beautiful girl.

🌈 💫 ♥️



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Sorry for your loss. That was a lovely tribute to Ruby, her character really shines through. She was a beautiful piggy and I’m sure she’ll be in your hearts forever. Sleep tight Ruby x
Thanks so much everyone for your kind words.

We did a burial pot this afternoon. Planted a selection of mint, and I will add some marigolds and some chamomile when it’s the time is right to pot them.

Thanks everyone ♥️
Only a short time with you, but a life happily lived in your care. A beautiful tribute and a beautiful piggy. She will always be with you in your heart and I'm sending you hugs at this sad time.
Rest peacefully little one 🌈
So very sorry for the loss of Ruby, massive hugs to you.

Sleep well little one
X x

What a loving tribute to your gorgeous and much loved girl. ❤️

Ruby has a special forever place in your heart and your memories where she will remain available for virtual cuddles and revisiting happy shared moments whenever you are in need for reliving some happy times during dark times. ;)