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Glazed eye


New Born Pup
Jul 25, 2023
Reaction score
United Kingdom
This morning i’ve woken up and noticed my beautiful Florence has a glazed eyes. I think it’s a hay poke, but i can’t get any appointments until tomorrow. i’ve been so stressed because i’m scared it may permanently damage her vision. What do i do until i can get her a vet appointment and treatment?
This morning i’ve woken up and noticed my beautiful Florence has a glazed eyes. I think it’s a hay poke, but i can’t get any appointments until tomorrow. i’ve been so stressed because i’m scared it may permanently damage her vision. What do i do until i can get her a vet appointment and treatment?

A hay poke should only affect one eye? And she won't be going blind just because you cannot be seen within 24 hours; it takes a lot more damage than what you are mentioning.
Can you please take a picture and upload via the Attach Files button by your post when you write it. We cannot comment on what is actually going on sight unseen.

If you can, please get hold of some (human) eye gel from a pharmacy if possible. Apply 3 times in 24 hours.
However, if you can only get eye drops, apply 3-6 times within 24 hours; they are not as effective as the gel.

Here is the link to our First Aid guide for bookmarking, which you may find a helpful resource:
First Aid: Immediate Care Measures and Non-medication Products

A hay poke should only affect one eye? And she won't be going blind just because you cannot be seen within 24 hours; it takes a lot more damage than what you are mentioning.
Can you please take a picture and upload via the Attach Files button by your post when you write it. We cannot comment on what is actually going on sight unseen.

If you can, please get hold of some (human) eye gel from a pharmacy if possible. Apply 3 times in 24 hours.
However, if you can only get eye drops, apply 3-6 times within 24 hours; they are not as effective as the gel.

Here is the link to our First Aid guide for bookmarking, which you may find a helpful resource:
First Aid: Immediate Care Measures and Non-medication Products
My mistake, i meant to write just the one eye


Thank you for clarifying. Yes, this looks like an ulcerating eye injury but as there is no blood, it can wait until tomorrow if that is the earliest you can be seen.

Please get hold of the eye gel if possible as it will rehydrate and soothe the eye but it will also speed up the healing process inside the eye by creating an indeal healing environment.
You will however always wait at least half an hour after applying any other eye treatment in order to allow it to be fully absorbed. You can find more information in the First Aid link in my previous post under the entry 'Eyes'.

All the best. Just keep at it, pull down the lower lid when applying drops and aim them into the gap. The gel just needs to get onto the eye surface and not be lifted away by a lid.
My piggy got a piece of hay in his eye Saturday morning. It was still in there so I managed to get it out. His eye went this blueish colour too. They put some dye onto his eye and it showed a large ulcer. Anyway the vet prescribed painkillers, antibiotic eye cream and a tear gel. Good luck at the vets.

PS have you made sure there is no hay in the eye?

Thank you for clarifying. Yes, this looks like an ulcerating eye injury but as there is no blood, it can wait until tomorrow if that is the earliest you can be seen.

Please get hold of the eye gel if possible as it will rehydrate and soothe the eye but it will also speed up the healing process inside the eye by creating an indeal healing environment.
You will however always wait at least half an hour after applying any other eye treatment in order to allow it to be fully absorbed. You can find more information in the First Aid link in my previous post under the entry 'Eyes'.

All the best. Just keep at it, pull down the lower lid when applying drops and aim them into the gap. The gel just needs to get onto the eye surface and not be lifted away by a lid.
thank you! i’m going to try and get an appointment for tomorrow
My piggy got a piece of hay in his eye Saturday morning. It was still in there so I managed to get it out. His eye went this blueish colour too. They put some dye onto his eye and it showed a large ulcer. Anyway the vet prescribed painkillers, antibiotic eye cream and a tear gel. Good luck at the vets.

PS have you made sure there is no hay in the eye?
thank you, i’ve checked and i can’t see any pieces of hay
We just got back from the vet and she is on eyedrops and Arthrocam, i was a little worried when i opened it cuz i saw it was for dogs and i was confused.

But Florence is now on the road to recovery

Metacam for dogs is a stronger concentration than cat metacam; the recommended dosage has been adjusted - it would be three times more volume with the cat strength metacam. The metacam will help with any pain and any swelling from the infection in the eye. The eye drops contain the antibiotic for the infection

All the best. The tear gel will additionally help to speed up the recovery, it also reaches deeper inside the eye as the antibiotic eye drops, as one vet prescribing it for a piggy of mine has explained to me.
Metacam for dogs is a stronger concentration than cat metacam; the recommended dosage has been adjusted - it would be three times more volume with the cat strength metacam. The metacam will help with any pain and any swelling from the infection in the eye. The eye drops contain the antibiotic for the infection

All the best. The tear gel will additionally help to speed up the recovery, it also reaches deeper inside the eye as the antibiotic eye drops, as one vet prescribing it for a piggy of mine has explained to me.
thank youu, her eye looks a lot better even after a few drops of the gel and eyedrops
thank youu, her eye looks a lot better even after a few drops of the gel and eyedrops

Most eye injuries thankfully tend to heal pretty straight forward once on treatment unless they are really severe. Just keep on going for a some days longer even after the eye looks normal again. Just seeing the ulceration gunk going down is making such a difference.