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GA on a 2yr old piggy


Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 26, 2023
Reaction score
Hii , I have a 2 year old guinea pig that has some type of lymphoma I think and the skin over the tumour dissapeared . We took him to the vet yesterday and they said they could either try performinnlg emergency surgery on him before the tumour gets infected or put him to sleep. He said we are taking major risks like any other piggy parents if we let him go under anesthesia But theres no other way. I dont know what else to do to think positively about this. Ive prayed on my own, Ive asked my local church to pray for him and some friends. could anyone please keep their fingers crossed for us? I'm only a teen but I didnt know what other site or app I could use to find a guinea pig community. Please pray for us Omg I hope he’ll be alright!🤍
I am very sorry 😞 does your boy actually have lymphoma? I personally wouldn’t be putting a piggy of mine with lymphoma through an op as the prognosis of lymphoma isn’t good and sadly, your piggy will live for a few months past diagnosis if that I am sorry to say 😞 I would take the time to make lots of memories and spend as much time as possible with him. However, if he doesn’t have lymphoma, at two years of age, even though there is always a risk with GA he’s young so the odds of a good outcome is in his favour x
Hii. I'm not sure if its lymphoma or lipoma with some sort of skin cancer. The vet didnt tell us . He said at the last visit that it could be lymphoma So I’m not really sure. I know that if it is the wound wouldn’t regenerate but I think the vet will take a sample before proceeding to make sure it’s not. Thank you for the part in which you said since he’s young there are better chances of him waking up btw.I hope the vet knows what he’s doing rather than guessing xx 🤍
There is a huge difference between lymphoma and lipoma so I would definitely ask the vet which one your boy has before proceeding. Lymphoma is cancer of the lymphatic system and blood which can cause swellings of the lymph nodes throughout the body where as a lipoma is just a harmless fatty lump which may or may not need removing depending on its size and location and is not cancerous x
I know but what I am saying is that he either has lymphoma or (lipoma+skin cancer) I am not completely sure since the vet didnt specify yesterday, Either way he has an open wound so we would either have to put him down or surgery so I said we give it a try :,)
Good luck! I hope it all goes well. If its any comfort I have had three of my 5 year old piggies spayed in the last few weeks due to ovarian cysts and all 3 did very well with the aneasthetic.

Keeping you in my thoughts
Good luck! I hope it all goes well. If its any comfort I have had three of my 5 year old piggies spayed in the last few weeks due to ovarian cysts and all 3 did very well with the aneasthetic.

Keeping you in my thoughts
omg tysm this rlly helped me calm down a little . I hope he’ll do as well as your three piggies. Hope they recovered🤍🤍😽
HIII I JUST GOT BACK HOME WITH HIM AND HE S OKAY! THE CANCERS TESTS WERE WRONG AND IT WAS A BENIGN TUMOUR SO THEY REMOVED IT EASILY! We were lucky it only had one vein cause benign tumours are usually well vascularised so there could’ve been a hemoragy if we took him later . He now has a blue desinfectant on the cut and its sewn up . We gotta desinfect it everyday with some brown solution called betadina in my country? Heres a pic with the strong piggy 😽😽 He s eating his cereal like a champ😭🤍


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btw there is so much food because the vet said we gotta give him the max we can since he hasn’t eaten for around two days until now . He s okay tho its just that at first we took him to the vet and on stress bases he Was scared to eat and same way after the surgery
Aw bless him, that’s one impressive wound but I’m so glad the surgery was a success and that the lump was benign. I hope he has a speedy recovery now x
Hii he was fine at first and we have to desinfect the wound thingy but yesterday he really didnt want to and was so stressed i skipped that cause he was breathing heavily when we finally caught him . He hasnt drank much water and he doesnt eat too much. I'm scared I hope he ll be less stressed or something :,(
You need to follow post op home care.
You switch to daily weight checks so you can monitor hay intake. If he is eating less hay then he will lose weight. If that happens you must step in and syringe feed him a fibre rich recovery feed or mushed pellets. Eating some cucumber, while it’s good he is eating, doesn’t count for much if his hay intake has dropped. Hay is 80-90% of what they eat in a day and it is that which is vital to be replaced if he isn’t eating enough for himself.

Have you been weighing him daily?

All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures
You need to follow post op home care.
You switch to daily weight checks so you can monitor hay intake. If he is eating less hay then he will lose weight. If that happens you must step in and syringe feed him a fibre rich recovery feed or mushed pellets. Eating some cucumber, while it’s good he is eating, doesn’t count for much if his hay intake has dropped. Hay is 80-90% of what they eat in a day and it is that which is vital to be replaced if he isn’t eating enough for himself.

Have you been weighing him daily?

