Flutterby's Guinea Pigs

Feeding time at the zoo. On todays menu, Spinach, cucumber and celery!

Sylvi obviously thinks the stuff that Ronnie has is better! Baby Helga is just happy for any munchies!

Foster boy Ernie tucking in!
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Rowena making sure she gets some all to herself!
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Sweet Jezabel
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No surprise Valentine stuffing his face!
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Baby Helga having a go at stealing!
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There isn't anything tasty up there Helga!
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Permanent foster residents, 8 year old ladies Matilda and Libby
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Gorgeous Rory tucking in!
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Sylvi grabbing a bite of celery.
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Matilda and libby are everything I hoped pensioner piggies would be. Their little eyes and faces! 🥰 too cute.
You make it all the lovelier Matilda. By the way, what a perfect name! :D:wub: