Yes he's at Walsall, unfortunately no reservations until lockdown is lifted, I've emailed them twice already
but I have a drafted email with completed forms attached just waiting to go!
Unfortunately Ebony had a rough night, she stopped eating anything independently, and seemed to give up so I made the call to put her back into her cage with her friends which really helped, unfortunately when I went to feed her this morning she had passed blood in her poops, so she was rushed off to the vets where they determined she has had a bad reaction to the metacam while having diarrhoea, apparently oral metacam isn't great for them with the runs. Her colour is good, no abdominal pain, no signs of infection or internal bleeding so she has had a metacam injection and Emeprid for the next 5 days to kick her appetite into gear hopefully. She's still nice and bright so fingers crossed now she will start to recover. Typical that the easiest surgery is the one with complications!