Dear Amber
I hear that your Slave took you to the vet when there is nothing wrong with you. That is completely
SHOCKING! What sort of Slave have you trained?!? Fancy needing a new bottle of Metacam and taking you to the vet as an excuse to get one. Couldn't she have just phoned and asked for one? That's what any normal Slave would do.
I have looked at leaflet "What to do if your Slave takes you to the vet when you are perfectly well and don't need to go" and Page 3, paragraph 4 states "If for some reason your Slave has more money than sense and feels the need to line the vets coffers by taking you to see them when you are in fine health and don't need to go then you should:-
- Try to explain to the vet in a series of wheeks that you don't need to see them as you are perfectly well as you get poked and prodded. If this fails to work then nip the vet hard on the finger (the GPU doesn't condone nipping but realises that sometimes it is necessary)
- Turn your bum towards your Slave and refuse to interact with them and so that they know you are not best pleased with their behaviour, spray them preferably in the face (again the GPU doesn't condone spraying but realises that sometimes it is necessary)
- Refuse all cuddles that the slave tries to give you, they are trying to assuage their guilt for taking a healthy guinea pig to the vet."
I hope this has assisted you and that your Slave never acts so terribly again.
Your friend in a crisis
Miss Bramble
Shop Steward