Fireworks, Thunderstorms and Builders: Pactical tips for guinea pig owners

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Mar 10, 2009
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Coventry UK
Practical tips for sudden loud noises

Bonfire night is fast approaching so here are some tips on how you can help your piggies:
Guinea pigs are prey animals, so if your close neighbours are letting some off, please bring your piggies indoors for the duration.
Make sure that the hutch/shed is secure and well insulated and cannot set accidentally on fire.
Make sure that your piggies are protected not just from the noise, but also from sudden light flashes.

For your indoors piggies:
- close your curtains or protect the cage with a sheet or blanket, especially at night if you do not have curtains.
- play the radio.
- if they are used to you having your tv on in the same room, then they are much more used to sudden sharp noises and changes in light levels but curtains and blankets do help to give them a greater sense of security.

These tips work for all situations from thunderstorms to building work in the neighbourhood.
Better keep an eye on burnie hes never seen this time of year before. Dot was fine last few times. My best off pet was my old springer spaniel, he was an ex gun dog lol
I close my curtains as soon as its dark this time of year- I like to be cosy! Other half always has the tv on so my girls are used to noise ...
I've just seen this article; Classic FM are going to host a evening with music for pets on Saturday the 3rd when the most fireworks are expected. They will be playing soothing music. I know its aimed at cats and dogs but I will definitely put this on for my piggos to have a listen to.
Classic FM to broadcast first ever radio show for pets - Classic FM
I remember a few years ago when I had outdoor piggies living in a hutch. My neighbour at the time had a fireworks party so I brought the piggies in for the night.

The next morning there was a used firework on top of the piggies hutch! Thankfully the cover didn’t set fire but it so easily could have done :(
I remember a few years ago when I had outdoor piggies living in a hutch. My neighbour at the time had a fireworks party so I brought the piggies in for the night.

The next morning there was a used firework on top of the piggies hutch! Thankfully the cover didn’t set fire but it so easily could have done :(
Wow that was close. Hope them that can bring in their piggies or give them thick cuddle cups to hide in.
Wow that was close. Hope them that can bring in their piggies or give them thick cuddle cups to hide in.

I know :( I’m just so grateful now that my piggies live indoors.

I hate fireworks and so do my cats who hide all night. Thankfully they come inside for the night between 5 and 6 and have their tea x
I remember a few years ago when I had outdoor piggies living in a hutch. My neighbour at the time had a fireworks party so I brought the piggies in for the night.

The next morning there was a used firework on top of the piggies hutch! Thankfully the cover didn’t set fire but it so easily could have done :(
I hate fireworks. Pointless crap
I do too. I’m dreading it. Thankfully the piggies aren’t phased but my cats are scared of them and spend the whole night hiding :(
you can get plug in hemp air things to calm cats down. Is it hemp or is it catnip
My guinea pigs don’t seem to care theres fireworks going off really loud tonight and my 2 are sat nibbling away at their veggies without a care in the world. Food solves everything hahaha! X
Well Liverpool is scary fireworks crazy tonight but fortunately my more nervous piggies dont mind too much, Jezebel and Puggle keep coming over and asking me in a very vocal chirpy way what's going on and if I sing them a happy piggy song and smile at them they lick each others ears for reassurance and go back to eating hay. Mad Piggle is most nervous, Clover is just doing fatty piggy sleeping, and Theo is trying to be brave so not to lose face with his favorite wife (or miss out on any hay)...
My neighbours decided to let off their fireworks last night. Thankfully Donald and Speedy were unfazed but I was watching something in the living room so I was back and forth making sure they were fine.
Luckily my piggies seem unfazed by fireworks.They are indoor so maybe don't really notice.My cats and rabbits however don't like the bangs so I put radio on and offer them treats they aren't usually allowed! None of my immediate neighbours have them luckily as we all have quite small gardens but there are still plenty aroundI wish there were only official highly organised (preferably silent variety) firework displays allowed.I worry about pets and wildlife at this time of year.
You could all move to Switzerland.
Not a single firework so far, and I suspect the first we will hear are on New Years Eve (during certain pre determined hours only of course).

I really wish I was in back Switzerland at this time of the year when some idiot thinks that after midnight was the best time to let off fireworks! :(
I've heard (no pun ment) they making some fireworks that don't make as much noise.
World's starving and we blow millions on politics and fireworks.
I've heard (no pun ment) they making some fireworks that don't make as much noise.
World's starving and we blow millions on politics and fireworks.

I hope they are making the quieter, we were saying tonight we think they are louder. For some reason this year we've had them exploding right over our house. The piggies were okay when this happened on saturday as we had a nosiy film on when they started but we were caught out tonight. Piggies dived for cover at the first big bang, hay and poop shot everywhere. All piggies are okay, human nerves are a bit shattered. I'll be better prepared tomorrow.
Boo to fireworks. They should be limited to organised displays. I hate that they frighten pets and wildlife and even some people. ☹️
I hate fireworks. I wish they would just have them at organised displays far away from wildlife and cattle. Thankfully hardly any have been set off near us but il dreading tonight. Thankfully Ellen and Edward aren’t phased but it’s Elizabeth’s first bonfire night with us. Two of my cats are indoor but it’s their first ever bonfire night and my cat who does go out is in for the day and night. He hates fireworks. It’s also my degus first bonfire night with with us
Would a blanket over the cage help if we don't have curtains in the piggy room?
My guinea pigs are in the living room and every night we always cover them and the birds with a blanket and weirdly enough they go to sleep. Probably not for long but I’m sure it’ll help
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