Diary Of Two Eligible Bachelors

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Adult Guinea Pig
Sep 30, 2016
Reaction score
Plutonian living in Surrey.
I decided to post pics of Godfrey and Duncan daily, to share their cuteness :D

"Mum says we need plenty of Vitamin C, whatever that is. Vitamin Cavy? Vitamin Cute? She says we get it from veggies and pellets, which is good, because I love them both!"

"I have a nice soft bed, but I sleep here anyway. Godfrey keeps trying to sniff my nose so I have to squeak at him! I love him to bits really, but don't tell anyone!"
Awwwwwww :love: :drool: :love: Bless them! hope they got lots of treats after the cleaning!
"I told mum that you'd all be missing me, so here I am, invading Duncan's privacy!:woot:"
"And I'm here, gazing thoughtfully. I think it's time for a game of Dash Upstairs so Mum Has to Chase me. She loves it really! Mum caught Duncan JUST about to shake himself!"

"Godfrey likes teasing mum. I'm much calmer though. Look at my adorable pink ears!"
"Secretly, everyone knows I'm better-looking than Godfrey. And I have nicer fur.:cool:But Godfrey's a very close second."
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Those are some very well named pigs! Godfrey definitely looks like his name should be Godfrey! Very fancy pigs.
"Good morning!:xd:Mum put us on fresh mats (she likes us keeping her company downstairs) so of course we had to do plenty of little poop bananas. I think we'll ask her for breakfast now. Wheek wheek!"

"For once I stayed still for a photo! Duncan's always so still, I like running around everywhere. I've given the humans lots of kisses today, but don't tell spread it around- I have a reputation;)"
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"Mum noticed we were losing interest in our carrot cottages, so she turned them upside down! Apparently our teeth never stop growing, so we have to nibble things a lot. So eating is good in several ways! Yay! She says sorry for the bad picture."

"Godfrey gave me a helping paw with the demolition, but I didn't need it. I told him I have degrees in Nibbleology AND Nibbleonomy but he still felt the need to keep an eye on me. I like these houses. Mum says it's lucky we can't eat our cage!"
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Wheek wheek! We told the humans that you'd be heartbroken without our antics (it's been WEEKS, and not the good kind of wheek) but she said something about a broken iPad camera. Huh. The only pads we know of are drip pads, which are excellent for peeing on. But the human promised tomorrow she will continue our journey! She says things like "I need to sleep" I mean honestly! Just curl up, sleep for ten minutes, then wake up and rumble at a nearby startled piggy. Humans! But we will return when the big warm yellow-white thing is in the sky, and the sky is blue. You know what we mean!

~The Bachelors:beer:
Hi Godfrey and Duncan, Willow and Marble here, Tiny's our mum/slave. We think you're both gorgeous boys, though our mum says we're never allowed boyfriends (she's so mean!) :)
"Hello! Honestly, I was trying to munch my pellets, when Duncan snuck up and rumbled at me! He has no manners. While I'm a perfect gentlepig, Duncan is simply too rumbly. I let him think he's the dominant piggy, when really I run things around here."

Ninja Duncan! He sneaks up through his fleece forest!

"What? Do I look the sort of piggy to rumble at my brother? I'm far too polite. I was in the loft the whole time, nibbling hay. Godfrey just has a vivid imagination. He must have seen a pig-sized piece of hay or something. Look at my innocent face!"
Hi Godfrey and Duncan, Willow and Marble here, Tiny's our mum/slave. We think you're both gorgeous boys, though our mum says we're never allowed boyfriends (she's so mean!) :)
Harsh! We can't have girlfriends because we're ruthless love machines. :wub:Did you say we're gorgeous? *blush* we think you're very beautiful girls too. Are there any pigtures of you we can see? :love:
:blink:Are those you, or just pictures of celebrity piglets?:luv:alas, we may never see you in person (piggy?) for we can't really drive. Unless one of us sat on the wheel while the other worked the pedal things:hmm:...but you are both beautiful girls! Fur like silk:love:
*two sets of piggy blushes*

We like our cage and our playpen and sometimes, if we're feeling in the mood, snuggling in mum's lap but that's it... if we go out of the big door it means we usually end up at the vets where other humans prod us and there are other animals (apparently some - quite obviously silly - humans don't have piggies, they have these annoying, massive, LOUD sniffy things called dogs, and they are NO fun for us, on account of them being annoying, massive and LOUD).

So we avoid any sort of transport and stay inside - we get all the food and love that way :))
*two sets of piggy blushes*

We like our cage and our playpen and sometimes, if we're feeling in the mood, snuggling in mum's lap but that's it... if we go out of the big door it means we usually end up at the vets where other humans prod us and there are other animals (apparently some - quite obviously silly - humans don't have piggies, they have these annoying, massive, LOUD sniffy things called dogs, and they are NO fun for us, on account of them being annoying, massive and LOUD).

So we avoid any sort of transport and stay inside - we get all the food and love that way :))
The vets! Oh the horror! And..dogs? Urgh, those odd creatures with tails. One of us squealed the place down at the vets..naming no names....they do things like look in our ears and through our fur. Humans are very weird creatures...at least they snuggle us. And they make excellent toilets:love:
We do get annoyed at our human, she sometimes wants to cuddle and sometimes wants to make me (Willow) drink horrible tasting stuff, she mixes it with juice but I can tell it's poison and don't worry, I squirm A LOT to let her know this is not on so she stops but then does it again the next day! She just doesn't get the hint. But she's ok, if we wheek loads she gets yummy stuff. Could be worse, she could have these things we've heard of called 'pets', we don't like the idea of those, mum might love them and that wouldn't be good for us!
"Hello again humans! Mum took an extra few pigtures for some reason. Here's me having a rest (it's not easy being a piggy.) Mum said we're meant to go INSIDE the cube, but hey- we're rebels. And why would they make it so comfy and soft to lie on top? Still, I can go on top and inside. But not at the same time!"






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"Godfrey took up so much room with his pics, so I'll have loads myself. Here I am, just being Duncan. I don't know why the human takes SO MANY pictures! She also makes noises like "ahh! Awww!" And "Why are you kissing my toes?" There are noisy things outside that go WHEEE-BANG! I don't know what they are, but they don't really bother me. I expect it's some kind of weird bird."






We do get annoyed at our human, she sometimes wants to cuddle and sometimes wants to make me (Willow) drink horrible tasting stuff, she mixes it with juice but I can tell it's poison and don't worry, I squirm A LOT to let her know this is not on so she stops but then does it again the next day! She just doesn't get the hint. But she's ok, if we wheek loads she gets yummy stuff. Could be worse, she could have these things we've heard of called 'pets', we don't like the idea of those, mum might love them and that wouldn't be good for us!
I've heard of pets. Very very odd. Luckily our humans only love us.
Maybe your human IS poisoning you! Wheeking is excellent communication. Sometimes when the human is due to bring us the foods, we squeak at the top of our voices so she makes odd faces. But when we yell at them we don't always get food! We'll have to train them properly. It would be nice if we could speak their odd language, but in reality they should speak ours. Or should I say, SQUEAK ours:cool:
Godfrey, you need to go on top of the cube while Duncan's inside it - he'd love that as he'd be extra snuggly, right?
Hey, he'd love that! He'd make happy noises, like the noises humans make when you sit on their faces: "hmmph", "eek", "mnnghfff". We could call it- The Sandwich.
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