Fleece Vs Bedding!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 16, 2015
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I want to know your guys thoughts on bedding and fleece, maybe a list of pros and cons and what you use! It would really help as I am usure. If you could tell me what bedding (if you use it) you use, then that would also be good! :nod:
When I first owned my piggies around 4 years ago I used Megazorb, at the time it was really good. However around a year or so ago, I found it becoming increasingly dusty. For example, when I tipped it into the cage, a dust cloud would appear. Not nice! I found it also got picked up in my piggies nails so that when the beg at the bars, the Megazorb gets flicked out the cage.

So I then moved on to Fitch which I cannot recommend enough. It is more expensive then Megazorb but far better quality. It is made from recycled paper so it's really absorbent. It is also really easy to scoop up when cleaning out the cage.
When I changed my cage around I decided to try cage liners (fleece with an absorbent middle layer) and that is what I am currently using. It makes it so much easier to spot clean the cage as you can just sweep up the poops in a dustpan and brush and they are really absorbent. I have been using them for a couple months now and can't say I have actually ever felt them being wet. I change them weekly, and they never feel wet when I take them out :)

I have never used just ordinary fleece so can't really comment on that. I know some people put towels and puppy pads underneath and they have to be changed more frequently as they get wet this is why I much prefer cage liners as it is just one thick layer that is really absorbent and you can get them made to fit your cage.

Hope that helps!
I used Hemp for a litter tray for a while, it was good, very absorbent, but I have always mostly used fleece.
I tried fitch, but found it very dusty - one of my boys wouldn't stop sneezing and the other couldn't walk on it.
I bought fleece cage liners in August and they are fab, easy to spot clean, easy to wash and I only have to change them weekly although this does depend on the size of your cage and the liner. :)
I get my cage liners from Ziggy's Piggies and I think they are probably the best cage liners I've come across and are great value for money :)
I use Fitch in the majority of the cage, Aubiose in their hay / litter trays .

I sometimes use fleece cage liners for variety but don't use fleece in the entire cage because of the amount of laundry this would create.

My cage liners came from Ziggy ' s Piggies too .

I also have fleece cuddle sacks and tunnels from @Sarah from Chucklebunnies . My Guinea Pigs love these products - I have to put clean ones in every day -they get wee'd on more than their bedding !
Welcome to the forum @PistachioPiggy . Are you in the UK? Would you be happy to put this in your profile as it helps when giving advice.

We've got members in many countries on this forum - including the US, Canada and Australia. If you live in the UK - UK will be enough
Welcome to the forum @PistachioPiggy . Are you in the UK? Would you be happy to put this in your profile as it helps when giving advice.

We've got members in many countries on this forum - including the US, Canada and Australia. If you live in the UK - UK will be enough
Hey, yeah I am from the UK! and ye I will do that.
I used sawdust/wood shavings at first but now I use fleece, both me and my piggies much prefer it.
Welcome to the forum! I use fleece with 'Back to nature' bedding in their feeding areas. Fleece can be tricky but done correctly is fantastic! The link posted above is perfect!
I used to use wood shavings but they where very dusty. Then I used hay but realised piggie wee went straight through onto the newspaper! I started to use Aubiose but the pieces are tiny and kept going everywhere! I am going to try Fitch. I also tried care fresh and pets@home shredded paper or recycled paper but those where too expensive!
Fleece, personally, although it takes time and some getting used to. After some initial teething problems and one tantrum (that's me) we finally get along and I wouldn't change for the world :)
I use fleece, with puppypads underneath :)

- Warm, and soft so the pigs find it comfy to lay down and sleep on and it doesn't irritate their feet. Mine have very sensitive feet.
- You can get nice colours and patterns (if you care about that kind of thing).
- You can buy it very cheaply (I got mine from Poundland and B&M).
- It is cheap to maintain because you reuse the fleece rather than disposable beddings, and the fleece lasts a long time before you need to bin it.
- Fleece is easy to spot-clean.
- After you've washed the fleece, I find it drys very quickly.
- Puppy pads are quite cheap, especially if you buy them in massive bargain packs.
- Fleece and puppy pads are both easy to find in shops, most bargain shops sell both (Poundland, B&M, Home Bargains etc) as well as supermarkets and pet stores.

- More laundry as have to machine-wash the fleece.
- Puppy pads are disposable and you do get through a lot of them.
- I do a full cage clean every 4 days, mini-clean in the middle of that (i.e. new puppy pad usually in corners as that's where they wee the most), and spot-clean for poops every day. So that is quite a fair bit of work for the upkeep. If you don't do it though, the fleece will get wet and can cause real problems for the pigs - I know this because my old regime was far less strict and my poor boars ended up getting sore skin on their feet from sitting in their own wee which took about a month to clear up and one of them still isn't completely sorted. :( So you really have to be committed because it does take up a fair bit of time, and as I have back problems it's hard as it hurts my back too so I often need my partner to help me.
- You have to prepare for it in advance because you need to wash the fleece about 3 times before you can use it in the cage so that it wicks.

The only thing I would maybe consider instead is cage-liners but to be honest me and the pigs are quite happy with our current set-up. :)
I was reading somewhere that fleeces have to be washed at 90c in washer. I would love to use fleece but cant aford to run my washer on that high temp every week.
I do what I believe a lot of others do, and that's a 60 degree short wash.
I was reading somewhere that fleeces have to be washed at 90c in washer. I would love to use fleece but cant aford to run my washer on that high temp every week.
60 degrees is fine. I wash my vet bed and towels at 60 degrees.
I have found a lady who makes cage liners to fit your cage, also included a little snuggle sack the same pattern
I bought the plastic for the base of my cage from a shop on Ebay, the seller name is 'thealuminiumshop' and I would really recommend them. The service is excellent and there is a good choice and good prices. :)
I bought the plastic of my cage from a shop on Ebay, the seller name is 'thealuminiumshop' and I would really recommend them. The service is excellent and there is a good choice and good prices. :)
I tried that name on ebay say no result. Any chance you could send me a link to It please
I order Correx from Ebay, it always come's rolled but we flatten it out and place it under the rug for a few days before using it and it's always been fine.
I use vet bed as someone on the forum recommended it , wash it in nonbio powder with a dash of white vinegar, I only put it on a quick wash at temp 30 degrees and it is fine , the girls are comfy and no smell.
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