Found Scabs And Scratches From Fights :(

Chelsea & Dan

New Born Pup
Sep 1, 2017
Reaction score
IMG_4495.webp IMG_4496.webp IMG_4498.webp So we have had our three gorgeous piggies for 5ish months now and they are 9 months old. Never had an issue with them until recently where they have started fighting with each other.

Our poor Diamond is the victim in all of this, with George doing the biting and scratching and Graham keeps trying to mate with Diamonds head. I'm not too worried about the mating because I think it's a sign of dominance but the fighting is getting too much now. I have attached photos to show the damage being caused.

Any advice on what I can do?
Hi and welcome to the forum, I assume they are all boys? If so, then it is likely you will need to separate, 3 boys will not get along and all fight as they get older more and more. two boys together is fine but 3 rarely works. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

I would suggest you monitor them and find out who isn't getting on with whom and then separate accordingly. You will need to fine a friend for your lone boar, ideally if you have your boar neutered and then find him a loving wife pig you will have a happy team.
Hello and welcome to the forum. I'm afraid it sounds as though you have a trio of young boars who have hit their teenage hormones and started fighting. As @Mother Hubbard says it is almost inevitable that you will need to work out which pair get on and then remove the third. Things will not improve without direct action - they will only escalate as a trio of boars is most unlikely to make it through to adulthood as a group. So sorry not to be more positive.
Thank you both for your replies. Does it have to be a new female pig to accompany the one I seperate or will a male be fine? I have heard that two males can fight just as much?
Thank you both for your replies. Does it have to be a new female pig to accompany the one I seperate or will a male be fine? I have heard that two males can fight just as much?

Sorry to hear they're not getting on, as others have said trios of boars rarely stay together sadly :(

If you decide a female is the way to go you'd have to get your boy neutered and wait 6 weeks after his op before introducing a girlie to him. Spayed females are as rare as hens teeth as it's quite a risky procedure and only done if needed for health reasons.

If you decide on another boy, rescues will be able to help you bond a new boy which will be a high success rate at staying together :)
Thank you both for your replies. Does it have to be a new female pig to accompany the one I seperate or will a male be fine? I have heard that two males can fight just as much?
Two boars can fight as well so try and work out who gets on best with who. Usually putting the most dominant pig with the most submissive works. If they are closely matched in dominance then that's when fights occur. You can boar date the lone piggy and find him a compatible friend if you don't want to get him neutered. Having a sow in the same room as a boar pair can sometimes trigger fighting too.
IMG_4512.webp So we have had a play around with cages and split up Diamond from the other two. He can see, smell and hear the other two but would you suggest us still getting him a companion? Thanks in advance!