Getting Started - Essential Information for New Owners

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Staff member
Mar 10, 2009
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Coventry UK
Contents Overview
1 What This Collection Is About
2 Guinea Pigs as Pets

- Family and Classroom Pets
- Sourcing Your Guinea Pigs, Common Pitfalls and Your Customer Rights
- Pet Owners with Anxiety: Practical Tips for Sufferers and Supporters
- Naming your Guinea Pigs and Finding Out the Breed
- Guinea Pigs as a Species: Facts, Development and Social Aspects

3 Living Environment
- Housing (with sourcing tips)
- Bedding (with sourcing tips)
- Enrichment, Safe and Unsafe Toys and Member Recommendations
- Lawn Time and the Outdoors
- Irritants, Weather Extremes and Fireworks

4 Diet and Drinking (with sourcing tips)
5 Settling In and Handling
6 Grooming and Life-Long Health Monitoring

- Grooming Care
- Vital Health Monitoring
7 Companionship and Behaviour
- Companionship
- Understanding Behaviour
- Gender Specific Aspects

8 Illness
- Early Signs of Illness and Spotting What Is Normal or Not
- Wiebke's Guides to the Body: Normality and Common Illnesses
- Vet Visits Info and Tips; Insurance and Payment Support
- Serious Illness and Emergency Care Support
- Owner Illness/Pregnancy/Immuno-depression and Inter-Species Contagion (incl. Covid info)

9 Further Helpful Information

1 Welcome and What This Collection is about

Hi and welcome to our friendly forum

New pets and new pet ownership are always both a very exciting but also a rather anxious time.

The information guide links below have all been specifically written to help you to a good start in terms of your piggies' environment and diet as well as settling them in and making friends with them; understanding their behaviour, caring for them and learning how to spot what is normal and not as well as being prepared for any necessary vet care. We have also included information on the most common pitfalls with newly bought pets and your customer rights in this case as well as practical family advice and considerations.

The guide links contain all the practical little how-to tips and step-by-step information that will help you in navigating all the little tricky details and questions that we cannot necessarily explain in every single thread but that many new owners often don't have the courage to ask about.
You are of course always very welcome to ask any questions you have (however seemingly insignificant or strange) in our various Care Sections with the confidence of getting a friendly, factual answer and in the knowledge that there are quite a lot of readers that would love to know the same thing, too!

We have a much more extensive owners information collection for all the little and large problems that can come up along the way. The larger collection also includes more in-depth information on guinea pigs as a species in their own right. It may be worth bookmarking for later use: Comprehensive Owners' Practical and Supportive Information Collection

The guides format for our extensive information resource on this forum allows us to constantly add to and to update our information as needed. We are all still on a learning journey and are still in the process of learning to understanding and caring better for our beloved piggies, after all... and the guinea pig world as well as our knowledge and concept of welfare are also constantly developing.

However, our forum can also serve as a unique and extensive research resource for a more in-depth look at topics of your choosing. Our '1 thread = 1 case' rule in our Care sections in combination with our freedom to let threads run on for as long as needed will give you first hand insights into how things unfold from start to end.
Our own advice and guides are the result of all of our combined experiences of how things are working out in real life but you are welcome to look at real life cases. We would like to be informed and credited as a forum if any of this is going into scientific research.
Here is our guide on searches:

Please accept that we are a rescue-friendly pet owners forum and do not support any form of intentional breeding or competition showing.

Since we are a public space that is not part of social media, we cannot accept members under 18 years due to international protection laws. If you are younger, you can still read our information and are welcome to join once you are legally old enough. Anybody lying about their age will be banned with immediate effect in order to protect our forum.
5 Settling In and Handling

Guinea pigs are prey animals. Please keep in mind that pet shop and for sale breeder piggies have usually had very little in the way of human interaction before they are sold.
If you are looking for guinea pigs used to instant human interaction, then rather consider adopting rescue guinea pigs (especially truly pre-loved adult or older piggies) and allow the rescue to pair you up.

