Eriathwens piggies

Baileys been stable all day, shes decided she's sick of the syringe foods but did eat some soaked pellets. She's still bloated but there may be some wiggle room with the doses of her meds when she sees the vet tomorrow. Fingers crossed for some answers.
She did get very excited when she thought she was getting veggies, it was nice to see her running around the cage instead of sat in one spot.

I've basically been napping between her feeds, getting her moving to hopefully move the gas and her meds to try to catch up on the lack of sleep last night and hopefully lessen the lack of sleep tonight.. between us we're muddling along 😅 bless her.

I’m hoping beautiful Bailey is still recovering , taking her meds eating a little more and moving more etc
Well done both of you for your dedication ❤️
She’s so sweet I hope the Vet can help today
So as I'd feared the current most likely cause is an abdominal tumour. Unfortunately there wasn't many options worth exploring, she is in absolutely no shape for aneasthetic and exploratory surgery, she has far too much gas build up to be able to see anything on an ultrasound and being a soft tissue problem, it's unlikely we will see anything with xrays, so a lot of stress for her for very little in the way of answers.

So, the plan of action currently is to just get on top of the bloat, keep her out of pain and get things moving again. I've been advised on a bit of a cocktail of probiotics to see if that helps and carry on with the medications she's on and the syringe feeding.

Unfortunately she is still at risk of crashing and passing away, but I'll do what I can for her.

Precious Bailey ❤️ She's not in any hurry to leave, but she has some complex health problems. She is in such good care 🙏
So sorry to hear Bailey’s diagnosis.
Having had a piggy with an abdominal tumour my vet also said there was no real possibility of removing it.
Like you I decided not to put Priscilla under any more stress and gave her as many happy todays as possible
Hugs 🤗
Hopefully beautiful Bailey can get this bloat under control and that her health can improve
I know Bailey is in the best hands and take care of you and your oh - it’s draining and so hard ❤️
Sending healing vibes to Bailey. I hope she has many more happy days with you.

I put Pepper on palliative care when he had his tumour. ❤️
I'm incredibly reluctant to take a breath, but, a few hours after getting home from the vet I checked on her and she was laying down. Finally a sign that she is getting more comfortable. She has lost about 30g which will be backed up poops, and her abdomen is feeling a little bit better. She has, as of just now, also started voluntarily taking syringe feeds again and eating lots of hay.

Hopefully the probiotics and the ride in the car has helped shift things along a bit.
She even ran away from me when I tried to bring her down for her feed just now.

Again, I'm not about to start pulling back on her care but, I got back from going to play a bit of pool with some friends at the athletics club because I didn't have the energy to go for a run, and her bloat has gone. Completely gone!

I'm fully expecting it to come back and for her to be a bit up and down for another few days but fingers crossed we are on the right track. I felt so bad for her the last few days so she was rewarded with a small amount of carrot greens and a little slice of carrot.

I did notice that she had absolutely no idea where the food was though, it was almost as if she doesn't have a sense of smell any more which would certainly explain the weight loss a little bit? But either way, she very much enjoyed her little treat.

I did notice that she had absolutely no idea where the food was though, it was almost as if she doesn't have a sense of smell any more which would certainly explain the weight loss a little bit? But either way, she very much enjoyed her little treat.

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Actually Bann's like this too. If he knows where you've put the food down he's not so bad but he does struggle to find it otherwise.

Unless it's oats. By some miracle (🙄) he always finds the oats.
Good girl Bailey! Well done Mom! Hopefully the bloat will stay away and normal eating, drinking and sleeping will return 🙏
Ah that’s great to hear Bailey’s bloat has gone 🤞for good
Well done you and your OH for all the patience/care and syringe feeds and love
Keep eating beautiful Bailey ❤️
We're still nice and stable.. she did bloat a little again overnight, but she's back to being squishy. I've removed the cisipride, hoping the next step tomorrow will be to space the emeprid out more, see how she copes.

Shes had another small amount of veggies which she absolutely inhaled. I've noticed her right ear flaps when she eats hay, so potentially some pain or discomfort in the jaw, ear or throat. Something to be looked at next time she goes in.

I've swapped her onto the intensive care emeraid, easier to digest, more protective of her guts. Hopefully that will help, I'll be keeping her on it for a while to help build her muscle mass back up.

She was really excited, running around with the others at veggie time before I removed her so she couldn't eat too much. Fingers crossed in a few more days this will all be behind us..

