Different age pigs diet after bonding


New Born Pup
Jul 27, 2024
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Since my pig lost her friend a year ago and been ill for long time, I finally decided to find her a friend to keep her more active and not sleeping too much. I adopted a neutered 1 year old boy and will be collecting him on this Friday. Hope I can successfully bonding them!

! But my question is Paopao is taking urinary support pallets and she eating them really slowly (she is not really interested in meadow hay). How should I monitor that and can health young pig eating the same pallets? I also have other pellets can give to the boy but I don’t want Paopao taking that one cuz it got too much calcium ……
Also I only found boy bonding tips and can’t find boy and girl bonding guide. Is there anything different or I need be more focus on
You don’t need to feed the piggies differently at all.
They can both have one tablespoon per day of the same pellets. All pellets have a lot of calcium so both types need to be kept strictly limited.

Does she eat any type of hay? Hay absolutely essential and must make up 75% of what she eats in a day. If she is overeating pellets and not eating hay then that can cause health issues. .

If she isn’t eating hay and is eating everything else slowly, it sounds like she needs to see a vet. She could need her teeth checked. Hay is essential and if they don’t eat it then they can have dental problems.

Please make sure you are weighing her every week as part of routine care, but you should now weigh her daily as it sounds to be like there might be health concerns.

I’ve added our diet and weight guides below
-Long Term Balanced General And Special Needs Guinea Pig Diets
- Weight monitoring and management

In terms of bonding, the process is exactly the same regardless of the sex of the piggies. They must go into a neutral territory bonding pen to meet.
I’ve added our bonding guide below
Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics
You don’t need to feed the piggies differently at all.
They can both have one tablespoon per day of the same pellets. All pellets have a lot of calcium so both types need to be kept strictly limited.

Does she eat any type of hay? Hay absolutely essential and must make up 75% of what she eats in a day. If she is overeating pellets and not eating hay then that can cause health issues. .

If she isn’t eating hay and is eating everything else slowly, it sounds like she needs to see a vet. She could need her teeth checked. Hay is essential and if they don’t eat it then they can have dental problems.

Please make sure you are weighing her every week as part of routine care, but you should now weigh her daily as it sounds to be like there might be health concerns.

I’ve added our diet and weight guides below
-Long Term Balanced General And Special Needs Guinea Pig Diets
- Weight monitoring and management

In terms of bonding, the process is exactly the same regardless of the sex of the piggies. They must go into a neutral territory bonding pen to meet.
I’ve added our bonding guide below
Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics
Thank you, she eating everything else normally, just not really like the pallets probably because it is meadow hay based and she don’t like meadow hay. Seems like she only like Timothy. Currently I gave her 8g of pallets a day and usually she only take half of them so I’m a bit worried if I have 2 pig, I will not know how much pallets she eat.
As long as she is eating plenty of hay and maintains her weight every time you weigh her.

It doesn’t matter how many pellets she eats (as long as you don’t overfeed them). Pellets are not actually needed in the diet so it doesn’t matter if she eats them or not.
I don’t really feed mine pellets - they get just 5 pellets on a Wednesday and 5 on a Sunday and that is it. I throw them into the hay pile and for all I know they don’t find them and I just throw the away when I empty the hay out!