Getting a new piggie. Does and don't.

He's stunning but not a baby - more of a juvenile. What a handsome fellow. Sorry that the bonding didn't work out.
Stunning ❤️ sorry to hear bonding didn't work out. Are they able to live as neighbors?
Given it was a fur ball of fighting it’s not advisable to try bonding again.
This is a clutching at straws question. When you say not advisable. Is this to say, it's more than likely they won't bond again. Or is there anything we can do to 'increase the chances' - and I suppose, have people examples where bonding hasn't gone well and after x period of time they have lived together.

We try to ensure the 'Berlin wall' between them is free so they have line of sight to each other. The only issue we have really is.....

1. Crazy chewing of the bars. We let our piggies free roam whilst we are working from home - However when one piggie is out running around like Usain Bolt, the other is in the cage...

There’s nothing you can do to increase the chances of their getting on. If they don’t like each other, there’s nothing you can do to change that. The fact that there was teeth chattering and then a fur ball isn’t a good sign. Neither is chewing the bars. That could just mean they want to have a go at each other.

You may have to put up a barrier on the dividing grids so they can’t see each other. Then you can remove it after some time and hopefully they would have calmed down. How do they behave towards each other now? Is there still teeth chattering etc?

Were you told how old the new boy is?
:agr: If they got into a fur ball fight then they don’t like each other, so there is no point in trying again. They don’t change their minds
So - After a while (over a year?) - Bruce and Sergio live together. I am not going to suggest they are BFF's -
But they don't fight.

I was ready to give Sergio up - His constant biting of the cage wasn't a good life. We love our piggies and seeing one so unhappy, was depressing.
Now he lives with Bruce. His life is a million times better. No more biting the cage, more zoomies and popcorning!

How did we get to a stage after a year of living apart and hating each other?

Well - In three parts.
  1. We let them out in the evening and fed than pallets side by side - The distraction of food meant they weren't looking to have a fight.
  2. We let our parents look after them. We know Sergio loves nothing more than to break into Bruce's cage. Seemingly our parent were not so aware, and only after a few days did they notice Sergio had broken into Bruce's cage, and they had been living happily together (I would rather not think about all the fighting that must have gone on before that)
  3. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Whilst at said parents - they have a golden retriever - I wonder if a bond was created between the piggies, as they had a huge doggy always looking over them.
