Favourite Superhero?

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Senior Guinea Pig
Nov 10, 2009
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Following on from my derailing of another thread (something I am not proud of...) I would like to know your favourite Superhero?

Mine is simply Batman, no super powers for him... Just kick ass detective skills and marital arts. ha ha I mean Martial Arts :))
Don't know if he counts as a 'super' hero but if anyone watches Arrow then I would pick him. No super powers either, just a bow and arrow! And incredible strength of course!
Yes, my dream got derailed :( hahahaha

Iron Man and Thor are babes and truly magnificent.

I also love the Hulk, he is awesome.
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Don't know if he counts as a 'super' hero but if anyone watches Arrow then I would pick him. No super powers either, just a bow and arrow! And incredible strength of course!

Like Arrow a lot, got the second season on Sky+ to watch, there is a third now too?
I like the Hulk and Spiderman. Don't know why but I just do!
:) I loved it when Hulk punched Thor in Avengers Assemble it made me lol a lot.
See, I've only seen the beginning and end of first avengers - I have this shocking habit of falling asleep .... And after 40 attempts Cai gave up pahaha. So I haven't seen that bit, but it does sound rather amusing ;)
See, I've only seen the beginning and end of first avengers - I have this shocking habit of falling asleep .... And after 40 attempts Cai gave up pahaha. So I haven't seen that bit, but it does sound rather amusing ;)

But you've seen Polar Express how many times!
Only the old films. Christopher reeve is superman to me. I can just about put up with scary zoltan now I'm older.....

Classic. Superman 3 were the woman gets turned into a robot freaked me out as a kid
Like Arrow a lot, got the second season on Sky+ to watch, there is a third now too?
Yeh there is a third season :D not sure when it starts though, think they just finished recording it not too long ago. Last series ended on a cliffhanger so I'm looking forward to the next series. I will say no more :whistle:
Following on from my derailing of another thread (something I am not proud of...) I would like to know your favourite Superhero?

Mine is simply Batman, no super powers for him... Just kick ass detective skills and marital arts. ha ha I mean Martial Arts :))
Batman all the way for me. No silly super powers or getting bitten by a radio active spider etc. Just mean fighting skills and gadgets.
This beautiful creatures called Oliver Queen. Also known as The Arrow.


I also love Iron Man!
I think Batman and most characters associated are my favourites. Not sure what she would come under, but I also love Harley Quinn.

I got a model of her that's a money box for Christmas :)
Mine isn't really a super hero but my fav is blade. Apart from him I tend to like all the baddies lol
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