Failure to thrive

I am really hopeful about the bonding session tomorrow for Zeus and muffins. My daughter put the baby Zeus back by accident with muffins yesterday and Zeus immediately started trying to mount muffins and then muffins turned around and was chasing the baby to mount but muffins hair was not on and like it was last week and he did not try to flip the baby over anymore. Super hopeful.
Things are going well overall. Muffins continues to mount zeus pretty relentlessly. We had to take badger out and give him a break because every time muffins mount Zeus badger starts jumping on Mr. muffins and a few times he and Mr. muffins have gone face-to-face with a little bit of nipping. I would love some suggestions. It is almost like badger and muffins will have to go through the establishing dominance process again. Is it possible that badger is feeling protective of Zeus or is this all part of establishing the hierarchy?


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How are they behaving towards eachother? 🥰
After muffins has had countless opportunities to mount Zeus so far so good! my husband is building out an extension on the top of the cage, and it has been totally cleaned and decent so the boys can be moved in there tonight. I will absolutely make sure there is the hidey with the two small holes in case Zeus needs lots of breaks, but truthfully all he wants to do is be near muffins