Furbabies' Adventures

Dear Odi

I hear that you were woken up today by your Slave just because she wanted to take your picture while you were hard at work having a snooze. This is just not the done thing! How dare she! The very cheek! How would she like to have her slumber disturbed so rudely?

You and your wifelets clearly need to train your Slave better and not to wake you up except for food. To be woken up for food (or yummy medicine says Meg) is most acceptable but otherwise its a big no no. Us piggies need our sleep because we need to sleep until we are hungry and then eat until we fall asleep in a food coma.

Next time (as there is always a next time!) your Slave wakes you up with a camera pointing in your face, act really grumpy and don't comply with anything she wants you to do. As a founder member of GPFANS you have had the necessary training for a quick nip. (I don't usually condone nipping and it really is against the rules of The GPU but there are exceptions and GPU HQ have said that this is about the only occasion where nipping may be acceptable).

Yours hoping you have a decent kip.

The One and Only Thea
Shop Steward
Dear the One and Only Thea,
thank you for your concern!
Mummy slave only interrupted my sleep a little bit. And she wasn't near enough for a quick nip - unfortunately.
But it even annoys her more when I shift a little in my sleep and become just adorable to look at instead of utterly adorable.:cool:
Wheeks Odi
I had to do it again, I wanted to love them all but I keep missing so much I didn’t want to overload you with loves, but you have too many gorgeous piggies and pics! :)) :wub: Gorgeous piglets, hope they enjoyed their delivery! :luv: x
I had to do it again, I wanted to love them all but I keep missing so much I didn’t want to overload you with loves, but you have too many gorgeous piggies and pics! :)) :wub: Gorgeous piglets, hope they enjoyed their delivery! :luv: x
Thank you!
You can never too many. :love:
And I totally agree with you though I might be a bit biased. But just a little bit. :cool:
The piggies are not very impressed with me at the moment.
When Billie had her last paw checkup, the vet suggested to cut down on the bandaging because it causes the paw to be swollen. No bandage means a higher risk of bleeding - so I'm very reluctant to take this step.
But yesterday Billie's paw was really big, so today I switched them to fleece bedding, while reducing the floor space of the cage. That's the only way for me to manage the fleece bedding for as long as it's necessary.
At first the piggies were pretty enthusiastic about the new setup, but after dinner they gave me the very clear message that they were ready to go back to their usual cage.
Sorry, guys!
Cage still looks awesome for them.
I gave up using fleece as I just couldn’t cope with the laundry.

So sorry that Billie’s paw is still causing so much concern.
What are the long term options?
Cage still looks awesome for them.
I gave up using fleece as I just couldn’t cope with the laundry.

So sorry that Billie’s paw is still causing so much concern.
What are the long term options?
I know what you mean, but I will get through a few weeks, if necessary. 🙈
Unfortunately there isn't really anything much more to do than I'm doing at the moment.
Last Friday we had an appointment with the specialist vet at the university of veterinary medicine.
Tessy has a bit of a bald spot on her back. The cause of this should be her ovarian cysts. But I hope that they won't cause too many problems.

Bonny has blood in her urine. On Monday or Tuesday we will get the results of the bacterial analysis. She is eating just fine and as active as usual. I discovered the problem by chance because I wanted to be sure that Bonny doesn't suffer from diabetes. She doesn't show any of the usual symptoms of an UTI.
Hope all goes well with test results for Bonny and it’s nothing serious.
Hope Tessy’s ovarian cysts remain trouble free.
I think you have enough on your plate with Billie’s paw.