Eevee is not well.


Senior Guinea Pig
Oct 29, 2010
Reaction score
So today I noticed Eevee looked off. Her face looked puffed? And shes been losing weight. At first I figured it was her greedy cage mates as she's an oap and they eat so fast....

So I bought a ton of food to help fill her more. However today I noticed she's so skinny. She's lost a lot of weight.

I suspect maybe her teeth are giving her problems but she also went to the toilet and it had blood.

I'm going to try get footage of her eating to post as you can see she digs in fast but seems to struggle to eat? I suspect maybe dental? She's a terrible bar chewer.

I'm taking her to the vets as soon as I can but as it's midnight there's not much I can do.

Video coming up. Just uploading it to YouTube


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Joey and Yugi are terrible for stealing her food or eating quicker than she does also. Would it be better to seperate them so she can eat a good share?
She's passed away.

I'm utterly heartbroken. Rip my sweet baby girl. I loved you so so much.
I'm really sorry. She does look poorly in the video. Unfortunately pigs can go from seemingly fine to very sick very quickly. I'm so sorry for your loss, ((HUGS)) to you!
I'm very sorry. :(
Just woke up and saw your post.
I would have recommended a trip to the vet asap because she was looking poorly, but sometimes things can happy so quickly.
Sleep tight, Eevee! 🌈💔
Oh my goodness. I am so sorry to read your posts. Piggies are masters of disguise pretending everything is ok until it suddenly isn’t. I’m so sorry that she has passed so suddenly and unexpectedly. Big hugs.
Oh I am so sorry she has passed, I was just about to comment and read further down. What an awful shock for you :hug:
Sleep tight little Eevee 🌈
I’m so so sorry you lost her. They have a PHD in hiding illnesses. Take care of yourself.
Sleep tight Eevee.
I am so very sorry.

Unfortunately, in the elderly and frail things can blow up with devastating speed.

You can never predict what is going to give, whether it is the body (organs) or the immune system. In the first case, the oldie will go into organ failure (i.e. natural death) as their body closes down. In the second something in the body blows up and some kind of infection or parasite takes over extremely quickly; most of the time you end up racing your oldie to the out-of-hours vets for pts unless they pass on their own before you get there. In my own long term experience, it is about fifty - fifty which of them happens but you never get to choose and can never predict anything, apart that whatever happens will generally be very swift. At least my local vets know by now that whenever I call them for an emergency pts that my piggies really need an emergency pts as quickly as possible. It is the price piggies pay for being such small animals with a fast metabolism when that turns against them at the end of a long and hopefully happy life. :(

Try to take consolation that Eevie didn't suffer for long and that in relation to her long life, it was just a blip and a few bad hours. The shock is much greater on you; especially if you have never experienced it before. The speed and severity can be terrifying the first time round and leave rather bowled over.

Please be kind to yourself; it is NOT something you have overlooked or done wrong. It was quite literally not there and has suddenly blown up. Getting piggy as far as you have got Eevie is something you should be proud of. The rest is unfortunately entirely out of your control.

Thank you so much everyone. She was very old at 6 years old but a true personality. She'd keep her two cage mates in line and no one could best her if she had her favourite food.

She weighed 800g then suddenly when I weighed her she had gone to 320. I was shocked at the sudden drop. She was fine the day before, chewing the bars like a maniac, fighting the other two off for a piece of veg I found they had dropped.

She passed very quickly as she was fine In the morning then so unwell by midnight. I feel terribly guilty but I know she had an amazing life. I spoilt her rotten and we had the closest bond out of all my five piggies.

I miss her so much. I just fed them and accidentally gave her portion to them too.