Fighting Sows


Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 27, 2015
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hi, I have 2 female 2 year old pigs , they're sisters and have always lived together ( I got them a few months ago from a vetinary college) but they've started fighting a lot , biting , pushing each other around and making a lot of grunting noises etc. Any ideas why this might be happening now and what I can do about it? I also have 4 other pigs living in the same room.
I'm pretty sure sudden aggression can be a symptom of an underlying medical issue,

One might be in pain and it's causing her to lash out :/
It could be worth a vet visit?
hi, I have 2 female 2 year old pigs , they're sisters and have always lived together ( I got them a few months ago from a vetinary college) but they've started fighting a lot , biting , pushing each other around and making a lot of grunting noises etc. Any ideas why this might be happening now and what I can do about it? I also have 4 other pigs living in the same room.

Please have them vet checked, first, in case there is a medical issue (like ovarian cysts) involved. That is the first angle you need to look at. It is often the small growing ovarian cysts that cause aggressive behaviour if one of the sows is in season nonstop.
Sow Behaviour
Thanks for the advice, I'll get both the girls checked by the vet. The fighting isn't constant and they don't seem to be doing any real harm to each other. Hopefully it's something simple and easily resolved .
It's always better to be safe :)
Hopefully it's sometimes simple like you said and easily fixed :)
I hope whatever it is, it's gets better soon for your girls :)