We had quite a few really hot days in Vienna, but today it's a little bit cooler. So I'll take the opportunity to introduce my third girl Bonny.
Bonny is a little over a year old and I fell in love with her picture in the middle of the first hard lockdown last year. It wasn't exactly the best time to think about a new piggy. I had to say goodbye to my sweet Chelsea in February and Muffin's chronic teeth problems in combination with severe arthritis took a turn for the worse.
But the prospect of a young piggy in the group was like a spark of hope in this bleak time.
Just before I was able to bring her home, one of my girls (Hailey) died quite suddenly and I was really worried that Muffin would take the clue to follow her over the rainbow bridge. But when Bonny arrived, Muffin instantly perked up. He was such a ladys' boar.
And Bonny really was a joy to watch. She is a pretty skitish girl, but very fond of food. She is the fastest eater in the group - even faster than Billie - and likes to snatch food from the others. She ist nearly as big as Billie, but more mobile. She enjoys to run around in the living room.
When Odi moved in after Muffin's death she was around 6 months old and really liked the idea of a younger and more energetic boar - in contrast to Billie and Tessy who were less amused. I don't think that Odi exactly feels the same way, but Bonny is the founding member of the Odi fan club. Vicky joined the club only recently.
I think that Bonny is third in the hierarchy of my girls, but she sure tried to get to a higher place. So in the time between 6 months and about a year Billie had to insist pretty often that she was top sow. And poor Tessy still has a bit of dicussions to endure.
But most of the times the group is really harmonious and they are great fun to watch and to interact with.
So this is my lovely Bonny.