Hello. I'm Lynne and I'm just about to go in to my second night of 2 hourly syringe feeding. Cookie had a dental procedure on Monday (so he's 3 days post op) and he's struggling to eat, as I see many guineapigs do. We were back at the vets yesterday. She said his teeth look fine following work on his molars and incisors. She gave me painkiller and motility medication which he hadn't come out with because they said following the GA he was eating and pooping. I've been syringe feeding since Tuesday but only every 2 hours since 3 30pm. Cookie is pooping much better and taking the syringe quite well - generally 5mls each time with a bit of water. He is unable to pick pellets, veg up and if he does manage it falls out mostly. He's currently eating some cucumber but is taking tiny pieces. He struggles to get purchase on anything. He did however eat 3 dandelions today that I passed to him which is a big improvement to yesterday when he couldn't chew and get it in his mouth. He is trying to eat straw but just can't get it in. My question (finally!) is, is it likely we will make progress with time? Will his ability to pick up, rip and tear possibly improve with time? Or do I look at contacting the vets in Nottingham for an appointment? I'm about an hour and a half away but would have to see if I could get someone to take me. In anticipation, thank you for your time. So worried