Fungal infection

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Hi Starla, Huxley's eye cleared up a lot quicker than the scab on his ear - he also had a scaly patch on his little dangly bits. As well as his jab he was on baytril for a couple of weeks and that seemed to cure the eye and ear problem. The scab has now gone completely from his ear but left a nick. I don't know if it was mites or not..
Now he has had a steroid jab and is on non-hay bedding to try and shift the crusts on his nose and the side of his mouth. His nose looks better but he still has black crusts round his mouth. He is a lot better though and more lively - how is your girlie doing today?
thanks Katie I may mention the baytril thing to the vet, it's a good precaution if there's any hidden illness...which we know guineas are so good at hiding! Poor Huxley, I hope he feels better soon. He has a lot of crusting doesn't he :( Pretzel is very lively, popcorning round her cage, so hope she's improving!
Hi Starla...just saw your post and wanted to comment on just how gorgous Pretzel is! That is Pretzel in the pic, isn't it? She is just so beautiful. How is her eye healing? I hope she is better. Ricky and I send our love to you and Pretzel! Feel better little Pretzel! :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
that is Pretzel. Thank you :), she knows she's beautiful ::) ;D but she is such a sweetie,
I just wish her scabby, flakey skin would clear up. The skin below the eye has improved lots, but she now has it on her ear :( and is getting it on her back :'(

Pretzel sends :-* to Ricky :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
my boys had fungal and mites and they both cleared up with shampoo and coconeam melt from gorgeous guinea pigs - i wish i hadnt put them through skin scraps at the vets, they didnt really know what they were doing.

not sure about the eye area though, my boys had scabs on their sides which cleared up after a few weeks of treatment.

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