Last weekend I noticed that Odi's front teeth were looking pretty bad. It was quite a surprise because he was eating fine and hasn't lost any weight. He is not amused at having his teeth checked and I always have to be careful not to loose a finger. He is a sweety but some things are a big NO NO to him.
I put him on pain medication untill his vet appointment and he was eating fine all week.
Don't know how he did it really, but some piggies are amazing at eating with crooked. Odi is clearly one of them.
Yesterday was his vet appointment and the vet did his front teeth and his back teeth. Now they are looking good again, but of course a bit to short.
Luckily he can eat hay by himself. He is also very determined to eat everything else in his own, but he does accept being fed stripes of veggies by hand.
I hope he will be able to eat again on his own soon and that this isn't the beginning of regular vet trips.
But well, it's been 2.5 years now since my last 'teeth piggy', so I had a good brake from the constant vet visits.
Odi was very good at the vet's and left many poops all over the place. He also tried to bite the vet lady, but wasn't very successful from what I heard.