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GA on a 2yr old piggy

Pain needs to be diagnosed by a vet and medication given accordingly. You can’t give him anything yourself. If you consider his behaviour is due to pain then he needs to see a vet.

He needs large piles of hay in his cage at all times - literally cover the cage with it .
He should have just one tablespoon of a plain pellet per day only. Don’t let him have lots of it as it isn’t good for them.

I use my boys hides all the time. They go in, I pick them up from inside and they’re bothered by it at all - they don’t feel unsafe to be in their hides.
If you think your piggy is going to be upset by you using his hide, then use another type of box
which parts of that mix thing can I be giving him? like which are the ones he can eat? ill put big piles of hay in the cage right now thank you
which parts of that mix thing can I be giving him? like which are the ones he can eat? ill put big piles of hay in the cage right now thank you

The thin brown stick things are the only part of it he should have. Just one tablespoon worth of them a day.
The thin brown stick things are the only part of it he should have. Just one tablespoon worth of them a day.
lord thank you so. so much hes eating so much hay right now cause i put it on the floor of the cage . He had it in a tall box attached to the cage he could pull it out of it but i thtink he didnt have the power or something . God bless you thank you so so much
lord thank you so. so much hes eating so much hay right now cause i put it on the floor of the cage . He had it in a tall box attached to the cage he could pull it out of it but i thtink he didnt have the power or something . God bless you thank you so so much

It’s best to always have loose on the cage floor or in a flat tray - that way they can get right into a pile of hay, play in it and properly forage through. Best not to use hay racks at all as they can restrict their access to hay and stop them from being able to properly forage .

Now, weigh him daily (it’s best for it to be done first thing in the morning) and if he loses weight then you need to syringe feed according to the guides I linked in earlier
It’s best to always have loose on the cage floor or in a flat tray - that way they can get right into a pile of hay, play in it and properly forage through. Best not to use hay racks at all as they can restrict their access to hay and stop them from being able to properly forage .

Now, weigh him daily (it’s best for it to be done first thing in the morning) and if he loses weight then you need to syringe feed according to the guides I linked in earlier
do i need to weigh him today or can I do it in the morning since its 10 pm
Great to hear he's eating loads of hay now - it's the best thing for him to eat. Make sure to keep topping up the piles with fresh hay!

I would also contact the vet as he should really have had some pain relief, particularly with such a large wound!

I hope he continues to improve! 👍
It’s best to always have loose on the cage floor or in a flat tray - that way they can get right into a pile of hay, play in it and properly forage through. Best not to use hay racks at all as they can restrict their access to hay and stop them from being able to properly forage .

Now, weigh him daily (it’s best for it to be done first thing in the morning) and if he loses weight then you need to syringe feed according to the guides I linked in earlier
he now sometimes runs in circles whats that about ? I read it might be ear infection but the doctor wouldve saw it when he checked his health. Is he still stressed from me trying to pick him up maybe ?
do i need to weigh him today or can I do it in the morning since its 10 pm

That call needs to be yours depending on how he is behaving.
If he hasn’t been eating properly for a few days then he needs to be syringe fed now. Weighing him can be done in the morning

he now sometimes runs in circles whats that about ? I read it might be ear infection but the doctor wouldve saw it when he checked his health. Is he still stressed from me trying to pick him up maybe ?

I’m afraid we can’t know.
Ear infections present by themselves usually tilting their head - they are very painful.

It’s best you talk to your vet about any concerns
Great to hear he's eating loads of hay now - it's the best thing for him to eat. Make sure to keep topping up the piles with fresh hay!

I would also contact the vet as he should really have had some pain relief, particularly with such a large wound!

