Hi, I had a piggie who was in a similar situation to yours - he went down from 950g to 620g due to a dental issue (he had a bladder stone surgery so the vet was convinced that was causing the weight loss until he checked his teeth again). Here's some things that helped us.
-Make sure to keep your piggie warm. Mario was actually hypothermic when he saw the vet, which wasn't a surprise given how he was skin and bones. Helping her keep warm means that she spends less energy on heating herself up. I utilised towels and cuddles with his brother for this during feedings, with breaks to make sure he didn't get too hot.
-Our vet recommended EmerAid when all seemed lost - as in, he was going to be PTS next appointment if he didn't at least stabilise. When we put him on EmerAid, he almost immediately started gaining weight everyday - compared to Science Select critical care which he was losing 20g per day. EmerAid is a type of critical care meant for very critically ill animals, so it's worth looking into. Make sure to gradually adjust your piggie to it though - we didn't at first and Mario got very soft, clumpy poops whoops. I do believe it's not meant to be given long term, so it's worth keeping that in mind, usually for 10 days max (14 days for my vet, though Mario has been on one lot a day for the past couple of weeks as well with no issues).
-Will she eat grass? Mario was not eating hay but he was able to eat grass, especially if you picked up small clumps for him. It's softer than hay which may make it easier to eat, plus she might think it's a tasty treat lol. Like with EmerAid, make sure she gets used to it slowly too.
-If you have a blender, blending up foods may be an option as well. We did this with Mario, we blended up grass, bell pepper, and carrot and would syringe feed these regularly with the EmerAid - primarily focusing on the grass syringe feed. Our vet told us to not be too worried about the sugar contents, since it was most important that Mario put on weight rather than anything else. Your vet may have a different opinion though. Either way, when Mario was unable to eat solids (the vet cut his teeth too much) blended food was a godsend! Again, make sure she slowly gets used to it as well.
-Probiotics would help too, if you mix it in with critical care or just some water separate from their water bottle.
These are things which worked for my piggie, unfortunately I can't guarantee they'll help with yours, but I figure some more tips won't hurt. I hope she starts getting better soon.