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Difficulty chewing? Dental?

Sadly she’s worse today- we’re going to the hospital to see her and hope she can turn a corner but the next 24 hours sounds like it’s going to be critical. 😭
I’m so sorry. Sending her healing vibes and hugs to you.
Thanks, I’m fearing the worst now but I also know this can be a rollercoaster. I don’t want to give up on her too early but if the vets advise there is nothing more to do I don’t want to prolong her suffering at all. I guess I will see how things go hour by hour, this is so heartbreaking and sudden
Just to add- The vets don’t think we’re at that stage yet but I think they want us to be prepared for it if things don’t improve soon that we may have to face this decision. Has anyone seen a pig come back from this?
Please feel free to keep posting. I personally haven't had a bad situation but I know other people have said that using the forum as a sounding board has helped.
Virtual hugs to you ❤️
Thanks all. We’ve been to see her and spent a bit of time in a room with her and Winnie on a towel on the floor in a quiet room. She ate a tiny bit of fresh grass a staff member had brought in but not much. She’s very lethargic. She responded a bit to us being there and nuzzled in a bit when I held her and looked like she recognised our voices but overall she is spaced out. She’s not moving around. She did take some syringe feed mid morning. They think she has an infection on top of everything else so she’s on baytrill.

We’ve agreed that if the vets think she’s in distress or is heading for the end, that they not hesitate to should help her on their way. We discussed that the vet would make the decision she would if it was her own pet which feels like an ok plan.

She doesn’t seem in pain (still quite heavily dosed up) so we have agreed to give her a bit longer if she remains stable but are preparing for the worst and have said we’d rather call it too early than too late.

We and the vet agree that if these are her last hours they shouldn’t be spent throwing the kitchen sink at her but to instead give her some peace and quiet with her friend and help her on her way if that’s needed.

I hope she rallies but we are hearing the worst and have given permission to do what’s best for her. If she makes it through the day but hasn’t improved then we may still end up helping her on her way but we said we would give her a little time just in case.
We’ve just spoken to the vet and she’s being put to sleep now 😭

They suspected kidney failure as well as the bloat. She wasn’t even 3 years old.

We’re beyond devastated.

Thanks for the support.
I’m so sorry. Know that you did everything possible to save her but sometimes the call to the bridge is just too strong. Popcorn high little one. ❤️
Thank you. I’m just so gutted, she was so young. She came from such a bad start so it feels very sad it’s ended like this. and despite her problems she’d been happy and lively and managing so well it seemed, and then this comes out of the blue like this. She was such a sweetheart and so trusting, always sticking out her paws to be picked up and so sweet natured. I feel she deserved more from life than this.
You gave her a happy life filled with love everyday. What more could she wish for. I had a piggy pass very young (about 4 months). Pippin had cuddles and love every single day he was with me. He couldn’t be saved. 😞. He had a short life but one filled with love.
Thank you, and I’m sorry to hear about your little Pippin too. It’s so sad isn’t it.

Mabel was our third pig, she came along to keep Winnie company after Betty died from a stroke, also aged 3. Little Winnie will be 6 in March and well now need to think about finding her a friend again. Last time she went into acute pining and we had to syringe feed and it took her a while to find someone she accepted. I’m glad she chose Mabel though. For all the heartache and stress I do feel we gave Mabel a happy life, despite her challenges. Her twice daily nebulising really seemed to help her breathing and we got her prompt care whenever we saw a problem. The fact it’s not enough is so tough, but I don’t think we could have done more. I still feel guilty and second guessing though… but i know we tried. And until a couple of days ago, almost every day she purred with happiness about something (usually food) and was a such a happy piggy chutting about.
If we could save them with love alone all our piggies would still be here. We can only do so much. ❤️