If there are bugs round the house they can't be piggy lice or mites - I'm sure these just don't survive off the pigs. I've never ever heard of this happening.
Do you have any other pets like cats/dogs which might have brought fleas in? Even if a cat has passed away you can still get things living in the carpet months later - over a year sometimes. You get red itchy bites round the ankles above the sock line. We got them once when I was a kid after the cat had died - but it was about a year and a half later. We had a shag pile carpet! The council man had to come round and spray it.
We did once get something living in our house and the pig cage but not actually on the pigs. These were teeny tiny little things that looked a lot like the 'springtails' you get in any garden ie. too small to see any detail but when you poke a springtail they 'boing' away. The little things in our house didn't boing. They were related to book-lice but they weren't book lice. They only survived at all because it was damp! Apparently they grazed on 'damp dust' which made me feel really good about my standards(!) and they seemed to be everywhere once I'd looked for them, although they could only move on hard surfaces so they never got upstairs. But upstairs we got moths in the carpet at the same time and that was that - we got the whole place sprayed. But actually these little lice were very fragile and a standard home insect spray (Insectrol: active ingredient called Permethrin) covered us for similar things happening in the future. Spray round the edge of the room and leave - kills them straight off and remains active for 2 weeks. Permethrin is very toxic for cats - and quite specifically cats - but it's safe for pigs although I didn't spray where they might come into contact. I cleared the pig area, sprayed round the skirting, vented the whole place till it dried (there was quite a pong) then just put the cages and fleeces back down.
It was actually at this point we changed from Correx to our current set up with plastic tray cages because I couldn't get the spray down the hollow tubes between the layers of plastic and they were on the floor. It does mess with your head when something like this happens, seriously, I do understand that, and especially when the kids are involved. I lifted my toddler daughter's mattress and saw dozens of 'maggots' crawling around in the wool carpet and up the sides of the mattress and went properly hysterical. In truth there was no issue with clothes moth larvae harming people - they just feed on wool - but the shock was terrific. they must have been there a good year and we'd never noticed before but, well... sometimes it just gets to you doesn't it.
I hope you can get this sorted x