All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures
I havent and I'm scared to pick him up since yesterday it took a long time catching him so I could desinfect him and he was breathing hevaily cause he was scared . I dont know if its okay for me to pick him up again since he s so scared and panicked. Do you maybe know why hes making these sad low squeaks ?
I havent and I'm scared to pick him up since yesterday it took a long time catching him so I could desinfect him and he was breathing hevaily cause he was scared . I dont know if its okay for me to pick him up again since he s so scared and panicked. Do you maybe know why hes making these sad low squeaks ?

It is so important he is weighed daily and syringe fed accordingly. If a piggy isn’t eating though hay then they need help.
I see you gave him a huge amount of a muesli mix. That is not the right thing for him to eating anyway but it isn’t what he needs to be filling up on - he needs lots of hay.

Is he on any pain relief?
It is so important he is weighed daily and syringe fed accordingly. If a piggy isn’t eating though hay then they need help.
I see you gave him a huge amount of a muesli mix. That is not the right thing for him to eating anyway but it isn’t what he needs to be filling up on - he needs lots of hay.

Is he on any pain relief?
the vet said he doesnt need any and that the cereal think was okay. they said to put that much so he at least eats some and didnt eat too much anyways . I'm sorry if its the wrong type of food but he wasnt eating other types of mixes when we first got him. What should I feed him instead if not those and what should I make to syringe feed him
What are you using to pick him up?
It’s best to herd him into a box and then pick him up from there. You don’t want to be chasing him around the cage trying to catch him with your hands
at first my dad tried doing the second thing because he wasnt even getting into a box or anything else to pick him up. What can I do to pick him up and what should I use . I know I shouldnt use his hideout so can any box be okay?
the vet said he doesnt need any and that the cereal think was okay. they said to put that much so he at least eats some and didnt eat too much anyways . I'm sorry if its the wrong type of food but he wasnt eating other types of mixes when we first got him. What should I feed him instead if not those and what should I make to syringe feed him

The vet said he doesn’t need any pain relief? Most piggies are sent home with a few days worth of post op pain relief.

Actually the cereal isn’t ok. It contains things which piggies should not eat such as grains and seeds (which are a choking hazard).
Does he have hay in his cage?
He need to be eating hay as 80-90% of his daily food intake - lots of it at all times. It is what is needed for healthy gut function.
Piggies need to eat a plain hay or grass based pellet.
To make a syringe feed you will need to pick the plain pellets out of that cereal mix. Mix the plain pellets with warm water until it forms a paste thin enough to go through a 1ml syringe with the end cut off.
The daily weight checks are essential to monitor hay and syringe feed intake.

Why do you think you can’t use his hideout?
Yes any box or hide you can herd him into is fine.
Chasing them around the cage with your hands is likely to stress him out.
The vet said he doesn’t need any pain relief? Most piggies are sent home with a few days worth of post op pain relief.

Actually the cereal isn’t ok. It contains things which piggies should not eat such as grains and seeds (which are a choking hazard).
Does he have hay in his cage?
He need to be eating hay as 80-90% of his daily food intake - lots of it at all times. It is what is needed for healthy gut function.
Piggies need to eat a plain hay or grass based pellet.
To make a syringe feed you will need to pick the plain pellets out of that cereal mix. Mix the plain pellets with warm water until it forms a paste thin enough to go through a 1ml syringe with the end cut off.
The daily weight checks are essential to monitor hay and syringe feed intake.

Why do you think you can’t use his hideout?
Yes any box or hide you can herd him into is fine.
Chasing them around the cage with your hands is likely to stress him out.
he does have hay and thanks about the cereal . What pain relief could I use ? The vet really didnt say anything was needed and Ill stop feeding him the cereal and bring him grass and hay . Is that okay? I didnt want to use his hideout box thing because I thought thts where he feels the safest and if ill use that to catch him he ll start feeling unsafe there and wont have where to stay
he does have hay and thanks about the cereal . What pain relief could I use ? The vet really didnt say anything was needed and Ill stop feeding him the cereal and bring him grass and hay . Is that okay? I didnt want to use his hideout box thing because I thought thts where he feels the safest and if ill use that to catch him he ll start feeling unsafe there and wont have where to stay

Pain needs to be diagnosed by a vet and medication given accordingly. You can’t give him anything yourself. If you consider his behaviour is due to pain then he needs to see a vet.

He needs large piles of hay in his cage at all times - literally cover the cage with it .
He should have just one tablespoon of a plain pellet per day only. Don’t let him have lots of it as it isn’t good for them.

I use my boys hides all the time. They go in, I pick them up from inside and they’re bothered by it at all - they don’t feel unsafe to be in their hides.
If you think your piggy is going to be upset by you using his hide, then use another type of box