Eclipse Preparation For Guinea Pigs: Usa Members Please Read!

Rochester Piggy

Teenage Guinea Pig
Jan 22, 2017
Reaction score
Rochester, Washington, USA
As some of you know, here in the US, we are having an eclipse on August 21st. I thought I would share some tips to help your guinea pig(s) through the eclipse. In my area, we will be seeing 96% coverage.

1. Remove or cover sharp/hard things.

An eclipse can mess with an animals brain and cause them to go into a disoriented, drunk-like state. For guinea pigs, this may include random, unexplained wheeking, squeaking, rumblestrutting, stumbling around, or small fights. I already replaced my guinea pig's plastic hideys with ones made out of cardboard. I plan to cover the sharp corners of her hay manger and ramp.

2. Separate herds.

A herd with 3 or more guinea pigs can start fighting easily, especially under the conditions I've already explained, so please divide up your herd using these guildelines.

Sows stay together in pairs- Make sure each pair has a very close bond and have been together for at least 2 months. Sows under 2 months of age can stay all together no matter how many.

Boars under 2 months of age can stay together.

Pregnant guinea pigs should be alone (put all babies of either gender under 4 weeks of age with their mother).

Boars over 2 months of age should be alone.

If you have a pair of one boar and one sow, separate them.

Sick piggies or piggies not fully recovered from surgery should be alone.

3. Block access to levels and ramps

Piggies may fall off or down from levels and ramps. Remove them or block them off.

4. Fleece forests can be dangerous!

Freestanding fleece forests can be dangerous because piggies can run into them. Remove them.

Please comments more tips below!
All the best! However I have been through three major solar eclipses (one of them total and two of them over 70%) with indoors guinea pigs and never had any problems whatsoever!

Just draw the curtains in the piggy room if necessary and leave the lighting and the radio or some music player on if you are worried; the same as you do with fireworks. ;)
I've seen a few, not sure of the coverage of each. The piggies were all fine. But like Wiebke mentions you can always close the curtains if you're worried.
I've been scouring the internet for information on this and there seems to be no evidence that guinea pigs may be affected in the ways you mention. Where did you find this information? The only information I can find is an expert saying that as animals don't find the sun amazing in the same way as humans that they may become restless during the eclipse
I think a total eclipse is a great experience for us humans... in Italy long ago we had a similar event but we were all disappointed because the light remained strong, it looked like some numb in the sky and nothing else... a great disappointment!
Indoor piggies have the dark when we decide to go to bed... and the dark is immediate then. Last week my daughters had to leave and had their flights at an inhuman time and we had to get up at 3 am. Of course we switched on the lights and the piggies maybe thought we were mad...:))
Anyway, enjoy this eclipse!:)
I know it can affect some wildlife with a bit of confusion eg: bats coming out early etc, but it's never affected any of my pets before, especially not sending them murderous or crazy.

I really wouldn't go doing anything drastic anyway as splitting up and such will probably do more harm than good. I can't see a bonded group suddenly attacking each other to the death because of a change in light, or else mine would kill each other every night when I turn the light off :))

If concerned, as Wiekbe says, you can always keep curtains drawn etc. Separating pairs/groups, particularly boars will probably ruin their bond for life so I personally wouldn't risk it. Just keep an eye on them if worried, I'm sure they won't even notice :)
I've been scouring the internet for information on this and there seems to be no evidence that guinea pigs may be affected in the ways you mention. Where did you find this information? The only information I can find is an expert saying that as animals don't find the sun amazing in the same way as humans that they may become restless during the eclipse
it was in a newsletter from my dog's vet
I know it can affect some wildlife with a bit of confusion eg: bats coming out early etc, but it's never affected any of my pets before, especially not sending them murderous or crazy.

I really wouldn't go doing anything drastic anyway as splitting up and such will probably do more harm than good. I can't see a bonded group suddenly attacking each other to the death because of a change in light, or else mine would kill each other every night when I turn the light off :))

If concerned, as Wiekbe says, you can always keep curtains drawn etc. Separating pairs/groups, particularly boars will probably ruin their bond for life so I personally wouldn't risk it. Just keep an eye on them if worried, I'm sure they won't even notice :)
actually my naughty piggies as soon as I turn the lights off start their zoomies and popcorns!!:hb: in fact I have never seen a zoomie...:soz:
actually my naughty piggies as soon as I turn the lights off start their zoomies and popcorns!:hb: in fact I have never seen a zoomie...:soz:
There is a show that's on at 4:00 AM every Saturday, and my fiance wakes up early to watch it. When he comes into our living room, Cali starts running around! I call it getting the zooms. She even wheeks sometimes!
actually my naughty piggies as soon as I turn the lights off start their zoomies and popcorns!:hb: in fact I have never seen a zoomie...:soz:

Oh yea lights on/off can be exciting but they're not gunna turn savage cannibals :))