We recommend to start handling your piggy once they start taking food from your hands and have clearly started trusting you. Enrichment ideas can help you bonding with your piggies without the need to handle them.
Any health concerns take of course precedent. Please open a support thread in our Health/Illness section.

Arrival in a home from the perspective of pet shop guinea pigs

New Guinea Pigs: How to Manage Arrival and Settling In
How Do I Settle Shy New Guinea Pigs?
Reacting to group or territorial changes: Dominance and group establishment/re-establishment

Understanding Prey Animal Instincts, Guinea Pig Whispering and Cuddling Tips
How To Pick Up And Weigh Your Guinea Pigs Safely
Who is the Boss - Your Guinea Pig or You?
6 Grooming and Life-long Health Monitoring

Grooming Care
Guide to Cutting Guinea Pig Nails
An Illustrated Guide to Hair Cutting

We generally recommend to just give a gentle bum bath with plain water and - if needed - a judicious haircut of any mats and tangles if possible. Over-bathing without a good/medical reason can lead to dry skin as it disturbs the natural microbiome on the skin, which is an important part of the immune system and body defence.
Bathing (including cleaning grease glands) (includes 'bum bath' tips and how you can avoid injuries from blind freak jumps)

Vital Health Monitoring
A life-long once weekly weigh-in and body check can save lives and pick up problems before before they become an emergency. A daily weigh-in and check throughout a crisis or treatment is every bit as crucial as any medical care because it gives you up to date feedback as to how much your piggy is actually eating and how much you need to support feed. You cannot control the hay intake (which should make at least three quarters of what your piggy eats in a day) just by eye. Looking at poos means that you are always running behind events and will never know just exactly how much you need to compensate with your own care.

Our weight guide here answers all questions about how to work out whether your piggy is a healthy weight for their individual size at any age (see chapter about 'Feeling for the Heft') as well as why life-long weekly weighing is so important (it can be life saving) and what to look out for. Normal kitchen scales will do for home monitoring.
You switch to weighing daily during any illness or concerns but always weigh at the same time of day (like first thing in the morning) since the weight jumps around 30-40g over the course of a day. You can't judge the hay intake just by eye and only looking at the poo output means that you are running a day behind events.
Weight - Monitoring and Management
Weight Loss Explained: BMI, Weighing, Poos and Feeding Support
How To Pick Up And Weigh Your Guinea Pigs Safely

Learning what is normal and what not/Regular body checks
These guides here help you to firstly learn what is normal for your own piggies so you can spot any changes later on during your weekly checks.
It is not the worst idea to take some pictures of body parts once your piggies have settled to use as a reference if you are in doubt.
Guinea pig body quirks - What is normal and what not?
Boar Care: Bits, Bums & Baths
7 Companionship and Behaviour

Boars, sows or mixed pairs; babies or adults?
Single Guinea Pigs - Challenges and Responsibilities
A Closer Look At Pairs (Boars - Sows - Mixed)
Adding More Guinea Pigs Or Merging Pairs – What Works And What Not?

Understanding Behaviour
All behaviours and behaviour complexes with their meaning in one place!
A - Z of Guinea Pig Behaviours

Guinea pigs always need to establish/re-establish a hierarchical group in any new territory. This means that you will likely see some dominance between your newly acquired piggies in the first weeks.
At the very worst, if you have chosen your piggies just for looks they may decide that they do not suit. Key to any happy piggy bond is mutual liking and character compatibility.
If you buy guinea pigs, please take the time to observe which piggies are hanging out with each other choosing the prettiest piggies in the pen - you'll have a much better chance of a happy and much more stable bond! Or rather opt for a rescue match if possible...
Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics
Dominance Behaviours In Guinea Pigs
Reacting to group or territorial changes: Dominance and group establishment/re-establishment
Bonds In Trouble

