@meplus4 to the forum! Thanks for looking at my thread too! For treats u could use small quantities (not a lot because they contain sugar) of fruit (apple, Banana, strawberry and tops ). U could also use some treats called burgess excel apple snacks which are basically pieces of dried apple which my pigs really like! You can find these in pets at home as well as online. U could use your pigs fave shop bought treat as long as they have no dairy products or seeds/nuts. I do recommend apple snacks though?
@meplus4 haha thx so much and awwww x if u have had the more than a week take them out the cage and give them lap time. Start for 5 mins and build up to as long as u want x
we are on day 4 currently but we do have some progress they are slowly coming out when i change water hay food etc with one exception the smallest who is very inquizative and is out most of the time now even when i have opened the hutch door and have my hands in! x
hi sorry for the late reply! i have a rose cottage hutch from p@h it is old now had it a goog few yrs but still has life in it yet when the nice weather kicks in, i need to give it a lick of paint and replace the bk board your hutch is amazing! very lucky piggies! oh i also have a 6ft by 6ft outdoor run too ( use to have a rabbit)
Ah cool and it's fine about the late reply x wow so a nice big run and hutch! My piggies might be changing setup to something bigger but I'm not sure what yet x
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