New Born Pup
Hi I am after some advice. I have 2 boars brothers 17months old. Had them since they were babies and they have got along well until the last couple of months where they have started fighting
They have always shown quite a bit of dominance behaviour but recently had 2 bad fights where they have drawn blood So I had to separate them. I put them back together after the first time but then they had a fight overnight about a week later so separated again. I tried introducing them again today and initially they seemed to be working it out and were even laying down next to each other.
But then things started getting very heated and the fighting started again so now are separated again as didn't want to risk anymore bloodshed.
My dad has made me a separator with mesh that I can take in and out of their hutch so they can live next to each other.
Will they be happy living like this long term so they can still see and talk to each other through the cage?
Or is it best to get another hutch and try and get them both a new companion each?
Also was wondering if it's worth trying them together again in the future?
They have a 5ft x 2ft hutch and 2 of everything. Have also tried bonding bath before re introducing them and still no luck. Really want them to get along but it's not looking good! Any help with what to do would be great. Thank you.

They have always shown quite a bit of dominance behaviour but recently had 2 bad fights where they have drawn blood So I had to separate them. I put them back together after the first time but then they had a fight overnight about a week later so separated again. I tried introducing them again today and initially they seemed to be working it out and were even laying down next to each other.
But then things started getting very heated and the fighting started again so now are separated again as didn't want to risk anymore bloodshed.
My dad has made me a separator with mesh that I can take in and out of their hutch so they can live next to each other.
Will they be happy living like this long term so they can still see and talk to each other through the cage?
Or is it best to get another hutch and try and get them both a new companion each?
Also was wondering if it's worth trying them together again in the future?
They have a 5ft x 2ft hutch and 2 of everything. Have also tried bonding bath before re introducing them and still no luck. Really want them to get along but it's not looking good! Any help with what to do would be great. Thank you.