My girls get super excited with I turn the light on in the morning, but they're always doing zoomies. Especially at hay time! :D
There is a show that's on at 4:00 AM every Saturday, and my fiance wakes up early to watch it. When he comes into our living room, Cali starts running around! I call it getting the zooms. She even wheeks sometimes!
also my daughter who sometimes needs to wake up at 5 for her nursing internship says that the piggies at that early time runs around the cage. But I prefer going on sleeping...:zzz:
Oh yea lights on/off can be exciting but they're not gunna turn savage cannibals :))

My girls get super excited with I turn the light on in the morning, but they're always doing zoomies. Especially at hay time! :D
true indeed! the bag of the hay is something misteriously exciting for them! you buy toys, hideys, you can arrange a whole room with tunnels and brilliant ideas for them, but they do popcorn with the bag of the hay...:hmm:
true indeed! the bag of the hay is something misteriously exciting for them! you buy toys, hideys, you can arrange a whole room with tunnels and brilliant ideas for them, but they do popcorn with the bag of the hay...:hmm:

The rustle of a bag certainly changes pigs behaviour, forget the cosmos :))

The second I pick up the hay bag the zoomies start, even Cissy my heavy weight champion XD
My piggies have been very quiet since before and after the eclipse. No usually wheeling and making noise at feeding time for when they hear me open the fridge. They are eating fine and show no signs of illness just quiet.
The rustle of a bag certainly changes pigs behaviour, forget the cosmos :))

The second I pick up the hay bag the zoomies start, even Cissy my heavy weight champion XD

My little one eyed Eileen goes mental when I top up her hay. She zooms so fast round the cage but her one eye causes her to bump into things. Doesn't seem to phase her and she carries on regardless. She is so fast!
My little one eyed Eileen goes mental when I top up her hay. She zooms so fast round the cage but her one eye causes her to bump into things. Doesn't seem to phase her and she carries on regardless. She is so fast!

Haha Tonks does that too, she's a one eyed warrior as well. It's remarkable how little it phases them! She's forever whacking into things so hard I worry she'll be concussed but she just gets on with things :))
Haha Tonks does that too, she's a one eyed warrior as well. It's remarkable how little it phases them! She's forever whacking into things so hard I worry she'll be concussed but she just gets on with things :))

I forgot you have a one eyed piggy as well. Do you find she raises her head a lot more than your others? Eileen does the usual head lift as if she's sniffing the air but seems to do it a lot higher and a lot more. Just wondering if it's a one eyed thing.
I forgot you have a one eyed piggy as well. Do you find she raises her head a lot more than your others? Eileen does the usual head lift as if she's sniffing the air but seems to do it a lot higher and a lot more. Just wondering if it's a one eyed thing.

She does! When she was new to me she also did a bizarre head waggle thing and was constantly scanning the room. I was worried about neurological conditions but when she relaxed she stopped doing it. She does occasionally when she's nervous but very rarely now! Did Eileen ever do that?
She does! When she was new to me she also did a bizarre head waggle thing and was constantly scanning the room. I was worried about neurological conditions but when she relaxed she stopped doing it. She does occasionally when she's nervous but very rarely now! Did Eileen ever do that?

Not that I've noticed but she definitely has odd head movements compared to the others. I also wondered if there was a neuro issue but like yours, she's totally normal when resting or sleeping, it's just went she gets excited and wants to see/hear what's going on, like food time.

One other thing I've noticed is she prefers to travel in an anti-clockwise direction. I presume this is so her working eye is on the outside of her and she can see better.
Not that I've noticed but she definitely has odd head movements compared to the others. I also wondered if there was a neuro issue but like yours, she's totally normal when resting or sleeping, it's just went she gets excited and wants to see/hear what's going on, like food time.

One other thing I've noticed is she prefers to travel in an anti-clockwise direction. I presume this is so her working eye is on the outside of her and she can see better.

Sounds a lot like Tonks! It's reassuring to hear other piggies are similar but perfectly happy and healthy :D

Which eye is it for her? I've noticed Tonks refuses to sit on my with her bad eye facing me so will always rearrange herself to see me. It's her right eye that doesn't work.
Sounds a lot like Tonks! It's reassuring to hear other piggies are similar but perfectly happy and healthy :D

Which eye is it for her? I've noticed Tonks refuses to sit on my with her bad eye facing me so will always rearrange herself to see me. It's her right eye that doesn't work.

It's Eileen's left eye that is missing. She does the same when I'm trying to take photos of her. She will always want to have her good eye facing me. Aren't they funny?

Other than those few things, she's a perfect pig. In fact she is the most confident and adventurous out of all my lot.
It's Eileen's left eye that is missing. She does the same when I'm trying to take photos of her. She will always want to have her good eye facing me. Aren't they funny?

Other than those few things, she's a perfect pig. In fact she is the most confident and adventurous out of all my lot.

"Get my good side mummy!" :D

Oh yes I wouldn't have Tonks any other way, provided she's happy and healthy! She's not very adventurous or confident though bless her, she still can't stand to be touched :doh: