Flutterby's Guinea Pigs

Anyone want some wrinkles? Wilbur will oblige! Gorgeous Salem helps!

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@Betsy sorry no Ronnie pics yet, she's under treatment for particularly nasty haypoke :(
I'll forgive you Ruth. Ronnie wouldn't like to pose with a dodgy eye. Poor Ronnie hope she gets better soon. :hug:
Healing wheeks for poor Ronnie's eye!
Wilbur is just such a gorgeous wrinkly sausage, and Salem is stunning :)
Yes, hope his eye heals up soon x
Bill and Ted are feeling quite inadequate in the nether regions! 😳
Dennis has come out in sympathy with Ronnie and has haypoke now. The earliest appointment I could get was 4pm this afternoon.
Dennis has come out in sympathy with Ronnie and has haypoke now. The earliest appointment I could get was 4pm this afternoon.
Oh no! Sending lots of healing vibes from our lot to Dennis!

Oops sorry I thought the lovely Ronnie was a chappie! Sorry Ronnie x

Ha don't worry! She get's that a lot! Her name is Veronica but she's always been nicknamed Ronnie!
Thanks Ruth, earlier on a finally managed to get the offending bit of hay out of his eye. It was an inch long seed head! :yikes: :yikes: Ouch.

I managed to get Ronnies out, a long piece of hay that had stuck in the corner and gone around under both her upper and lower eyelid! :eek:
My herd are very sorry that Dennis has hay poke.
They think he should have lots of extra treats after his eye drops & they hope his eye gets better quickly
Thanks Dennis has 2 lots of drops and Metacam and is very pleased to report that he got a strawberry top after them tonight.