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Digestion Issues - Any Advice?

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They are clearly very busy at the moment but I just want to know how the little guy is. :( The only good thing is that has brother hasn't been at all bothered by his absence - he's a very self sufficient boy.
Update: Fred came through his surgery well yesterday although he is looking a bit flat and sorry for himself this morning apparently. He had quite a large stone removed so nurse expects he's very uncomfortable at the mo. He's still being given full supportive care. Vet is going to take a post op look at him this morning and phone me back later.
Glad the surgery went well! Hopefully Fred recovers quickly so he can get back to his normal self. Love their names btw :) keep us updated!
Thanks :) Unlike their fictional counterparts, George doesn't seem bothered in the slightest that Fred isn't here - which is both good because George is perfectly happy and sad because they have lived together for nearly six years!

Just got a further update that the vet is happy with the wound etc and thinks Fred is in significant discomfort still hence him seeming so flat - he's now been put on metacam alongside tramadol both of which he thankfully tolerates well. They said the prognosis is still cautious but considering he was obviously in a mess gut and bladder wise before the op he's still doing okay. Gotta wait until Tuesday now for further updates so will keep things cross until then.
Ooh sounds promising! Got my fingers crossed he makes a full recovery now you've got to the root of the problem x
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