Gender Specific Aspects
Sows: Behaviour and female health problems (including ovarian cysts)

A Comprehensive Guide to Guinea Pig Boars
Boars: Teenage, Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?
8 Illness

Early Signs of Illness and Spotting What Is Normal or Not
Guinea pig body quirks - What is normal and what not?
Early Signs Of Illness
Signs of Pain in Guinea Pigs
Syringe Training Before The Need For Medicating

Wiebke's Guides to the Body: Normality and Common Illnesses
Wiebke's Guide to Pees and Stones
Wiebke's Guide to Poops
Wiebke's Guide to Tummy Trouble
Sow Problems 'Down Below' (Ovarian Cysts, Super-seasons, Womb Infection, Pregnancy & Mammary Tumours)
Boar Problems 'Down Below' (Penis, Impaction, Testicles & Neutering, Mammary Tumours & Grease Gland)

Vet Visit Info and Tips; Insurance and Payment Support
The largest budget post in any pet's life time budget are vet cost. Guinea pigs are no exception.
Please save up from the start as part of their life-long maintenance cost on a weekly or monthly basis so you can pay for essential medication for easily curable illnesses, life-saving operations and euthanasia to spare your pet a slow death in agony - whether you opt for insurance or a private 'piggy bank' vet account.
A guide to vets fees, insurance and payment support.
How Soon Should My Guinea Pig See A Vet? - A Quick Guide
Tips For Vet Visits
Recommended Guinea Pig Vets

Serious Illness and Emergency Care Support
Here is our one-stop emergency info and practical care advice guide collection when you are in a panic (Finding vet care ASAP - What is a life or death emergency? - Potentially life-saving care at home and how to improvise in a pinch - Is my guinea pig dying?)
Emergency, Crisis and Bridging Care until a Vet Appointment

First Aid: Immediate Care Measures and Non-medication Products
Not Eating, Weight Loss And The Importance Of Syringe Feeding Fibre
How to Improvise Feeding Support in an Emergency
A Practical and Sensitive Guide to Dying, Terminal Illness and Euthanasia in Guinea Pigs

Please open a support thread in our Health/Illness section.

Please accept that we can help you with practical care tips and moral support but that we cannot replace any necessary vet care and medication.

Owner Illness, Inter-Species Transmission and Hygiene Tips (incl. Covid info)
One-stop guide for all questions around Owner Illness, Pregnancy and Immuno-depression; species jumping illnesses and important practical hygiene and care organisation tips:
Contagion - Pet Care During Owner Illness (incl. Covid)/Pregnancy&Immuno-depression/Zoonosis

9 Further Helpful Information

We hope that all the information and practical how-to tips in this collection will help you to make a good start into your ownership so you can enjoy your piggies as much as possible and discover how amazing and full of personality and individual quirks they really are!

More in-depth information on a much wider range of topics
You are of course always welcome to ask any questions you may have that are not covered in our guides in the our relevant Care sections, the most sensitive of which are specially monitored by members whose experience and knowledge we fully trust. They are the ones with a badge in their signature.

We are a friendly place where you can ask any question, however small, without embarrassment and fear of ridicule since for us this is part of everybody's normal learning process, so you will always get a factual and honest answer. We haven't forgotten that we have all started out knowing nothing about guinea pigs!
On the forum we also provide ongoing friendly support through bonding, fall-outs, illness or loss.
You'll find a friendly community for chatting about your piggies, showing them off or marking their passing as well as your other pets and life in general in Chat sections.
But you are also invited to look at our Comprehensive Owners' Collection, which covers a much wider range of topics, problem areas that you can come up over the course of your ownership as your piggies turn into teenagers, adults or older piggies that are not always quite the nice cuddly pets you imagine them as you'd expect, holiday provision, specific illness care - and so much more!
Comprehensive Owners' Practical and Supportive Information Collection
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