Good news again today! While she did bloat a little again overnight, she's still doing well and has been slowly gaining proper weight, I can no longer feel her ribs. She was skin and bone Monday at the vet, I was convinced I was going to go in to feed or medicate her and find her passed.. I'm so proud of her 🥰

She was 630g give or take when the worst of her bloat passed, shes put 70g on since then! She's been able to enjoy a small handful of veggies for the last 3 days too which has made a great improvement in her attitude, she's a lot happier.

So great she's improved so much thanks to your excellent care. It's lovely to see her tucking in to her greens ❤️
So..its become clear that, at least for the foreseeable future, Bailey can't have veggies. She was bloating every time she had them and gradually getting worse, since cutting them out of her diet she is completely off all her medications apart from the metacam for her bladder. Hopefully in a few weeks when he guts have settled we can introduce them again.

Amber went to the vet today, took one for the team for a meds check so I could get a new bottle of metacam.. she was quite confused by the situation as she was feeling perfectly fine 🤣 bless her.

Dear Amber

I hear that your Slave took you to the vet when there is nothing wrong with you. That is completely SHOCKING! What sort of Slave have you trained?!? Fancy needing a new bottle of Metacam and taking you to the vet as an excuse to get one. Couldn't she have just phoned and asked for one? That's what any normal Slave would do.

I have looked at leaflet "What to do if your Slave takes you to the vet when you are perfectly well and don't need to go" and Page 3, paragraph 4 states "If for some reason your Slave has more money than sense and feels the need to line the vets coffers by taking you to see them when you are in fine health and don't need to go then you should:-
  • Try to explain to the vet in a series of wheeks that you don't need to see them as you are perfectly well as you get poked and prodded. If this fails to work then nip the vet hard on the finger (the GPU doesn't condone nipping but realises that sometimes it is necessary)
  • Turn your bum towards your Slave and refuse to interact with them and so that they know you are not best pleased with their behaviour, spray them preferably in the face (again the GPU doesn't condone spraying but realises that sometimes it is necessary)
  • Refuse all cuddles that the slave tries to give you, they are trying to assuage their guilt for taking a healthy guinea pig to the vet."
I hope this has assisted you and that your Slave never acts so terribly again.

Your friend in a crisis

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
Dear Amber

I hear that your Slave took you to the vet when there is nothing wrong with you. That is completely SHOCKING! What sort of Slave have you trained?!? Fancy needing a new bottle of Metacam and taking you to the vet as an excuse to get one. Couldn't she have just phoned and asked for one? That's what any normal Slave would do.

I have looked at leaflet "What to do if your Slave takes you to the vet when you are perfectly well and don't need to go" and Page 3, paragraph 4 states "If for some reason your Slave has more money than sense and feels the need to line the vets coffers by taking you to see them when you are in fine health and don't need to go then you should:-
  • Try to explain to the vet in a series of wheeks that you don't need to see them as you are perfectly well as you get poked and prodded. If this fails to work then nip the vet hard on the finger (the GPU doesn't condone nipping but realises that sometimes it is necessary)
  • Turn your bum towards your Slave and refuse to interact with them and so that they know you are not best pleased with their behaviour, spray them preferably in the face (again the GPU doesn't condone spraying but realises that sometimes it is necessary)
  • Refuse all cuddles that the slave tries to give you, they are trying to assuage their guilt for taking a healthy guinea pig to the vet."
I hope this has assisted you and that your Slave never acts so terribly again.

Your friend in a crisis

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward

Dear Miss Bramble!

My slave has informed me she did not get a choice in booking the appointment, apparently there was a change in law a while ago and I now have to be seen every 6 months to get my yummy metacam treat.. which makes me feel quite special I must say! A whole law saying I have to go to the vet, it must be a very important job!

I wish I had known about page 3, paragraph 4 this morning.. but I did run circles in the carrier when the vet lady tried to get me out, and almost made it off the table! For a moment I was almost upside down! I then sat and ignored everyone while they talked about me, and my slave had the cheek to tell this vet lady about the time I got urine blockage and had a poorly belly while she annoyed me enough to make me spray her with wee, how embarrassing! And that we went to a different vet after that.. I hope that didn't lose us points for whatever was going on.

I then sat and stared blankly at them both as they tried to nudge me back into the carrier. I was having fun being the centre of attention and didn't want to go home yet, I wanted to hear more about the ladies friends piggies that she sometimes babysits!

I must have done a really good job though because the ladies at the desk gave us a massive bottle to take home.

Your friend in a pile of spring greens for my trouble of typing on the phone with tiny feet,

The ever suffering Amber