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Evie has a hay poke


Staff member
Nov 1, 2013
Reaction score
Cheshire, England
As the title says, Evie has a hay poke. We are off to see the general vet at 5pm which was the first appointment available. I’ve bathed her eye gently with some home made saline and to say she was not impressed is an understatement. I’ve ordered some tear gel to arrive tomorrow to use alongside whatever the vet gives us today. Let’s hope this is a straight forward one for my feisty lady.
All the best for a smooth and quick recovery!
Poor Evie,i hope treatment works promptly.Evie allows you to place the eye ointments and drops,without too much of a fight.x
Miss Evie thanks you all for your kind concern. She got Very Important Pig treatment at the vets. The vet was detained in theatres so Miss Evie was taken in her carrier to the place no piggy slave ever gets to see and she got lots of fuss from the vet and the vet nurse there. She was returned to the waiting room with 2 green eyes, a bottle of Chloramphenicol a bottle of viskyal and the promise of lots of fun, games and nips. She has a nasty ulcer and we will be going back to see vet Cristian on Friday to check for signs of improvement. Wish me luck!
Ella and Esme send their sympathies. They had nasty eye ulcers a couple of weeks ago after getting grass seeds stuck in their eyes (you couldn’t make it up) but Ella was healed 3 days later and Esme two days after that so hopefully Evie will heal fast too x
Miss Evie be a good girl for your slave. She’s trying to help. Honestly.

Hope it’s a straight forward recovery. 🤞🏻
Oh good luck. Sounds like you will have you hands full. I really hate eye issues. But I’m amazed at how fast even the nastiest issues heal with the right medicine, so fingers crossed for fast healing.
Good luck! Hope Evie eventually understands this is for her own good 😞
Miss Evie thanks you all for your kind concern. She got Very Important Pig treatment at the vets. The vet was detained in theatres so Miss Evie was taken in her carrier to the place no piggy slave ever gets to see and she got lots of fuss from the vet and the vet nurse there. She was returned to the waiting room with 2 green eyes, a bottle of Chloramphenicol a bottle of viskyal and the promise of lots of fun, games and nips. She has a nasty ulcer and we will be going back to see vet Cristian on Friday to check for signs of improvement. Wish me luck!

Wishing Evie all the best! Sorry that it is a rather nasty ulcer but the chloramphenicol and plenty of lubricant should hopefully get on top of it.
Poor Evie. Hope it gets better for you soon so slave does need to bother you as we know you have such a busy schedule.
Well, the eye looks totally cloudy today, but it’s mainly open. That is until I go to pop a drop in and then it’s clamped tightly shut 😂. It’s been a while since I’ve had chloramphenicol drops so I’d forgotten that they really do seem to sting the poor piggies’ eyes. I’ve found bribing and distracting her with coriander has worked quite well except when the chloramphenicol goes in and then she gets very angry and her teeth have flashed rather close for comfort….. But so far I’ve managed to get every dose to hit its target. And Evie has devoured most of the contents of a bag of coriander by herself. So it’s not all bad.
All the best and it sounds like you’re a pro at hitting the target, which I’m definitely not! Winnie sends Evie her fullest sympathy as a fellow hay poke sufferer (one in each eye in the space of a month!) Winnie also dislikes chloramphenicol and mastered the art of the instant eye clamp. Hope Evie is feeling better very soon.
Healing wheeks for Evie! None of my piggies ever had chloramohenicol for haypokes but I had it prescribed for myself when I got haypoke and it does sting a bit, especially if the eye is sore. I'm glad the vet was sympathetic, the hospital was less sympathetic with me when I got haypoke 2 days into the first covid lockdown lol and nobody gave me any extra coriander at all!
A good lubricant drop done between the antibiotic eye drop doses is good, lubrithal is the veterinary prescription one but Siccasan is an excellent non-prescription equivalent hooman one you can buy on Amazon, I always have a tube of that in reserve in case a piggy or my likely me gets an eye injury- its very soothing!
Healing wheeks for Evie! None of my piggies ever had chloramohenicol for haypokes but I had it prescribed for myself when I got haypoke and it does sting a bit, especially if the eye is sore. I'm glad the vet was sympathetic, the hospital was less sympathetic with me when I got haypoke 2 days into the first covid lockdown lol and nobody gave me any extra coriander at all!
A good lubricant drop done between the antibiotic eye drop doses is good, lubrithal is the veterinary prescription one but Siccasan is an excellent non-prescription equivalent hooman one you can buy on Amazon, I always have a tube of that in reserve in case a piggy or my likely me gets an eye injury- its very soothing!
Lucky Evie is getting a lubricant drop as well in between her chloramphenical doses....not so lucky me as the probability of a nip is significantly increased with the additional number of handling interactions!
Healing wheeks for Evie! None of my piggies ever had chloramohenicol for haypokes but I had it prescribed for myself when I got haypoke and it does sting a bit, especially if the eye is sore. I'm glad the vet was sympathetic, the hospital was less sympathetic with me when I got haypoke 2 days into the first covid lockdown lol and nobody gave me any extra coriander at all!
A good lubricant drop done between the antibiotic eye drop doses is good, lubrithal is the veterinary prescription one but Siccasan is an excellent non-prescription equivalent hooman one you can buy on Amazon, I always have a tube of that in reserve in case a piggy or my likely me gets an eye injury- its very soothing!

😂 I can’t believe no-one gave you any extra coriander for your own hay poke pigglepuggle- that’s such an outrage!