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George sounds crackly

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Jan 6, 2008
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I live in Scampton village, famous for the Dambust
Been out to clean George and Mildred out and feed them and George sounds crackly :-\ I can see clear liquid in his nostrils. He is alert and running about and eating his veg and he seems his happy usual self.
There were plenty of his poos on the vetbed. Nothing has changed, he had his blanket and the run is lined with the same fleece blankets :-\ I don't think he's desperately ill, do you think he's had a reaction to something? The only thing I can think that may of caused it is if I accidently put fabric conditioner in the washing machine when washing the vetbed and blankets :-\ I'm thinking of taking him to the vets this morning but after last weeks experience with Snoopy I haven't got alot of faith in how confident they are at making the right diagnosis :-\
Sounds like a URI to me. Crackly chest and runny nose are classic symptoms. Can you take him to another vets? Hope he is ok. x
Bless him, they hid illnesses really well. I missed Cuzzy's illness at first because he was eating well. I know what you mean about vets Tika isn't getting spayed at my vets because they aren't rabbit savy thankfully I have many vets in my area!

Hope he is ok, if it is a URI its been caught early and with a dose of antibiotics he should be fine. :)
Thank you :) Just one more thought sprung to mind, I fill up the hay rack at night and the bag of herbage is next to Snoopy's excel rabbit roughage -maybe I put that in the hayrack :-\ these products I have never found dusty though - just a thought. I'll feel better when he's been checked over by a vet :)
hoping everything goes well for george at the vets O0 wondering if george is with mildred would it be worthwhile getting her checked out too?or is george like george in george and mildred? ;D ;D ;D sending hugs and healing vibes :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
George and I are back from our new vets :) nice vet, she gave him a thorough examination, Georges crackly noise was not as bad when we got there ::) She was not concerned it was a respiratory infection as his lungs were clear. His eyes are clear and bright, just his nose is runny. She feels certain its an allergy to something.
I am very relieved :) I have some Sudafed so he has just had a dose of 0.3ml, hopefully he will feel much brighter. :)
That is good news, as you say it could have been the fabric softener. :)
Thankyou :) :) :) :) It's been an upsetting week and my rabbit and piggies mean the world to me, I can't tell you how relieved I am, I got home and cried buckets :'( and then George got Sticky with Sudafed on the end of his nose and he made me laugh, the little tinker, I just cuddled him so tight to tell him how much I love him :)
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