
Your set up looks amazing, lucky animals! But can I just ask, I thought rabbits and guinea pigs couldn't be together as they can pass diseases or something?
I've heard that too, mine have always lived in the same shed/garden different hutches with no problems. :tu:
No offence taken. ;) My piggies have always had interaction with the buns, the buns are very protective of the pigs and have been known to chase errant curious cats out of the garden. The piggies have their own rabbit free accommodation so they're safely closed away at night, whereas the buns free range 24/7 during the summer. ;)
Just caught up on this entire thread. What lucky pigs and bunnies you have. A whole garden to explore. Amazing :tu:
Yep, he's no shorter than the girls now, plus the shed is always heated so he won't get cold. ;)
One of my ladies has always had awful thick fur and really scurfy skin (we don't know what's its caused by, despite loads of vet visits), she is so miserable every time we brush her!

For the last couple months we've been giving her a buzz-cut every so often and she is so much happier, popcorning about. For some pigs, long hair is just a hindrance!
He looks even bigger with his fur clipped right down, I got it shorter than last time.
I use a Wahl Super Micro trimmer; be warned though, it's still not powerful enough to cut through the most difficult of hair. I need to give a quick chop with scissors to get the worst of the length off, then buzz it. I have found using the bare blade, I can get a very neat bum trim by putting my finger up against the blade (no risk of cutting, don't worry).

I know my vet (same as where @BossHogg gets his trims) uses Oster professional-grade clippers (similar to this one). They cut through hair like butter, but are very expensive!
In an attempt to keep Ronnie from eating the pigs pellets, I rigged up a door for the bottom level with a hole just big enough for the pigs to get in and out. I then screwed in hooks to hang a grill to. Not only would it stop Ronnie, it would keep the pigs safe from passing cats - WRONG!


He crawled in on his belly, then crawled up the ramp to get to the food! Back to the drawing board! :))
He's that stoopid, he didn't notice I'd filled his own bowl with pig pellets. :))