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Do I need to throw out the grass hut if piggy has mites

  • Thread starter Thread starter MapleOwl18
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Just took my three boys Linus, Bumblebee and Butterscotch to the vet Butterscotch had mites. The vet gave them all a shot and told us to bring them back in 2 weeks and 4 weeks for another shot.

Now I'm going to clean out their cage and everything anyway but do I need to throw out their grass hut and their edible piggy hut, which like held together with honey. Can I like put them in the oven or out in direct sunlight a while instead? Or should I just spray the inside with vinegar as a disinfectant? I'd prefer not to toss them.
:-\ not realli sure it would b a shame to throw them out, probably safter to though :( you could spary then with mite spray but then the only prob is they then prob not safe for the guinea pig to eat. Unless u try washing them :-\
I wouldn't have thought you needed to throw it out, but someone may be along to answer you
I know that people who use sheep wool put it in the microwave for a minute to kill off fleas,ticks etc and i'm sure i read somewhere about doing this for hay if you think it contains mites so it may work for your stuff :-\ It's worth a try, i'm sure not much would survive that anyway, especially if you did it a couple of seperate times.

Also just read on a gerbal forum that freezing the items for a few days will kill off any mites, which would probably be preferable with your honey thing.
The type of mites that gps get are species specific,they die quite quickly if they leave the host body.No need to throw anything out.
Oh... this problem can be easily solve by taking your hut out to the sun to DRY~ practically kill all the germs and mites. I'm not so sure for GRASS hut.. so i usuallie do that for my wooden hut? as mites do grow and hide in the wooden hut if u didn't sun-dry them. i think should be the same for grass hut too?

If can, spray some disinfectant too.. tats what i always do.. for my wooden hut. hehe. not sure abt grass hut though...
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