Extra Toe!

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Jan 22, 2008
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Harleston, Norfolk
One of the pigs that I took in for rehoming last week has got an extra toe on her back foot -the usual 3, all ok, then one dangly one held on by a tiny thread of skin. I know they do sometimes have these, but it really looks like it's going to drop off! Should I get it taken off at the vets? It's possible she's pregnant so she'll have to bear with it for now, it just looks so awful! Have taken some pics but they're not great.

What if it gets caught or something?


Hi Sophie,

Boomer McChoccy had this when he was here. Contact Julie (Boureki) she'll tell you what she did. :)

It didn't bother him but it was more of what would happen if he caught it on something.

my guineapig pancake had an extra toe....i freaked when i saw it...my parentd cut it off and it didn't bleed.....she is much better with it.... i would get it cut off
Thank you Louise, I'll do that! It's just a bit YUCK! Also if she's pregnant, her dad is the father so the babies will probably have even MORE toes! Or webbed ones..... ::)

It's got a blood supply to it so I'm worried how much it would bleed will ask vet when I'm next there!

One of mine has an extra toe. The advise I was given on here was to just leave it. There were quite a few people on here with guineas with an extra toe and they all said it didn't bother them. So far my guinea doesn't appear to have any problems with it so I am just leaving well alone. I don't think it's uncomfortable because it just hangs off by a tiny piece of skin.
It's the hanging by a thread bit that worries me - good to know that yours is ok though. This one is pregnant so I can't have the toe removed yet anyway... so she'll have to put up with it for now, just hope she doesn't get it caught in anything!


My Jack had this, it's a symptom of inbreeding. I had his removed just in case he caught it on something plus the nail continued to grow and I didn't want to cut it in case I accidently pulled it off if he jerked his leg while I had hold of it. She shouldn't need anaesthetic, a decent piggy vet should just be able to tie something round it and it'll drop off.
If you are worried about it getting caught could you use microtape/cotton wool/mini bandage or something to keep it close to her leg til you caqn get vets advice soph? I know it sounds odd but was the only thing i could think of.
Ask vets what is best next time you go, I should think having something tied round til it drops off might hurt/be irritating I know it used to be done with sheeps tails/balls etc but I am not sure I would do it, ask the vets advice next time you go hun
That looks better attached than my Huxleys, he's 3 now & ive never done anything with his extra toe because it doesn't bother himin the slightest.
It does have a blood supply & the nail does grow but i just clip it when i do the rest :)

Huxley's extra toe

He looks like he is smiling Niki :smitten:

My friend has one with a toe just hanging there, doesn't seem to bother the pig. :)
Extra toes are not always from inbreeding. it is called Polydactyly

You can snip it off with sharp scissors when they are babies, but for older pigs some people tie a piece of cotton round the thin skin where it joins the foot, and eventually blood supply is stopped and it falls off.
I would absolutely NEVER recommend anyone attempts to cut off extra toes themselves, babies or not. Quite frankly I'm appalled anyone would give that advice. You have absolutely no idea if the toe has a complex blood supply and some even have bones in them.

Surgery is a job for a vet, not an owner and a pair of scissors or piece of string. Oh, and a reminder that it's ILLEGAL to perform such things yourself wouldn't go amiss it seems.
Don't worry, I'm not going to! It's def. got a blood supply and she's pregnant, poor girl - wouldn't dream of it!

Will get the vet to have a look next time we're there, she seems to be ok with it for now....


God zoe!, what planet are you from?. because no one in their right mind would want to do such a terrible & very painful thing to a guinea pig! :o :'(

So in future please refrain from offering such highly dangerous & bulls*it advice! :tickedoff:
When Boomer was here I thought he was walking funny with the extra toe, it was literally hanging by a thread, bless him.

I think a lot should be taken into account, age of pig, health etc etc and then take it from there. I wouldn't like to put a pig out for this kind of thing as its quite unnecessary, I'm sure Boomer was awake, but Julie can confirm that. :)

Oh Darling Huxley I could just eat you up! :smitten:
I agree with DSL.Nothing like this should be attempted at home.There is no need to aneasthetize for the removal of an extra digit.It could easily be done with a local aneasthetic,and if the digit is hanging by a thread a competant vet could remove it without this.
That's good to know Mary, thanks for that info! Nope wouldn't attempt it myself like pulling your own teeth out! It's gonna hurt! :)
daftscotslass said:
Quite frankly I'm appalled anyone would give that advice.