I hope he continues to improve! 👍
thank you so much for the meds thingy . Btw do you know why hes running in a circle soemtimes? I thought it might be something to do with stress because I tried to pick him up yesterday
thank you so much for the meds thingy . Btw do you know why hes running in a circle soemtimes? I thought it might be something to do with stress because I tried to pick him up yesterday
It could indicate an ear or neurological issue, it's not a behaviour I've ever seen in relation to stress but every piggy is different.
I would give your vet a call and check with them 😊
That call needs to be yours depending on how he is behaving.
If he hasn’t been eating properly for a few days then he needs to be syringe fed now. Weighing him can be done in the morning

I’m afraid we can’t know.
Ear infections present by them usually tilting their head - they are very painful.

It’s best you talk to your vet about any concerns
okay thank you so so much
It could indicate an ear or neurological issue, it's not a behaviour I've ever seen in relation to stress but every piggy is different.
I would give your vet a call and check with them 😊
thank you, just texted the vet about the pains meds and food . Ill ask him about it after he answers . We’re going on monday for a check up. Maybe that’s why he didn’t tell us to weigh him? I'm still worried about him circling but I’ll try to calm down for now omg
okay thank you so so much

thank you, just texted the vet about the pains meds and food . Ill ask him about it after he answers . We’re going on monday for a check up. Maybe that’s why he didn’t tell us to weigh him? I'm still worried about him circling but I’ll try to calm down for now omg

The vet probably didn’t tell you to weigh him because they didn’t put enough importance on it.
It should be done daily as part of routine post op home care though (whether a vet tells you to do it not). You know now though!

Healthy piggies should be weighed once a week during their whole lives. You then switch to daily weight checks where there are any health concerns.

Do read the green links below

Long Term Balanced General And Special Needs Guinea Pig Diets
Pellets Or Muesli / Dry Mix?
Tips For Post-operative Care
Weight - Monitoring and Management
The vet probably didn’t tell you to weigh him because they didn’t put enough importance on it.
It should be done daily as part of routine post op home care though (whether a vet tells you to do it not). You know now though!

Healthy piggies should be weighed once a week during their whole lives. You then switch to daily weight checks where there are any health concerns.

Do read the green links below

Long Term Balanced General And Special Needs Guinea Pig Diets
Pellets Or Muesli / Dry Mix?
Tips For Post-operative Care
Weight - Monitoring and Management
thank you so so much. I stilk have thiughts about his little sad squeaks? Is it maybe cause by pain 🙁
We can’t say, but I am surprised he has not been on twice daily pain relief for the days immediately following surgery
He ate some hay then took a break and now he id eating again. The squeaks are most probably cause by discomfort said a book I have about small house pets and surgeries. The circling may be caused by stress and usually a lot of stress occurs post op so I hope he ll get back to normal soon and that there will be no complications on monday when we go back to the vet. can I simply put a kitchen scale thingy inside the cage and bring him onto the platform with a fruit piece or some hay to weigh him?
He ate some hay then took a break and now he id eating again. The squeaks are most probably cause by discomfort said a book I have about small house pets and surgeries. The circling maybbe cause by stress and usually a lot of stress occurs post op so I hope he ll get back to normal soon and that there will be no complications on monday when we go back to the vet. can I simply put a kitchen scale thingy inside the cage and bring him onto the platform with a fruit piece or some hay to weigh him?

Does he live with another piggy?

It is unlikely a piggy will just sit there for an accurate weight check but you can try it.

What I normally do is put a box on the scales, zero the scales, then put piggy inside the box and take the weight (make a note in my record chart)
Does he live with another piggy?

It is unlikely he a piggy will just sit there for an accurate weight check but you can try it.

What I normally do is put a box on the scales, zero the scales, then put piggy inside the box and take the weight (make a note in my record chart)
thank you so so much ill do that first thing in the morning God bless you thank you thank you
Does he live with another piggy?

It is unlikely a piggy will just sit there for an accurate weight check but you can try it.

What I normally do is put a box on the scales, zero the scales, then put piggy inside the box and take the weight (make a note in my record chart)
I love you so much omg he s been eating a bit more and even took a nap. HE ATE THE PALLETS! LIKE HE S NEVER EATEN THEM 🤍🤍😽