Favourite Superhero?

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I like the Hulk and Spiderman. Don't know why but I just do!

Hulk is cool, I used to love the one I watched as a kid, very 70's :)

Danger mouse is my hero :D

Dangermouse :)) I'd forgot about him!

I think Batman and most characters associated are my favourites. Not sure what she would come under, but I also love Harley Quinn.
I got a model of her that's a money box for Christmas :)

Are you watching Gotham the TV series?

Mine isn't really a super hero but my fav is blade. Apart from him I tend to like all the baddies lol

I only ever saw the first blade film, but watched it at cinema, I loved it. Very good.

Mine are the old superman (RIP x) iron man, and the fantastic four.
My favourite films are the transformer films so lots of Hero's in those :)

I can't bring myself to watch the Transformers films, I love the comics and G1 toys as a kid so have never been able to watch them in case it ruins my memories. Transformers are my all time favourite toy ever. I loved my Jazz Autobot, found him at mom and dads a few years ago, he was very badly dented... sign of a much loved toy I think :)
Hulk is cool, I used to love the one I watched as a kid, very 70's :)

Dangermouse :)) I'd forgot about him!

Are you watching Gotham the TV series?

I only ever saw the first blade film, but watched it at cinema, I loved it. Very good.

I can't bring myself to watch the Transformers films, I love the comics and G1 toys as a kid so have never been able to watch them in case it ruins my memories. Transformers are my all time favourite toy ever. I loved my Jazz Autobot, found him at mom and dads a few years ago, he was very badly dented... sign of a much loved toy I think :)
I cry every time Jazz dies in the first film, in fact they've killed off all my favourites.
They Killed Jazz! :( Nah, he just chilling...
And ironhide and ratchet... I legit bawled my eyes out when ironhide died :(

Noooooooooooooooooo Ironhide and Ratchet if I remember were the same toy just different colours. Ironhide was Red and Ratchet white
Noooooooooooooooooo Ironhide and Ratchet if I remember were the same toy just different colours. Ironhide was Red and Ratchet white
Well in the film ironhide is a butch silver massive transformer, with what looks like a circular cannon in his arm... And ratchet is the 'medic' and weapons expert and he's green? Are you thinking of the twins? Skids and mudflap? There red and green?



I am assured that is their ahem 'Laser Cannon' :)
Yup, in my day anyhow!

Probably could be better if they were the same now... Now their so human like I am able to form attachments.... Oh dear. My mum wouldn't buy me any transformers years ago when I wanted them - how mean, she told me I didn't need them...
If I had to choose one, I think I'd go with Thor, but just because I love norse mythology hahaha I'm more of a villain person. I love the Joker and Harley Quinn!

Really liked Harley Quinn - an excellent villan, in the Arkham Asylum xbox game, was a great sneak them up game
Hulk is cool, I used to love the one I watched as a kid, very 70's :)

Dangermouse :)) I'd forgot about him!

Are you watching Gotham the TV series?

I only ever saw the first blade film, but watched it at cinema, I loved it. Very good.

I can't bring myself to watch the Transformers films, I love the comics and G1 toys as a kid so have never been able to watch them in case it ruins my memories. Transformers are my all time favourite toy ever. I loved my Jazz Autobot, found him at mom and dads a few years ago, he was very badly dented... sign of a much loved toy I think :)
We're showing our age here Mr :))
Oohh no honest I think the transformer films are a must, very well done I think you should try and watch a bit of the first one and you could always turn it off, I grow up with transformers too having brothers so I know what you mean :)
Give it a go and let me know :)
We're showing our age here Mr :))
Oohh no honest I think the transformer films are a must, very well done I think you should try and watch a bit of the first one and you could always turn it off, I grow up with transformers too having brothers so I know what you mean :)
Give it a go and let me know :)

Will do then Kell :)

I like Catwoman. And Thor.

There is a lot of Thor love going on in this thread :))
Would we all love Thor as much if he was played by someone else, say, Tom Hanks though....

I personally love mythology, so I probably would ;) but, would I as much - I dunno....
Would we all love Thor as much if he was played by someone else, say, Tom Hanks though....
That's a blast from the past.

Was her superpower dispensing Wethers Originals or Pink Waffer biscuits?
Both sound great Lee :)) the main one was good old stodgy porridge if I remember right but then again I was only little :whistle: I bet she had a stash of pink wafers and rich tea biscuits :) ....they SOOO don't make kids tv like that anymore :)
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