Sorry Daftscotlass but that IS the advice that has been given - including by vets such as VCG Richardson.
Have you actually seen an example of polydactyly ? So you know what a very thin piece of skin can attach the toe?
Oh, and a reminder that it's ILLEGAL to perform such things yourself wouldn't go amiss it seems.
Sorry, but I doubt that any court in the land would prosecute anyone for this very straightforward non-invasive procedure, which after all, benefits the animal
I had a gp with this a few years back.The digit was hanging by a thread,but I took him to my vet.The thread was tougher than it looked and bled profusily.Can you imagine the panic if this happened to someone at home,especilally if the owner was fairly new to piggies.

VCG Richardson may have been good in her time,but her book was written in 1992 and is now outdated.Vetinary medicine is changing all the time.
Aya. said:
God zoe!, what planet are you from?. because no one in their right mind would want to do such a terrible & very painful thing to a guinea pig! :o :'(

So in future please refrain from offering such highly dangerous & bulls*it advice! :tickedoff:

Oh get over yourself - What planet are YOU from ? All I see from you on this forum is criticism and abuse !.

It is not terrible and painful for pigs, but if you prefer to take them to a vet then fine, I would never advise anyone not to go to a vet.

And please don't tell me what i can and can say, I only see one person on this forum constantly talking bull - YOU - What exactly is your experience of keeping cavies ?
Oh and I have heard of several vets advising people to tie the toe off, it's alot safer than it being ripped off if it gets caught in something.
Quote Sophie:

Don't worry, I'm not going to! It's def. got a blood supply and she's pregnant, poor girl - wouldn't dream of it!

Will get the vet to have a look next time we're there, she seems to be ok with it for now....



Soph is doing her best to make sure that the toe is not ripped accidentally and will be getting it attended to by a vet when it is appopriate for the guinea pig. I saw this guinea today and she is quite happy.

I agree with Zoe that the toe getting ripped off would be the worst thing to happen and Sophie is being very careful until such time as it can be dealt with by the appropriate people.

Everyone here has their own opinions and whatever advice is given it is up to the individual who posted to make their own considered decision on the advice given who ever/ where ever it comes from. I believe this has been mentioned on another thread.

Everyone is entitled to state opinions based on their own experience but i do think there is no need for personal attacks. It is sad to see innocent peoples threads disintergrate into arguments between other members.

In this case the guinea will be going to the vets for treatment.
sokel said:
They are simular to dew claws on a dog and it used to be the norm for people to cut puppies dew claws out themselves before the puppy was 3 days old.
This was made illegal for anyone to do this other than a vet so I would think the same would apply to any animal

"The removal of dew claws is permitted under the Animal Welfare Act 2006. In England it is allowed under The Mutilations (Permitted Procedures) (England) Regulations 2007, which came into effect on 6 April 2007. The same provision is made in Wales under The Mutilations (Permitted Procedures) (Wales) Regulations 2007, which came into force on 28 March 2007.

The Regulations operate alongside the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966. As such the removal of dew claws by owner or his employee (over 18 years of age), before the dogs eyes are open, continues to be allowed".

Countryside Alliance Website.
My NorthNorfolk chaps have extra claws they wll stay until their is a problem and it also gives me a little bit more to cuddle!
Sophie1307 said:
He looks like he is smiling Niki :smitten:

My friend has one with a toe just hanging there, doesn't seem to bother the pig. :)

He is smiling - that's because he knows he's special with his extra toe  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Juniper said:
Sorry Daftscotlass but that IS the advice that has been given - including by vets such as VCG Richardson.
Have you actually seen an example of polydactyly ? So you know what a very thin piece of skin can attach the toe?

Yes, so I assume you've also, as I have, seen more complex examples that needed stitching or cauterising? Oh, and yes, the law is the law. Who is to say that anyone would prosecute but failure to seek veterinary advice IS illegal.

I'm glad Sophie is taking the piggy to the vet to be treated as any good owner would.
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