I just bought my guinea pigs two weeks ago and they are only 13 weeks for now. However, I found there was a little bit redness and ulcer on the eyelid of Barry. He is still very energetic and behaves like normal. Is it a big problem? Do I need to take him to the vet?
Thanks!View attachment 167737
Yes sometimesHave you seen them fighting?
Yes sometimes
Thanks!I will keep an eye on him in the next few days. At the moment, he didn't paw at that the area so maybe it's not ichy.Ringworm can look like a bite or a scratch at first (although it doesn't like one in your picture) but the area will grow larger and covered in a white crust very quickly. When you look at the pictures at the end of the ringworm guide you can see that I have included one that has started out looking like a scratch.
Here is the link again. Please look at the pictures so you can recognise ringworm when it takes off: Ringworm: Hygiene And Pictures
How piggy savvy was the vet you have seen?
Vet Locator
Thanks!I will keep an eye on him in the next few days. At the moment, he didn't paw at that the area so maybe it's not ichy.
I'll bring him to the listed vet if I recognise the ringworm!
Yes I've checked with the vet locator. The nearest vet doesn't accept any new patients unless emerngency or refferal because of covid. The second nearest vet is really far away and I don't have a car so it's not easy for both of us.Usually the vet should treat the ringworm while waiting for the test results because ringworm is so contagious, if it looks suspect- I have to say your first photo I immediately thought ringworm, as did Wiebke and VickiA who have lots of experience with this.
However you do need proper prescription treatments, from a vet- and so close to the eye a topical treatment would be risky, oral itrafungal medicine on prescription would be best. Have you viewed our vet locator, to help find a more experienced piggy vet?
I found a white patch inside my another piggy's ear yesterday, so I brought them to another vet. I tried to register the nearest cavy savvy vet. However, during covid they don't accept any new registrations. As I live in central London, it's quite sad there are not many cavy savvy vets.
The vet was not 100% sure if it's the ringworm, so she took some samples to do the lab test. Based on the vet's advice, before I get the results, I shouldn't give them any treatments. However, it's going to take 5-10 days to get the results. I was suggested to give my piggies pain killer(Metacam) 1ml every day but not any treatments for ringworm yet. I feel like my piggies are very happy and behave normally. Do they really need the pain killer? ( It's my first time to have guinea pigs so I have no idea about any the treatments)
To be honest, I'm almost 98% sure that my piggies are suffering ringworms when I compared the online pictures with my piggies symptoms. After reading the Ringworm: Hygiene And Pictures, I bought F10 disinfectant and cleaned everything inside the cage. I'm wondering because they are still in the cage with ringworm, even I cleaned the cage and changed the beddings, does it mean the cage is still with fungus? How often should I clean the cage?
Thanks a lot!
Thanks for the recommendation but Bromley common is 20 miles away from my home.Could you try the vets in Bromley Common? Piggies can travel well on public transport. There have been members who went far to collect adopted piggies and used public transport. I think I would consider travelling a little further to get the correct treatment.
Hope you can find a way round the travel difficulties.
Sorry, it's a typo. 0.1ml of 'cat' type every day. They are about 600g each so I think it's the right dose.1ml metacam per pig in one go seems like quite a high dose - especially if they are not in obvious pain and are behaving normally.
There are 2 strengths of metacam: 'dog' type is 1.5mg/ml but 'cat' type is 0.5mg/ml so basically 3 times the difference. I am typically prescribed twice-a-day 0.23ml (ish) of 'dog' for a full-grown 1 kilo pig when they are clearly in pain, for instance after dental surgery or peeing blood with a bladder infection (which would be about 0.72ml of 'cat' I expect). It is bodyweight dependent so the vet should have weighed each pig and calculated the dose. Even assuming you have the weaker 'cat' version 1 ml in one go seems a lot for younger, smaller pigs and if it is the dog version it is definitely very high.
If it was a bite the other pig was very careful to only bite the lid and not catch the eye... and I don't think fighting pigs are usually that careful!
Good luck little piggies x
Sorry, it's a typo. 0.1ml of 'cat' type every day. They are about 600g each so I think it's the right dose.
Thank you! The colour is quite rusty. I thought they peed blood, but they still eat and drink and didn't make any strange noise. Maybe I am just overthinking as a new mum of two piggies.It does become a rusty/brown colour when oxidised. It’s not normal to pee towards the wall though, unless they’re spraying pee.
Will do that! Thanks a lot!Pop them in a plastic tub / clean washing up bowl with a bit of wet veg and wait for a wee... you should see that fresh looks much more like you'd expect.
Some pigs have more orangey pee - and if they've been eating a lot of beet-leaves or red veggies it can tint the colour too!