Junior Guinea Pig
Thank you, everyone. I'll try again this afternoon. ❤
Thank you, Debbie. ❤ I was getting concerned because nothing is draining. As far as i know, the abscess capsule hasn't been removed which is why we're focusing on the flushing aftercare but every time we go to flush/clean it there's nothing there. Her fur is perfectly dry. No damp patches or anything sticky or crusty. No smell at all. Absolutely nothing unless I scrub it with a pad to get some very faint browning. I was worried it's healed too quickly from the inside....It will look like a normal scab. It sounds like everything is going well and nothing to worry about. You only get scabs if blood and pus are draining.
Good grief! That's a big wound! What a brave little sausage. ❤That wound is looking amazing. Like Debbie said if there’s no gunk coming out it probably won’t form a scab as such. Just heal up nicely.
Peppers abscess was 4 cm wide so he had a large wound to start with.
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See what Simon says at the check up appointment. It’s looking good though.
Thank you again, "Abscess Queen"It sounds like a nice straightforward one. I’ve had ones like that and they’ve resolved really quickly! All good!
This is exactly what has happened to Pepper. He had his abscess last July/August. His bottom right incisor was wobbly, then fell out, then grew back half the width it was supposed to be. He is eating fine and has finally put on the weight he lost. I do cut his cucumber and pepper into long strips. Just in case. He’s managing just fine.
Hi. No problem. It was 9th June I noticed Peppers teeth were wonky and he lost weight. That was the start of the abscess saga. It was the 14 September that I noticed his wobbly tooth. Yes Simon also told me that it may grow back but may not. I’m not sure exactly how far below the gum line it broke.
By the 25th October it had grown back to normal length but thin.
Then he lost both bottom teeth. I’ve no idea how. But luckily he still ate fine. They both grew back to normal length. But one is still thinner. Hope that helps.
You’ve done well to keep it open as long as you have. When’s her next check up at vets? It all sounds fine to me xx
Thanks! I might keep blasting salt water at it a few times a day to help it but I should probably stop picking and pulling at it. We've just finished our first bottle of Zithromax and have a second bottle to mix up tonight. I've just got to get her to next Thursday now. One step at a time... Thanks again, both of you.12 days is great. I’d leave it alone now. At some point it has to heal. The Zithromax will keep working on it. My piggy didn’t start to eat again properly until the course of Zithromax was finished. He had a two bottle course.