We have daffodil white (lemon colour) on the landing.
It is very nice! Dulux paint.
The owners before had terrible taste!I've got Daffodil White in my hall and Apricot White in my living room. When I moved in, the hall was a horrid mustard colour and the living room was dove grey. The kitchen was the worst; [you]very[/you] dark purple with silver woodwork! Yuk!
Do you have light or dark furniture?Great minds think alike!
We have a cream sofa, two single chairs the same colour and style.I have two sofa's, one cream-coloured leather, the other fawn and cream fabric. My bookshelves are light teak colour. How about you?
Does the black and white room look dark?My living room is brown and pink (i didn't decorate it, but it works) with black sofas. Kitchen is cream. Dining room is brown and cream. Conservatory is red and cream. Bathroom is blue, main bedroom is purple and cream, second bedroom is black and white and piggy room is soon to be yellow and white!
That sounds nice!No actually it's not The walls are white, the carpet is like an ash black and the feature wall is a pin striped black and white. It's quite smart actually
Oo I say! Very plush..Rachel, if you look at the photo's on the last page of the girls temporary setups you can see the wallpaper behind them
Oo, nasty!haha, it was only cheap from B and Q a couple of years ago. When we moved in the room was bog off pink. I was a bit like O.O starled deer in headlights. Even the carpet was the same colour!
Just paint the walls I said, it will be fine I said.
Cue us now stripping the walls as the wallpaper is knackered. Also we have about a zillions plugs to remove from the plaster work.
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