Dental Dental work in SW


New Born Pup
Feb 27, 2014
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I live in far West Cornwall, and our vets are more attuned to cows than guinea pigs. I suspect I have a piggy with dental or other mouth issues and was wondering if anyone can recommend a vet for dental checks and work in particular in the SW. The vet locator is showing a few a couple of hours away in E Cornwall and Devon, but to save me ringing them all and trying to work out their experience in e.g. teeth trimming, does anyone have any recommendations? Prepared to travel to Devon or Somerset for the little fella if it is to someone who really knows and is interested in pigs, not the sort of vet that says there are only two sorts of guinea pig, live ones and dead ones! Am syringe feeding him. Interested in food, but he doesn't get stuck in, which is not him at all! A rehomed pig that started out life on rabbit food, which gave him teeth troubles in his first year. I guess he's around 4 now.
A lot of members here, including me, can recommend Cat & Rabbit Care Clinic in Northampton. Simon Maddock is by far the best vet for dental piggies. I know it's quite far but I believe @Bill & Ted can give you an idea coz she lives in Cornwall as well.
Sadly I have absolutely no good news stories about vets in Cornwall and guinea pig dentistry. I have been to a good local vet and an exotic vet in Truro and both made a mess, especially the exotic vet. I have been taking my Ted up to Northampton for 8 week interval dentals for the past 2 years. Simon Maddock at the Cat and Rabbit Clinic is amazing and does conscious dentals so no nasty anaesthetics and eating hay straight away. The only draw back is the 600 miles round trip which we did with an overnight hotel stay. Been stumped with the virus lock down so Ted is lodging at TEAS Furryfriends Charity for Piggies with Special Needs for the last 3 months who are also based in Northampton.
I have been to see a vet called Jess at Dart Vale Vets in Brixham who filed my other piggies Problem incisor which grew very pointy after it broke. She can do conscious dentals too but has not the vast experience that Simon Maddock has attained over many years of doing dentals. She will certainly have a proper look in his mouth and tell you if it’s dental and my well be able to the problem teeth down. Good luck, let us all know how you get on x
Well the piggy is holding up with critical care, and we have a trip booked to see Simon in Northampton when he's back from his hols in a couple of weeks...

All the best! Good that you have got an appointment with Simon.
Well the piggy is holding up with critical care, and we have a trip booked to see Simon in Northampton when he's back from his hols in a couple of weeks...
I think you are making the right choice to travel up there, he’s amazing! good luck X
All going well thankfully. Simon diagnosed an abscess lower jaw one side, which was causing him pain and explained why he'd worn his front teeth diagonally. Also tongue partially trapped in fur way down (- he is a Swiss ted so not short of fluff - what he'd pulled out cleaning himself up after syringe feeding I'm guessing - not so much of an issue now as his cage mate has learned to lick him clean, and the spoon I use to fill the syringe too!). He's been on pain relief and antibiotics, has gained some weight, and is now able to largely feed himself again. Back on the grass and cucumber. Roly lives to see another day!
All going well thankfully. Simon diagnosed an abscess lower jaw one side, which was causing him pain and explained why he'd worn his front teeth diagonally. Also tongue partially trapped in fur way down (- he is a Swiss ted so not short of fluff - what he'd pulled out cleaning himself up after syringe feeding I'm guessing - not so much of an issue now as his cage mate has learned to lick him clean, and the spoon I use to fill the syringe too!). He's been on pain relief and antibiotics, has gained some weight, and is now able to largely feed himself again. Back on the grass and cucumber. Roly lives to see another day!
Aw that’s lovely news x