Dominance Behaviour?


*Photo Competition Winner*
May 22, 2011
Reaction score
Yesterday I observed Alice (younger and more dominant of the two) coming up alongside Maisie, and putting one front paw on Maisie's shoulder area - several times. Neither piggy moved, but Maisie did complain a little about it. Never seen it before and wondered what it could mean.
Little Steve knows my bigger piggy Mo is the dominant member but he keeps putting his front paws on Mo's back and today I caught him climbing on him! Mo didn't seem to maddened by it
Hmm, so that's the other way around then - would love to understand what it means!
Just dominance behaviour you are witnessing, sometimes a[our girls will mount each other.... bum or head it is all the same to a piggy.... Was there rumbling going on while it was happening?
No rumbling at all - surprised Maisie was just complaining really - she normally squeaks pretty loudly, and I think that's her just showing submissive behaviour. Alice is the one who usually rumbles and tries to mount Maisie though.
My pig Pumpkin does this to his brother Snuffles- I think it is fine, they do this a lot, especially on floor time. I think it is a sign of dominance, but doesn't mean they dislike each other. My two regularly have cuddles! I hope this helps.
Well - not sure if they're both in season together? Both been rumbling at each other and looked like Alice's 'hackles' were up!
Yep mine do that too- snuffles has been getting more brave recently. They've probs just had an argument!
Yep mine do that too- snuffles has been getting more brave recently. They've probs just had an argument!
Yep mine do that too- snuffles has been getting more brave recently. They've probs just had an argument!